Exploiting design flaws shouldn’t be bannable

It is banned in almost every other game, why it wouldn't be here?
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It’s the devs fault, I don’t think it should be banned in any game tbh unless it affects real life issues. Remember the fast walking nurse glitch where people got banned who werent even intentionally abusing it?
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The issue with them is usually that they give an unfair advantage. You obviously aren't INTENDED to be completely invlunerable in places, or unable to be picked up cos you crawled into the wrong position, so it's you choosing to break the rules. Whether it came about due to a bug you're choosing to exploit or third party software is really just splitting hairs.
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Yeah but how can the devs differentiate whats intentional and whats not? You could accidentally come across some bug and then get banned for it, no?
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Do you have any examples?
I don't know what this thread is about, but bug's have to be fixed. Not kept in the game and get people banned for them. OP is right.
In any online game that is somewhat competetive gamers will use what they have and make the best from it. This is totally normal. Obviously this also includes all kind's of Exploit's as they come up in every game. The Job of a developer is to have their games tested or test by themselves and solve those issues. Not banning players. They CAN bann anyone they want to, from a legal perspective there is (sadly) no refund included, but it's very bad buiseness practise to do so. Nothing unexpected though from Behavior Interactive. They don't care much about good or bad buiseness practises among developers.
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I. Rules of Conduct
While participating in the Game, you also agree to comply with certain rules of conduct that govern your use of the Game (“Rules of Conduct”), for example you may not:
[About 15 other Bullet Points that don't matter for this specific thing]
• Exploit errors in design, features which are not documented, and/or bugs to gain access that would otherwise not be available or to obtain any competitive advantage.
[Another 3 Bullet Points that don't matter]
@ThePolice You agreed to this so...
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This. Bhvr is a private company which, definitely under UK law, is able to create laws over matters which affect the public. In dbd, the EULA is this exact thing, and breaking these laws results in whichever punishment BHVR set (obviously they can't imprison you, but they can ban you). You signed the EULA, you deal with it.
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Repeatedly abusing design flaws to gain an advantage is cheating.
Cheating should get you banned.
Simple as that.
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This, if you don't want to be banned exploiting then stick to singleplayer games
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The first one that comes to mind is fortnite, usually if there's something a bug giving players an unfair advantage they will disable whatever feature is causing it, if they can't they will ban the players exploiting it.
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The difference with Fortnite is that Epic will most likely have fixed the bug before most people even realise it exists.
With DbD players get a 2 year window to find and abuse it.
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No. If someone takes advantage over game design flaw, exploits, bugs etc. and that person is doing this frequently then he/she should be banned. Thank you.
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What bug that was exploited and got people banned has lasted 2 years in this game?
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It's called over-exaggerating.
The point being that bugs in DbD usually take a long time to get fixed.
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Next he will say, Its should not illegal to hack banks, Its the developers fault for not fixing their security issues.
No, you agreed to EULA.
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Im not gonna exploit I just thunk thatcrule should be removed
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Then the devs should do better, BHVR isnt an indie company, maybe they should put some effort into their game
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Did you mean to reply to me?
Because I am not disagreeing with what you just said.
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O alright fair enough
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Hacking a bank is theft? I know I agreed to the EULA and I expect to get banned if I exploit, my point is that you shouldnt
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I agree that player exploits due to bugs should be banned.
If a bug stays in a game long enough, it becomes tech.
BHVR doesn't have a good reputation on fixing bugs quickly.
So when does a exploited bug become tech? That varies person to person, but after 100+ matches of seeing the bug it always starts to look like a tech.
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What kind of exploit are we talking?
I see uses of exploit's almost every day. Smaller and bigger ones where im not even sure what is an exploit and what not. Hag+Mad Grit = Exploit or feature? Crawling underneath a hook?
Like when an exploit isn ot newely explored but part of the game for month's or even years - How can the devs expect that nobody will use them? EVERY OTHER developer (especially big companys) push out hotfixes for those kind of issues. If they don't do that and instead push one DLC and cosmetic after another, then users will have to assume that these exploits are legit game features. There need's to be a rule for that. Some sort of deadline from discovery to a point where it becomes okey to use an exploit, because otherwise devs would never have to fix anything but can keep banning people for thing's they should have been fixed years ago (as in case with the hook crawl).
Too lazy to fix issues but not too lazy to push the ban button. That's just sad.
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Nah man, it isnt theft, the developers in the Bank designed the system to give out free money, if you just give it the right information.
Its the developers fault, right?
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The first thing I think when I see someone making posts like this is they should probably be immediately banned because you know they're exactly the type of person to exploit anything and everything.
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Yes but it has an actual, real lfe effect, not just a video game character moving faster than normal
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Video Games exist in real life? And you are ruining the experience of real life people enjoying the product.
Thats why its banned.
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Maybe the devs should put more effort into their game.
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How much more effort would "fix the exploits" ?
Maybe players should not use exploits and break their EULA.
