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Free 1k Auric cells. Is it a bug or not?

I went to the Shrine of Secrets and got +1000 auric cells from... prev. purchase? (I don't get what it means)
Is it bug or a gift/compensation(?)?
PSA: Log into the game and check store for Free 1K AC.
Presumably because Halloween Event is linked to Rift Pass which costs 1K AC. But this is better because you can use the currency for other stuff if you don't want the pass.
Thanks BHVR.
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I dont think so Tim. At least not with an announcement, so I would rather think it is a Bug.
Of course if it is the case that it is intentional, I never said anything and will claim the opposite.
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Wonder if its a bug from last year's PTB where they (intentionally) gave us 1k cells to buy the Rift pass and test it out. Somehow it made it to the live servers?
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Got the same thing. Pretty sure it's a bug
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It's a secret. 😊 That's why they call the shrine that.
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Going to be hard to take away if it is a mess-up.
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Did you read it in the game or somewhere else? If you have a link, please publish it here, please?
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Not my screenshot but same thing happened to me.
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why the hell didn't I get any! This is so unfair.
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Just had my wife patch the game and open store. Also got 1k cells.
For funsies, here is my Auric Cell purchase history:
- Bought $10 -> +1100 Cells = 1100
- Spent: -1000 on Rift pass 1 = 100
- Refunded +1000 Rift Pass 1 = 1100
- Spent: -1000 on Rift pass 2 = 100
- Refunded +1000 Rift Pass 2 = 1100
- Spent: -1000 on Rift pass 3 = 100
- Refunded +1000 Rift Pass 3 = 1100
- Spent: -400 Cells on Myers weapon (knife) = 700
- Bought $10 -> +1100 Cells = 1800
- Spent: -1000 on Rift pass 4 = 800
- Refunded +1000 Rift Pass 4 = 1800
Currently sitting at 2800 Cells, so this latest bug/gift granted 1000 cells.
Also, just in case it is relevant, I've linked my Steam account with my BHVR account, and have taken advantage of all bloodpoint gift codes (at least I think I've redeemed all of them).
Post edited by PyroGL on0 -
thx for the screenshot <3
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The message that comes up with them is way too (inappropriately) specific for this not to be a glitch.
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Should i spend my cells before they take it away if its a bug?
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Because some of us aren't special like others
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One guy had it in PTB
I'm not sure that this "gift" is legal...
I prefer to wait official announcment or a message from the dev team or mods
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I didn't get anything. I'm guessing you had to have done something in the past regarding a purchase to trigger the bug. Either that, or it may ha e already been patched.
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Hm,don't see how they could take them back if you spend them before.
There is no way they would actually look what people bought with that and just take it back.
Seems too complicated
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Free loot
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well, they still can ban players so...
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They won't ban anybody. Most people probably don't even realize it's a bug.
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Did u just log in the store or did u have to buy a perk from the shrine that u already own?
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Theres people out there who got accidentaly granted 20,000 or more cells from the first rift that were never removed. I'd just use them.
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I just entered the Shrine of Secrets menu and got it
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Sadly it didn't work for me but im happy for u man
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And this is not normal. I really sad that some people have a free ac and some haven't.
I hope that the devs will gift to the players that don't get this bonus
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Considering its a bug they'll prob not give anyone auric cells and even take them away from those who got them, I mean we can't even get free EVENT skins this year u know
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Actually they have all the right to take it away if it is a bug.
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really i don't see anyone laughing?
Jokes aside, guess i'll buy another 1k auric cells soon maybe. But Felix's new skin dissapointed me so i might wait until another cosmetic.
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I logged in and went through all the windows. I was deemed unworthy by the 1k Auric Cell Bug
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I think I got it too. Just realized because I bought the new Felix costume and I have now 1075 auric cells. I am almost sure I had before 1100+ auric cells, so strange!
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I heard about that they're removing serym pieces from the rift in prev year.
Yeah, it's sad
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its sad so greedy (if its true) its a paid game with paid dlc with a cosmetics store and with a battlepass and now we don't even get 2 free skins like previous years
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I think you get this bug when you got cells last rift. On ps4 I bought 1k cells last rift, on pc I didn't.
On ps4 I got the cells and on pc I didn't get any. So maybe that is the explanation why some people got them and some didn't :)
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I'm away from home so this is kinda a bummer
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I didn´t get any, either. Feelsbadman -.-
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Have you purchased any lately? Maybe its a new cash back feature?
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Friend of mine got it while I didn’t. Both pretty much never purchased anything other than rift pass and some chars with auric cells.
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Nope. I think the last ones I got were for tome 2 or 3.
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Im coming up with a theory, but need more input from others.
I've purchased recently cells and got the bonus...
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Lucky you. I have a feeling the people that weren´t given 1k free auric cells will not be compensated -.-
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I also received the 1,000 auric cells. If it helps the cause I am a PC user who has recently bought auric cells as well as linked my account with behavior and steam.
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The last time when I spent 1k ac was in 29 July (Tome 4 Release date)
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I for one did not get any cells 😫
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Some ppl didn't get it too.
Did you spend some auric cells recently? Or when you used it the last time?
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Bought Aurics just before the last rift closed (was running behind) Spent aurics on chapter finishing, and a cosmetic.
Bought Legion blight cosmetic with shards today.
Sadly, no auric cell kick back when logged into store :\
Feels bad man
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What AHS characters/Killers would you like?
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Dandy should make the job.
Same for Twisty :x
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I bought auric cells to complete some rift levels and honestly a good amount of skins. I did receive the mysterious auric cells too!
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Had a mod comment on my own post similar to this one before I realized this thread already existed. They said they were looking into the issue, which most likely means that this was by no means intentional. Will have to wait and see what happens.
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I'm fairly certain it's a bug that isn't intentional, purely for the fact that not everybody got the same amount of cells.
Some people got a full 1k (I got this amount, equal to about 10$)
Some people only got literally 50 cells (literally 50 cents)
and some people didn't get anything at all.
I will let you know that people are taking advantage of this immediately, some people are worried it'll be patched out ASAP so they're using their cells they got on whatever right away. The devs can't really take away what you've already spent in the first place. Many people also reasonably don't think that'll happen, the cells have already been dealt out so I assume it'd be pretty difficult to just take them back, especially without making a mistake and taking back more than they intended from people who already had cells in their accounts to begin with. Even if the devs could take it away with or without some difficulty, if they're nice people and not super greedy, they'll just laugh it off and let the few who got cells enjoy them as a one-time-thing, behind the scenes they'll probably be moving quick to make sure it doesn't happen again though.
Do what you will with your free cells guys and gals. Enjoy em (while you can?) because this is very certainly a rare occurrence.