Licensed Archives Are Coming - Which One Do You Want?

As per this blog post -
Licensed Archives
- If there’s one thing you can expect from licensed characters, it’s for them to not stay quiet. We’ve got a few looking to tell their stories and The Archives is the perfect way to do it. Keep an eye out for some familiar faces making their way into a Tome & Rift soon.
I'm going to lean heavily towards it being Ghostface as that license has been (from what we can see) very open to allowing the developers to create and conjure their own outfits and lore.
Demogorgon, lol.
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Ahh true, they've been pretty open on that one too, Steve, Nancy & Demo all in one would be pretty great.
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I'm just curious about how they would tell demos story, since they haven't had a real backstory in the show, and he is probably the most unique killer when it comes to design in the roster.
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Amanda obvi
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Michael Myers.
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What a shame, BHVR
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Pig... would love to see the lore after being taken by the entity
Being in her first trail... seeing new test subjects
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Amanda, and Michael for sure.
After that it would be Nancy and Steve followed by Freddy to round out a top 5. If Nancy and Steve count as 1 then I'd have to go with Cheryl Mason. After all her Silent Hill experience I'd love to hear the lore of her getting stuck in another foggy realm.
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I'd love to get Amanda's story in the Archives. Like what someone said, instead of what happened in the movies, we see how she is in the Entity's realm and how she adjusted there.
Seeing Ghostface get more lore would be a cool addition as well since I'd love to read about someone who lives a double life as a journalist and serial killer.
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Amanda,Ash and Ghostface. It would be cool discovering how Amanda got in the entity's realm after her death. Ash would also be cool, the necronomicon could have take him to the entity's realm!. Ghostface would also be amazing, we don't know much about this guy, he's just there.
Killers or survivors from films like Halloween and Nightmare on elm's street would make no sense because we already have a detailed story about them, but that's just my opinion, everything would be cool.
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Things can change. Clearly they're able to negotiate more with the licence holders now than before and can do some things with the characters.
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Cheryl's is the one I want most. Her backstory will be nuts! lol
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Pyramid head and Amanda
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I'm thinking that GhostFace will definitely be the first licensed tome character, R.J Torbert (FunWorld Owner) has been the most welcoming and lenient to working with Dead by Daylight, he's even been teasing about the blighted GhostFace coming today.
The next licensed character I'm thinking will be Pig. Despite Peanits saying above that she and Michael will never be in tomes, keep in mind that screenshot was back when Tome 2 was still going on. Pig was one of the first licensed characters to get two cosmetics.
If not Pig then definitely some of the Stranger Things characters, Demo I don't see how it would work simply because it was just portrayed as a monster in the show, however I'd love to see what they can come up with.
(oh and a Leatherface tome would be dope)
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Ghostface is obviously the first one who is going to get one, hopefully they woll show us his face.
Pig as others have stated would be really cool!
But my personal favorites are Cheryl an Laurie ( but i think Laurie is really unlikelly)
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I don't really care who we get license wise but they better have some free cosmetics on the rift. All my licensed killers are running default/prestige.
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This isn't a bad thing.
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Pig 100%
My hopes for a reverse bear trap charm have ignited once again.
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For killers, I know it’s probably not happening but I’d love a unique Demo tale. As for survivor, definitely Cheryl!
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I'd love Nancy and Steve but I'm hoping for Cheryl so we can actually get some unlinked outfits for her, I don't like the blazers on her green outfits and I think her default skirt is ugly.
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Hi, I would imagine any challenges relating specifically to the characters would be on end nodes, so as not to hamper progress. We have already seen how perks relating to the specific archive end up in the shrine, so you would only be missing out on a very small number of challenges in the grand scheme of things.
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Most likely Ghost Face or Pig, that girl's been allowing quite a bit more in comparison to the others besides Ghost Face.
Would be cool if she could start wearing different animal heads, even though that goes against her Killer name.
The one who needs it is Nightmare, with Cannibal in a close 2nd place.
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My biggest bet it would be Ghostface since this isn't scream GF so they can grow more into that. Pyramid head maybe, it could explain a bit more why he's in the game lore-wise/ what I mean is that I would like to see another reason he is in the realm of the Entity, and if he is here to punish Cheryll for her sins then what for then, what did she do to deserve punishment? I like that they are opening up with licensing, but I want them to focus on the characters experiences in the game rather than the films.
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From a playstyle standpoint? Leatherface is probably the licensed killer I would probably like playing the most
From a lore:tm: standpoint? Amanda or Ghostface.
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I really want pig with demo as a close second.😁
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I'm pretty sure it's Ghostface because in one of the surveys asking who you wanted archive lore for he was the only licensed option you could choose.
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My man BUBBA
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I think Ghostface, Demo, and Pig are coming up because BHVR seems to have more freedom with them.
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Demo wakes early to tend to her eggs, suddenly a WildBarb! Appears! No! My eggs!
Gimme all your omelets..the horrible WildBarb! Says while rubbing her hands together menacingly.
From that point WildBarb! Steals the eggs and Demo is off on a big adventure to get them back. It ends with eggs hatching and baby Demos going down WildBarb!'s throat. Then Demo eats a huge slice of cake.
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Chances are they'll have their own seperate premium only rift or something. Hopefully not timed. Wanted this for a while.
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Ghost Face is definitely getting one, RJ is just so cooperative and genuinely seems to enjoy working with BHVR on his character.
But everyone seems to be forgetting that Bill is FREE. While I'm honestly not expecting any Archive for him for a while, everyone has access to him, making all of his challenges readily available.
I just really want actual lore for the Halloween and Stranger Things cast, because there might as well be nothing there. Leatherface, Nightmare on Elm Street, Saw, Ash and (to a lesser degree) the Silent Hill characters have decent backstories while Nancy is sitting around with a single, non-descriptive paragraph and Laurie and Michael aren't even explained in their way to the realms.
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Yoooooooo thats sick. I think its gonna be a PH and Ghost Face archive. Ghost Face doesn't have a tome despite being OC, not to mention RJ is super cooperative; and Silent Hill has gotten tons more content than everyone else.