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Cornered Rats Chapter; Idea for new Killer, Survivor, and Map

GaiaVellir Member Posts: 4
edited October 2020 in Creations


The Rat - The Rat is a creature resembling a fusion of man and rat. The rat attacks using swarms of rats, bugs, snakes, and whatever other verminous creatures happen to be nearby. He  seemingly has a mental connection to these creatures. He moves faster than most killers, but as a consequence, he isn't very strong and cannot easily down survivors. His power, Vermin Swarm sends out a wave of myriad pests within his terror radius to track and debilitate survivors. The Rat has a small stature and also has a smaller terror radius than most killers.

His actual name is Simon Elbert Finnik. Before his hideous transformation, he was a veteran of the gulf war. After the fighting stopped, he like many others, found himself homeless and betrayed by his own country. But unlike many others, he didn't take it hard. For him it just made a good cover for his real job, which was acting as a hired assassin. He was known for his quick and clean methods but also for his sense of character. He would always refuse a job if it involved killing innocent people. This earned him the ire of a potential employer, who wanted to ensure he recieved a certain inheritance instead of his siblings. When the body turned up, the man fabricated evidence framing Simon for the killing. Now on the run, Simon made his home in an abandoned subway tunnel constantly scheming to get revenge. He lived off the scraps people would leave in the streets and trash-cans, and occassionaly would eat whatever creatures he could catch in the dank tunnels. He eventually found his chance and was able to kill the man who framed him. On that dark night however a thick fog had rolled in. The police found a body holding a gun, with a glaring knife wound to the chest but no signs of any perpetrator or the weapon. Simon awoke in a maze of trees with a voice ringing in his head. From the treeline he noticed people camping by a fire, but before he could get their attention the voice practically screamed in his mind. Kill Them. Before it could affect him anymore he ran further into the forest. For many months he refused to do the voices bidding and each time his body was changed a little more. The rats would crawl upon him, sometimes forcing themselves down his throat. His body began to grow fur, his hands became gnarled and clawed, and he began to only be capable of crawling on his hands and knees. The entity constantly reminding him of his brutal profession and breaking apart any justification, eventually caused his mind to falter. Because he had lived his life like a rat in a sewer, he would now hunt his new masters prey in the shape of a rat.


Vermin Swarm - You send out verminous creatures to track survivors within your terror radius. This power has no effect while you are undetectable. Survivors found by the vermin will be attacked, causing them to suffer from the diseased status. The diseased status reduces all action speeds of the survivor by 1% for each stack of disease. Disease can stack up to 10 times, increasing by 1 stack for each time they are found by the vermin. A diseased survivor can use a med kit to remove all stacks of disease from themselves or another survivor, and become immune to it for the next 30 seconds. A survivor with Botany Knowledge does not require a med kit. An injured survivor with at least 3 stacks of disease will be put into the dying state if hit with the Rats basic attack. A survivor with at least 5 stacks of disease cannot benefit from the Endurance or Haste status until they are no longer diseased. A survivor with 10 stacks of disease suffers from the exposed status. Being attacked by the vermin also has a 25% chance of causing a survivor to scream. After being used, vermin swarm goes on a 10 second cooldown. *Healing Priority is as follows: Mending>Healing>Curing

Basic Attack - The Vermin swipes at survivors with rat-like claws. A successful attack against an injured survivor will put that survivor into the deep wounds status. A successful attack against a survivor with deep wounds will put that survivor into the dying state.

Height: 5'2" Runs on all fours.

Speed: 125%

Terror Radius: 24 meters


Irridescent Medal(Ultra Rare) - Your terror radius becomes 32 meters, and cannot be altered. When you use your vermin swarm, it now causes 2 stacks of disease to each survivor in your terror radius. Survivors now lose 1 stack of disease for every 15 seconds they are not within your terror radius.

The Pied Piper(Ultra Rare) - You no longer need to activate your vermin swarm. Instead for every 10 seconds a survivor is within your terror radius, they gain 1 stack of disease. Survivors will never scream from being attacked by your vermin while this add-on is in effect. *Note: While using this add-on, you cannot activate other add-ons that rely on your vermin swarm to be on or off cooldown, or requires you to hit a survivor with the ability.

Rat Skull Fetish(Very Rare) - Considerably reduces the cooldown of vermin swarm.(-3 seconds)

Viscous Substance(Very Rare) - Considerably increases the action speed penalty given by disease.(+1%)

Old Tabloid(Very Rare) - Your terror radius is increased by 8 meters. You see the auras of diseased survivors within your terror radius while your vermin swarm is ready. Signifigantly increases the cooldown of vermin swarm. (+5 seconds)

Broken Tags(Rare) - Your basic attack will put an injured survivor into the dying state. Your movement speed is reduced by 10%

Maintenance Key(Rare) - Moderately reduces the cooldown of Vermin Swarm. (-2 seconds)

Severed Tail(Rare) - Your terror radius is increased by 12 meters. Your speed becomes 115% and cannot be altered.

