Eternal Blight Event Addons

Sooo... is this a typo, a mistake, or an outdated version?
Why are Survivors allowed to use their Eternal Blight addons at any time while Killers can only use their addons DURING the Eternal Blight Event?
I'm really curious to hear the reasoning why this is the case or to hear that it's an old version and Killers will be allowed to use those addons outside of the Eternal Blight event.
One add-on messes with game mechanics. The other just grants a movement speed boost.
My guess is that the Devs just didn’t want to commit to constantly updating and bug fixing the Killer add-on forever, since it alters Killers powers. If they don’t want to maintain the coding to keep it working, they can just name the Halloween event something else and effectively retire it.
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Stop using reason to explain things REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
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So in the interest of fairness and avoiding the feel-bads, why wouldn't they impose the same limit on the survivor addon especially if it's a simple movement speed boost?
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The issue is that survivors can still use their addons after the event ends while Killers can only use their addons during the event.
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I hope the don't keep the killer add-on like that. It's got a finite duration in the bloodweb and so as long as it works okay with the current killers they literally don't have to worry about any killers they release post-eternal blight. And if it breaks the game... Uh, so do a whole bunch of items and add-ons? That's kind of their point?
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Maybe Survivors in general make more money, so they are willing to keep the add-on and still change it with the times for them; while killers slightly less so, so they don't want to continuously update the add-on if it gets bugs. Might also be easier to give a survivor new add-on as survivors all have general add-ons, but killers don't have a single shared add-on so that's new and likely buggy.
idk, that's just my guess.
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I dunno about you guys but as soon as I can I'm gonna get the killer serum on Myers and act like I'm stalking someone but as soon as they notice me I'm gonna charge at them.
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Because Behavior doesn't care about the concept of "fairness." You of all people should know that lol
That add-on has a restriction because its more work on the developers to maintain. They're setting limits on it probably because they can foresee it being like old Tinkerer where they have an extra thing to code and bugfix every chapter
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I was thinking that since there will be a limited amount in circulation that they would simply ignore issues that it causes since ignoring issues is kind of what they do anyway...
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Yeah that is really unfair. Either enable both and commit to making them work all the time or don't allow neither. I really hope they won't do something so biased as letting one side use their event addon all the time while disabling the other one for almost 99% of the year.
That would really spoil the idea of making unique event addons for both sides.
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Typical survivor bias, as usual. I wonder how fast "moderately" is. If it's more than Hope's 7%, and especially if it stacks, it's over-powered. I feel bad for killers like Trapper, Pig, and Clown, who all have no extra mobility from their powers. I feel like it'll create a lot of unfair situations where survivors should have been caught, but got away because they had an over-powered addon. And they can use it all year round. Killers are going to look at medkits and assume the survivor has that addon from now until the end of the game's life. Meanwhile, for a week or two a year, survivors have to "worry" about a slight movement increase where the killer can't even attack. Yup, that seems totally reasonable...
What I don't understand is why killers are forced to use the Blighted Rush before they can use their power, while survivors are free to trigger their addons whenever they choose with zero penalty.
I would literally never want to use this on Hag. Setting up at the start? Nah, let's go for a jog around the map first! Trapping near a hooked survivor? Not til you've run off like an idiot! It's a ridiculous concept, but that's a different discussion, I suppose.
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i can only say 1 thing
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There's also the little matter of the fact that the killer add-on is in effect all game while the survivor add-on is a one time thing for 20 seconds.
Killer is going to get FAR MORE USE out of their add-on than survivors will of theirs, on average. Like even if all 4 survivors brought the add-on that's 80 seconds versus an entire game (10 minutes or so?).
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Get this man some Evil Within.
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hmmm but the survivor choose when to use it, so it can last all game too and be use to help a teammate escape or escape yourself especially with hope
edit: and it can be use with the syringe so it's free health state too, aslo a blight rush is 5 second, i'll let you do the math
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its not all game, its only after a hook. Its not like they're dashing whenever they want all game.
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its dumb. they could've just given killers a speedboost if they really didn't want to bother with maintaining the addon. especially when you consider we can protect our items as survivors with ace and wards.
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well they did say the wanted to add more items and addons for the survivors so maybe this is the first one
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Nah that can´t be right. It would be outrageous to basically add more movement speed to the basekit of Survivors that farm enough during the event for years to come. It would be completely busted, no way it´s gonna be usable after the event ends.
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Survivors can farm 100's of them before the event ends. I agree, it can't remain after the event.
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It should be both or neither. Increased movement speed for survivors is powerful as #########.
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Will this stack on Exhaustion perks?
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Developer bias is showing
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It can't be used with a syringe, only one of them activates. :p
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Agreed with coconut. We need explanation.