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Survivor or killer?
I know an exploit with killer but not with survivor. Altough i have seen more then one red rank who was suspicously quick. Thinking about it ... i think i remember you ...
Is it an bug/exploit or did u used a third party tool?
I mean ... seriously now.
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Then you have zero risk of being banned due to exploiting "errors in design, features which are not documented, and/or bugs" from the EULA.
Still don't like the EULA saying that? Then you can easily and politely not agree to abide by the EULA anymore by going to Options -> Settings -> Privacy and clicking "Revoke Consent".
I mean you won't be able to play DBD anymore until you willingly agree to the EULA again but it'll easily solve your issue about it.
Oh yeah the EULA's literal first paragraph also, here you go.
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I know how to read, I’m saying it’s dumb the EULA says that because the devs can just be lazy and ban people instead of fixing the problem, I’m not someone who activley tries to abuse exploits but I dont think it should be a bannable offense.
and I don’t have zero risk of it happening, for a while nurse’s walking addon was bugged and made her go extremely fast, I use that addon on nurse if I’m doing a daily or anything because I’m trash at nurse. If I did that while the bug was still a thing I was at risk of being banned, same with Ash’s sound being bugged, I main ash so does me playing as ash while he is bugged mean I should be banned?
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People shouldn't be banned for simply finding an exploit (which sorta requires them "abusing" it at least once unless they find it via datamining or something).
But if you ask me stuff that's broken in a way the devs deem potentially too damaging to the gameplay experience should simply be disabled until fixed. No idea if that's feasible as whatever's broken might be involved in achievements and/or archive challenges though.
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Hacking is using an outside programme which is completely different to using bugs which the developers (even though they didnt want to) implimented
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You shouldn't be banned for accidentally exploiting/finding out such things. Once you find something like that - you report the issue and STOP abusing it. Otherwise you deserve your ban.
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of course, I agree with people choosing not to abuse it, however as far as the system is concerned , one exploit is enough
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The sooner people realise that this game will always be riddled with bugs and exploits and accept that they shouldn't take advantage, the better
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If you unintentionally perform an exploit, than you shouldn't get banned.
However, if you abuse an exploit, then you should get banned.
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it’s impossible to tell the difference, someone could always say “I didnt know it was an exploit” or “I did this accidentally” when confronted.
what about stuff like ash being silent for a while? Should all people who played ash druing that time be banned?
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so are you saying it’s ok to hack?
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You. Agreed. To. The. EULA. Go revoke consent and or tell whoever is having an issue about the EULA if it's that big of an issue for you or them.
Also I'm not Behaviour or one of the people who enforce the EULA so please don't go asking me hypotheticals, if you have a question or issue about it then i'm sure contacting one of the Mods, Developers, or Customer Support would help as they're more likely to know about these types of things.
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Someone i knew used a glitch on overwatch to get torbs turret through a wall in comp. Guess what he got banned for?
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I'm going to add something to this - we do notify people with regards to when an exploit is bannable, and it's usually one that's pretty game breaking such as Legion's blades. It's not something that's done randomly.
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No, stretched res is not fine.
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If I leave a knife on my bench, how is it my fault if you pick it up and mug someone?
It's the same principle. And it is written into the EULA, so even if morality means nothing to you then you're still bound by a contract you agreed to.
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Or you could like...not use exploits?
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Did I really just read this right?
You want exploits in game design to be...not bannable?
Yeah no, there is a reason why it is bannable as its RUINING SOMEONES GAME
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How is it the dev's fault exactly? They can't find every single bug that exists in every single patch as some are harder to earn, its also impossible to tell if people were or were not intentionally abusing a bug
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In any other game, regardless of developer, exploits are bannable. It isn't about the developers being lazy, it's about players not taking advantage of something to gain an unfair edge over others. It doesn't matter if the devs are currently working on it or not.
Imagine playing the game as X role and the counter role to that had some sort of exploit that caused you to not be able to play, I imagine you wouldn't be so happy with such an exploit being taken advantage of would you?
Not to mention, bugs aren't as easy to fix as you may think. It takes time, sometimes a LOT of time to work out what causes an issue and how to fix it. Sometimes patching one bug causes another. Sometimes patching the bug causes the bug to become worse. Sometimes patching another bug causes a previously patched bug to become broken again. We can't expect a dev team to instantly fix all bugs because some select few players would like to exploit the bugs.
Agreeing to the EULA means you read it and understand that using exploits will result in a ban. It isn't because the devs are lazy, but because while they're working on the bug/exploit in question they don't want anyone using it. All this post does is put a target on your head, marking you as a potential exploiter to the devs.
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Design flaws is their fault.
Knowingly exploiting them is your fault.
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Just a reminder Wake up was bugged to the point it fixes gens faster as well. That didn't stop survivors from using it with prove that self and other gens perks. Legion's mending cause everything to be slower as well. Didn't stop killers from exploiting.