Railway Pass(Uncommon) - Your terror radius is reduced by 8 meters. Survivors you hit suffer from the oblivious status for 30 seconds.

Tunnels Map(Uncommon) - Your terror radius becomes 32 meters. Your vermin swarm is no longer within your terror radius. Instead you must charge the power to use it. For every 2 seconds you charge your power, the radius affected increases by 8 meters, to a maximum of 64 meters. You move at 110% speed while charging your power.

Bullet Casing(Uncommon) - Gives a 100% chance that at least 1 survivor hit with your vermin swarm will scream. Unaffected by Calm Spirit if that survivor is the only one within range.

Camouflage Jacket(Common) - Your terror radius is increased by 4 meters.

Drowned Rat(Common) - Survivors suffering from deep wounds will not have their timer paused while being chased. Your base speed is reduced to 115%

Burnt-out Cigarette(Common) - Your basic attacks apply the blindness status for 30 seconds.


Hex: Pestilence - Survivors within your terror radius cannot recover from the dying state by themselves. Dying survivors within your terror radius recover 10/20/30% slower. Survivors cannot recover from timed afflictions until they leave your terror radius. A dying survivor that leaves your terror radius recovers 50% faster and can recover from the dying state by themselves.

Fly on the Wall - You see the auras of survivors within 6/12/18 meters of the farthest incomplete generator from you. This perk does not activate if that generator is blocked by the entity.

Nimble Predator - You vault windows 100% faster and you can see the aura's of survivors within 8 meters of a window you vault using this perk. This perk can only activate once every 120/90/60 seconds.


Caleb Techevy - Born as the scion to rather wealthy business, Caleb grew up with just about everything a kid could want. Despite this he hated the stifling atmosphere of being the rich kid, and  chose to adopt a more urban ascetic to better fit the San Francisco scene in his mind. When he was 14 he joined his first gang and found that he liked the lifestyle, however it wasn't meant to last. Arguments and differences of opinion caused it to collapse, but Caleb would not be deterred. For the next 8 years he was between gangs, and he learned to be streetwise in many ways. He gave up his inheritance and commited himself to being the guy that knows everything thats happening in the city. When he was 22, he recieved word that his father had been murdered and they couldn't  catch the killer. Every source claimed the murderer was some homeless man, but Caleb knew better. The true killer had been his uncle, and it was likely an inheritance dispute, but who was gonna believe that without proof. Caleb would have his own form of vengeance though. His most recent gang called themselves the Metro Dogs and they had made their hangout in an abandoned subway tunnel. It was there that Caleb had his chance meeting with the man accused of the murder, who had hidden himself in those same tunnels. Caleb managed to reason with the man and together they made a plan. The fog was thick the night Caleb went to meet his uncle. He claimed it was to talk about the murder and the inheritance, but his uncle would find no one there except an angry man with a knife and a point to prove. The same day the police found the body, they also recieved a missing persons report for a 22 year old. Neither case would ever be solved.


Word on the Street - You can see the killers aura for 2/4/6 seconds whenever you enter their terror radius. This perk can only activate once every 30 seconds.

Slam Dunk - Hitting a killer with a pallet breaks the pallet but causes the killer to be stunned for 2 seconds longer. You gain a 3/5/8% Haste effect for as long as the killer is stunned by a pallet you dropped. After using this perk, you suffer from the exhaustion status for 40 seconds. This perk will not activate while you are exhausted.

Dangerous Curiosity - You open chests 25% faster. Whenever you begin unlocking a chest, the killer hears a loud noise in your direction. When you open a chest you are guarunteed to find an item of Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare or higher rarity, and a second item of lower rarity.


Abandoned Subway - A large map consisting of a portion of a subway tunnel. Several wrecked cars line the tracks and while there are few pallets, there are many windows and interesting chase points. Has many high and low areas. Map Key: Wooden Signs Represent pallets, white [X]'s represent potential generator locations, warning signs represent potential basement placements, pink lines are connecting bridges from high locations, green lines are ramps, and light blue lines on the walls are windows. The exit gates are at the north and south end of the map.

Hopefully this catches a few peoples interest. I decided to actually take time to come up with a story idea for the characters this time. I am open to suggestions on improvements.

Post edited by GaiaVellir on
