Why did the Hag's protection symbols summon the Entity?

Orion Member Posts: 21,675
edited October 2018 in Lore

In case you're not aware, before she became the Hag, Lisa was taken by cannibals who slowly fed on her while she was still alive. With her dying breath, she drew protection symbols she'd learned from her village elders - very old magic. She became empowered by the Entity and was able to take her revenge.
The question is, why did that happen? Was it simply the location, the bloodshed, that drew the Entity to her? Or was it something more? Does her village have some connection to the Entity? What do you guys think?


  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Maybe there are people out there that know of the existence of the Entity and worship it. Somewhere down the line they figured out a way to call to the Entity.

    I feel like it could be more along the lines of the Entity feeling Lisa's desire to kill her captors and helped her unleash that so she would be more useful in the realm of the Entity.

  • xmenfanatic
    xmenfanatic Member Posts: 816

    I find it interesting that Lisa’s story shows the entity can effect the real world, not just in the sense of grabbing someone like Kate, but it gave Lisa some strange form of life/strength to eat and dismember the cannibals before being brought to it’s realm.

    She is the only killer that I recall who was empowered by the entity before being brought to the new dimension. Maybe Rin because I thought she killed her father, but it only says her eyes clouded over and then she closed them when I read her profile.

    Anyway, maybe the reason she is the only one to be empowered by the entity in the real world was because those old symbols?

    I’m basing this off of the PS4 descriptors, I’m not sure if there’s much difference with the PC descriptions but some people have told me there were slight tweaks.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    I believe it was once said somewhere that the entity can only come to the physical world once great tragedy happens and during this time is when it picks people to its realm. maybe her protection symbols were just mere coincidences or maybe the old magic her village had is what originally summoned the entity to our reality to begin with.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    Maybe she just called for Entity on purpose, cause she wanted revenge? Symbols and their origin don't really matter, cause Rin Yamaoka did the very same thing without using them.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Rattman said:
    Maybe she just called for Entity on purpose, cause she wanted revenge? Symbols and their origin don't really matter, cause Rin Yamaoka did the very same thing without using them.

    She didn't know it would summon the Entity, though. In the lore, it's implied the symbols were just another tradition kept alive by her small village. Rin, on the other hand, didn't even try to contact the Entity; the Entity contacted Rin.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    @Orion said:
    Rin, on the other hand, didn't even try to contact the Entity; the Entity contacted Rin.

    Good point. But its also might be true for Hag tho. Maybe Hag just made a simple call for help, and Entity was the one who answered.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    From what I remember reading, the Entity can affect human hearts to corrupt them (as evident with Rin's father), and also feeds on hope. So, when Lisa was drawing the protection symbols, she was most likely displaying hope that she will escape or get rescued. The Entity would have fed on that hope and used it to corrupt Lisa's heart to slaughter her captors, which appears to be the opposite of her demeanor.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I asked this question in the recently-created Lore thread for Thursday's stream/video/whatever. Hopefully, we'll get an answer.

  • Nerex7
    Nerex7 Member Posts: 52

    @Orion said:
    In case you're not aware, before she became the Hag, Lisa was taken by cannibals who slowly fed on her while she was still alive. With her dying breath, she drew protection symbols she'd learned from her village elders - very old magic. She became empowered by the Entity and was able to take her revenge.
    The question is, why did that happen? Was it simply the location, the bloodshed, that drew the Entity to her? Or was it something more? Does her village have some connection to the Entity? What do you guys think?

    I think it was her desperation that drew in the Entity, or the Entity was watching it all along or even made the Cannibals go cannibal in the first place or something wicked like that.

    Lisa wanted protection, she got protection. The Entity was her protective angel in that situation and she probably had a lot of rage stored within her, which she is tasked to unleash on the Survivors within the Entities realm. Maybe the Hag even thinks she's doing the good work there. Who knows?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    They skipped over my question. I feel sad.

  • Lyxfex
    Lyxfex Member Posts: 8

    Well The devs point out that theirs is cultist that worship the entity. And since the entity do have writing that we need to decipher.

    Maybe her symbol is a letter in the alphabet of the entity. And that specific letter can summons her power. It just that the hag is from a line were her grand-father or further in the past was a cultist to the entity.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    The Entity could be what "magic" in this universe revolves around. Combined with the intense hatred she bred for her captors could have easily turned her soul wicked, thus summoning the Entity to empower her.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Lyxfex said:
    Well The devs point out that theirs is cultist that worship the entity. And since the entity do have writing that we need to decipher.

    Maybe her symbol is a letter in the alphabet of the entity. And that specific letter can summons her power. It just that the hag is from a line were her grand-father or further in the past was a cultist to the entity.

    Everyone keeps saying we have to decipher it, but when I created a Steam group with that intent and advertised it, nobody joined.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The devs did say that the Entity is drawn to strong emotions and that the Hag's desire for rescue/protection was strong enough to draw the Entity to her. The magic might've just been a coincidence.

  • Lyxfex
    Lyxfex Member Posts: 8

    yeah but coincidence tend to not happen in lore. I could be a coincidence but i doubt it