if you could effectively kill off any survivor and never have them in dbd again who would they be

ace hes kinda pointless unless everyone brings up the ante salty lips and slippery meat
and that swf build has been made obsolete by deliverance so off to the gulag with you.
OoO is going in the dumpster.
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See ya' in the next HALLOWEEN remake, Laurie!
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If I really believe Hag is a survivor can I choose her? She's small so technically she could pass for a Nea.
Otherwise it would be Nea.
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Either Ace, miss defensive strike, mr loud fat ass or Jake
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I have never, NOT EVER, in 2000+ hours played with a Jane that wasn’t selfish and anti-team friendly.
It’s like a curse or sth.
When those players play as other survivor characters they quite possibly play all-in to support the team.
I need to play with some Pro Jane Mains to debunk this malediction that hovers over the aura of Miss Romero.
...also, her grunts and moans are loud, unsavory and mildly obnoxious, imo, regardless of how anyone plays her.
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Quentin. Every prestige quentin is useless teammate and toxic survivor.
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Claudette. She's mostly used by beginners and extremely toxic players.
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I second Claudette's nomination. Any match where I have to hunt around for several Blendettes who have decided to become one with nature (especially in the Swamp) is a rough match. There probably isn't a survivor who more enables hyper-stealth (and possible match-hostage situations) than Claudette.
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Send ash back to a world where he can actually fight back
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Fung min her scream makes me hate her for some reason.
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She's my favorite character and it pains me that she gets so much hate. I understand it, especially how toxic people can be with her, but I still think shes the best Survivor.
On topic, it would have to be Laurie if it means their perks go too. If not, then Ash, he's so annoying.
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I main her but i agree
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I was a toxic claud main, but I was toxic to the killer. Now, I'm the same thing but with feng.
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Claudette. I hate how people use her to be ######### a lot of the time. She's not called Blendette for nothing.
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As a Quentin main, I am offended.
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Feng Min.
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OoO is my favourite survivor though :(
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Claudette as she’s basically invisible at times and me being colourblind makes things worse.
Also if the perks go as well then I wouldn’t be too sad to see Self Care gone and people will be less equipped to run away from a rescuer to waste time in a corner rather than getting the faster heal from their teammate :’)
Edit to fix spelling
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If I had to choose, I would probably get rid of Steve, but not because I hate him. If I went by that metric, Nea would be gone in the blink of an eye.
I just really don't like how the Stranger Things chapter brought two Survivors (it completely throws off my OCD) and Nancy actually has some good perks, so I can't really vote her out.
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I think most killer mains would want to get rid of Laurie because of DS and OoO.
Blendette is a close second.
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Laurie, just for OoO
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Meg, I don't hate the character, I hate the people who play the character. Always have, Always will.
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The Chode, Her perks are abusable to either bully the killer or leave your friends for dead
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the biggest effect that his absence would have on the game is the removal of pebble
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Goodbye Laurie
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Laurie. No more Decisive Win, no more Object of Permatabs.
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Meg for sure
Can deal with baby Dweets, Self caring Claudette or any of the other survivor stereotypes
However Megs annoy the hell out of me. No matter what rank they are they always managed to be the most potato people on the team.
They usually always disconnect or kill themselves on the hook for stupid reasons.
They are notorious for camping pallets even though they're not getting chased which means they usually end up getting you hit because they body blocked you.
They almost always without fail leave me until I get into second stage, farm me or decide that it's a smart idea to loop the killer around the hook (making it super difficult to save me and even if I do get saved I'm usually easy tunnel bait because of how close I am to the Killer) sometimes they do all three because apparently they didn't think I have enough reason to hate them.
Nine times out of ten anytime one of my teammates throws the game and get everybody killed it's usually a Meg
Also despite having the largest amount of cosmetics Meg mains always seem to be whining about how they're not getting cosmetics.
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I have two, l couldn’t split them
Jake - always extremely selfish players
meg - l dunno why but people who main meg always seem to do the dumbest things in game.
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Too sneaky to be in this game
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Quentin. Just let him die, poor boy.
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Probably Claudette to delete all blendettes or Ace bc i think he's uncreative.
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Nea. Every single Nea I've been teamed with/played against is a N00b3 wannabe who throws the entire match just to get a flashlight save- and doesn't end up getting it anyway. My most useless teammates always happened to be Neas.
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Laurie just so I can be a total ass and tunnel every survivor put 0 effort in winning my matches going full ez mode /s
Nah but probaly Cheryl I just dislike soul guard even if its rare
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I think it would be great if they made Ash in to a killer. All his kills are accidents or mistakes and his vibe is he thinks he's helping the survivors.
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Nothing personal Laurie...
Scratch that
hell yeah it's personal, F you and your teachables.
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Definitely Laurie. Fudge DS, Fudge Object and Sole Survivor is useless anyway. Wake the fudge up Michael, we have a Laurie to burn.
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Nea, she's a total not nice person and people that play her are usually toxic.
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Hey, language. You're not being a very friendly person.
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In terms of how they've been when I've took them on as killer - Adam Francis. Out of all of them, he stands out as the character played as a janky lil' prick by survivors.
In terms of character, Feng Min. She sounds like a really arrogant and smug character, with little interest in others. She probably sees it as a game (I know it is, but say it wasn't) and sees other survivors as npcs. Don't like her.
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All the people hating Jeff break my heart.
Like, I get hating Nea; most 'toxic' people play her or Claudette. I get hating Quentin; it's natural to become jealous when exposed to what is quite clearly the nigh unattainable peak of humanity.
But Jeff is just a chill guy. He loves art, heavy metal, and his dog. The people who play him are generally chill too.
Stop hating Jeff :'(
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Yikes, you’re a weirdo. Seek therapy lol
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Adam, hate his stupid face
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sorry I thought it would censor it. won't happen again
I actually am quite friendly.
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Nea, can’t stand most of the people that play her. They either hide or t bag, I find they are usually better at hiding than claudettes lmao
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Assuming their perks stay, I've gotta say Meg. People who play her tend to be more inclined to make silly moves in my experience! Also, she gets so many cosmetics I think some others could use some love.
If perks don't stay, probably Ace. I actually like him but his are probably some of the worst. Steve is also on thin ice in this scenario.
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M E G!!! That face tho......😢
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No problem, and just so you know, the mods have to go through and edit your post to make it say the "[BAD WORD]" Thing it always says.