
with SWF with OOO with Spine chill LOL
Ikr? Those pesky twitch streamers playing the videogame and using perks. How could they do that to you?! Killer mains are always so oppressed I propose survivors never use perks because they are not fun to go against as a killer main.
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Like someone else said from your other post, just alt-tab and do something else. You’re not forced to play the match if you know you’re going to have a stressful time.
If the streamer is childish and sends a “witchhunt” after you for being afk then report them. Win win.
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what's your strat against 4x4 ooo and spinechill?
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Play the game? Idk either they're not very good and have no idea how to use object and spine chill or they're actually good and would've had a good chance of winning even without those perks. You're not expected to win against that, just like you're not expected to win against a good nurse. Just play it out, move onto the next one because you're probably not gonna have many matches where every survivor has object and spine chill. That's incredibly rare.
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so i asked you what your strat is and you're telling me to give up vs that situation...
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Yep, because it's not something you're expected to win against. DbD do be like that sometimes. There's quite a lot of things in this game that have virtually no real counter.
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Best tactic against that combo: Don't give them what they want but take the reigns. They think being like that holds the biggest entertainment value, try to take the mic from them. it's tricky, but can work out.
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is that how you real life? You just take it?
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Idk I always think to just play the match out. I might play a little bit more of a scumbag if the opportunity arises but that's really it. Unless they're all running sprint burst and object and send me to Midwich. I refuse to play that out and will just DC (and if I get banned for saying this then lol see you on the other side because I know admitting to DCing on the forums is punishable by death by the mods.)
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4 objects? That's more advantageous to you than it is to them. Might be a bit distracting, but the best advice I can give you is focus, don't get emotional and play normally. This match is much easier to win than a swf with 1 object - all of that's assuming that you're around the same skill level. If they're better than you, then take the loss and learn from it
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Just because they have ttv in their name doesn’t actually mean they are any good.
lnfact most ttv players l have met are pretty rubbish at the game.
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I’ve gone against that before. It’s not easy but I still try to play it. I mean, giving up is far from an option for me.
It’s harder to mind game at loops but it’s doable. Idk I honestly think it just depends on the skill levels of the players. I have found very bad players trying to pull this off and the fact that I can see they ends up biting them in the behind in the end.
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imagine using perks and omg ######### streaming when playing, ######### pathetic that people are allowed to do these things they should get banned
so what is the point of this post again?
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The takeaway here is OoO is stupid. Plz rework soon. And TTV folks will tbag and bring SWATdettes and harass you all day long, for those delicious views, because toxicity and ragequit content is like attracting flies with crack laced sugar. Even though they prolly only got like 15 viewers. (Not all do ofc. Disclaimer)
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funnily enough, when that happens, at least that's what i observed, find yourself a nice spot and go on a 'smoke break*... like, don't pretend to be afk. just... be on a break. often the survivors will come to you and try to get you into attacking them etc.
I once ran a match where it happened and I ran devour hope. they didn't even try to do bones, popped 2 gens and then looked for me to be annoying. The match was over fairly quickly after that when DH got its stacks in.... twas fun