Every Killer Ranked By Evilness

Artangels Member Posts: 23
edited October 2018 in Lore

Hello guys, I've been thinking about this for a while so I decided to make a ranking of evilness for the killers, I think that each one of them has a very different personality and this also differs from how much they really are heartless beasts or just victims of situations. The ranking will be placed in the form of groups, where I will divide the various classifications. I hope you like and tell me your opinion :D
So lets begin!

True Evil
1- Michael Myers: I mean, its Michael Myers, he is evil incarnate, he did not need motives, he is simply a complete sociopath, he is evil in its purest form, since he was a child, all he ever did was kill, and that's all he lives for
2- Freddy Krueger: Considering that the Freddy we have in DBD is the one from 2010's movie, it is easy to say that freedy is, and always had been a bad person, not showing any motives or remorse he tortured and abused children, and supposedly not even hell wanted him, no wonder he became a demon.
3- Kenneth "Jeffrey Hawk" Chase: Okay, we all know that The Clown did not have an easy childhood, his mother died in his labour, ruining the relationship with his father, yet I believe he deserves to be in this category because he never showed any remorse in committing any act against the life animals and people, he shows serious signs of being a sociopath, having tortured people for days until he killed them. In addition he has set up a collection with the fingers of his victims, which is very disturbing

4- Evan MacMillan: This one was difficult and I'm still not sure if he is in the right place. Evan committed a mass murderer, okay, he certainly was not a very nice guy, yet his real motives remain hidden, and he didn't seem to have a sadistic pleasure in torturing people like the previous killers, also he does not seem to had a super healthy relationship with father. I know he's probably a monster but since we haven't so many details he will be in here for now (it is important to note that evan also appears to have suffered many tortures by the entity, which indicates that he probably wasn't too happy about killing more people... or simply does not like being controlled)
5- Herman Carter: I always thought that The Doctor was a sadistic psychopath, but after analyzing some facts I realized that this was not true. Firstly, in his own lore it was said that he had, at first, good intentions. Secondly, he probably felt very coerced to use violence in the institute. And third, it was said that the equipment used in his head was not placed by him, so... he was probably tortured by the entity to kill, moreover he shows high levels of insanity, probably caused by the entity as well. Yet, Carter seemed to be a very cruel and inhuman person, and certainly didn't shoq any ethics during his years at Léry's Memorial Institute.

Committed atrocities but with reasons
6- Amanda Young: The only reason I don't believe Amanda is really a bad person is the fact that she probably has borderline personality disorder, this is indicated by her fragility when alone, as well as her extreme dedication to John Kramer and by her self-harm behaviors. Yet, unlike Kramer, Amanda was known for making inescapable traps, killing several people. Maybe she deserves to be in the group above, but due to her mental frailty I can understand that her actions were not carried out by pure sadism.
7- Sally Smithson: Sally Smithson may have committed the murder of fifty-four people, but we must consider that she never showed any sign of being a bad person, and most likely the crime she committed was a sign of a psychotic event triggered by years of extremely exhausting work at the Asylum, making her lose her entirely sanity. Her mori also seems to show that Sally still carries within herself some empathy. For me its still unclear if in the realm of the entity she has any awareness of her acts, or if she still believes in some way that she is simply a nurse trying to help others.
8- Philip Ojomo: Philip may have indirectly killed many people, but he has always been a victim in the hands of Azarov, and the murder of his boss, although brutal, was somehow justified. The wraith also seems to have suffered countless tortures in the hands of the entity, which also indicates that he was probably not so willing to kill more innocents.

Tortured souls
7- Rin Yamaoka: Rin has never been evil, what she is today is the result of an act of violence and insanity. Besides not killing anyone during his life Rin seemed to be very close to his mother. The only reason she is not entirely innocent is the fact that, like the hag, she chose revenge, and thanks to the pact made, she is now a vengeful spirit taken by wrath. Although she is probably aware of her actions, her transformation is understandable considering the torture she passed in the hands of her father.
8- Lisa Sherwood: Much like Rin, Lisa is only the result of the desire for revenge on her aggressors, the only difference that makes me believe that Lisa is slightly more innocent is the fact that she probably lost all kind of human consciousness, living today much more like an animal, all she needs is to feed, even after hitting a survivor Lisa is seen drinking the blood that flows from her claws, her mori is a desperate act of survival, devoid of any human remnant, the hag is probably just a shadow of what Lisa was one day, so it's hard to blame her, since she became something like an animal.

Mind of a child
9- Max Thompson Jr.: The hillbilly may look sadistic and sociopathic, but it's important to remember that he spent most of his life locked up in a room being totally neglected by his parents. Without any real contact with human society all that remained was anger and loneliness. When he finally escaped all he did was killing those who could walk free, as he never could. Yet his brutality and anger are exceptional.
10- Bubba "Junior" Sawyer: Leatherface probably does not understand what he's doing, all he wants is to help his family, he does not want to disappoint them, he's afraid. Although brutal bubba appears to have the mind of a child, then it is difficult to blame him for his actions
11- Anna: In my opinion The Huntress is probably the most innocent killer. To begin with, she lived in a forest, so little human contact was to be expected. Secondly, she lost her mother while she was between 4-7 years old. She was alone, she needed to learn how to live as she knew: hunting, and soon she became almost like animal. Although Anna eventually hunted people she never did it only for sport, most probably only to defend its territory as well as obtain food. In addition to all this tragic situation Anna STILL tried to help little girls, even if they died Anna still tried her best, she just didn't know how to do it the correctly. I just think she still misses her mother, and then seeks to help the little girls, trying to be the mother she lost.


  • Doultime
    Doultime Member Posts: 82

    The huntress is hunting humans for sport, she grew tired of killing small game and bears. But she couldnt kill little girls so she is maybe in the amanda/sally level of evil imo. Also she might have been corrupted by the entity in order to mold a good killer.