Update broke Ps4/console

With the new update released the game is kind of unplayable on ps4 , the frames are so jumpy I don’t no what happened but wow can this kind of be fixed ASAP as that’s kind of a major problem... it’s not jsut me others also are having this issue
Hopefully they will but bhvr tend to ignore anything related to console performance. They paid mild attention to a thread on it that ended up 30 pages long, then it got locked and they went right back to ignoring it.
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They cannot ignore this, it’s borderline unplayable, unless you stand still and don’t move, if they ignore this they will loose a portion of there player base it’s not the usual complaints about FPS, I don’t even have words for it lol
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I just played several matches survivor and killer on ps4 slim and the only time I had an issue is the first 5 seconds after loading into a game. The FPS would drop and the game was stuttery. No problems after that
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Since the update today the frame rate on the ps4 has unfortunately declined to a point the game is barley playable, I currently don’t have video footage I will try upload later if I play as the game is not really playable at the moment with how choppy everything is, console ps4 pro issues started after the update today
Post edited by Mandy on1 -
I'm having the same issue, I hope we don't have to play the event like this.
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Most definitely. I doubt they'll fix this by tomorrow.
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yah game laggy like i got 2 FPS on survivor normal ps4
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I can confirm this, although it KINDA goes away for me once I explore the map but in the beginning and sometimes while your running there is a MASSIVE drop in frames. Makes it hard to get a good chase.
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I just played a game on coal tower. It was a slide show. Bhvr is a joke. They either don't bother testing or absolutely do not care
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same I'm on pro and it a little laggy at the start but play normal after.
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Its insane.. game is literally unplayable
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My ps4 took so long to load the game, and the ps4 made so much noise, it was unbelievable.
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Yup it's horrible. This may be my last day playing this trash game full of inept devs until they fix this problem. SMH
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On PS4 original with crossplay off. Playing as survivor before this patch I could atleast know what would trigger frame drops. Now though it's just a constant stutter on top of those specific frame drops. Running or even just turning the camera angle too fast makes the stutter even worse. This bad for survivor I can't imagine how bad it is for killer.
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Well that’s good for you, sadly myself and others have been having major drops, the choppyness is a joke, it settles if you stand still and don’t move as soon as you move again it starts, I wish I had footage of what I Experienced XD never seen it that bad before
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I played the ph map and ormand and I said that’s enough I can’t deal with it lol
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Hopefully they fix up but from the looks of what people are saying they won’t bother with fixing it :(
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Are you kidding me?! It's not super surprising but still sucks, especially since my main is graphic-heavy. I might try a couple games with Doc to see just how bad it is for myself, but I think I'll just try to platinum RE3 Remake instead (at least the worst thing I have to deal with there is Stage 1 and 3 Nemesis being super aggressive on Inferno because it's from devs that know how to optimize their game). It's a shame, I was kinda excited for this event, but the poor optimization had to ruin it.
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Last night
1. My survivor barely walks forward, he can only change direction and sprint, but cannot walk after stopping until I move sideways or sprint out of it.
2. The cursor when moving though the blood web and perk selection as if they are covered in glue.
I tried a different controller today which seemed to work, so I blamed my original controller which I brought with a ps4 pro 3 days earlier off ebay. Could mine be the update that is bugging it? Or is it my controller which looks absolutely fine.
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I'm going to post my first match after the update to this thread too:
Ps4 pro. Tried another match too in disturbed ward and it was almost as bad.
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Im on ps4, I've tried deleting storage to try an fix it and i still have massive frame drops and i dont see a reason to reset my router if everything else works perfectly, but I'll try to reset it and if it doesn't fix it then I dunno, also my ping averages 30 to 45 pre match and in game everyone's ping is 80 to 100+ I've asked and they said they have no lag
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on switch after update fog have cube auras and Oni, Traper, Legion spawn without masks
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Yep mine was very similar.
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This is how it is on ps4 original too.
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Same issue here. On PS4 we are getting a huge lag, and we usually lose when having to struggle on the 2nd phase of the hook. Hope this gets fixed soon as it is really annoying.
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Can someone get me a video of this please?
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you want to see a Doc game? Sure!
( https://www.twitch.tv/videos/776514730 )
DbD: Prepare To Cry Edition
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Yes I played few rounds and it’s just unplayable. The update before was real great with lags gone and nice frames but this now is really a joke
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PS4 pro and running SSD , rebuilt database and same as the above video. It's exceptionally bad with frame drops almost every 2 seconds.
Same results for killer or survivor and regardless of what map.
It's currently unplayable, even some frames dropping for skill checks which is causing obvious problems trying to hit them!
What a shame right before the event! I'm gonna have to stop playing til there's a fix!
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For me the performance has only been nightmarish on the new macmillan maps.
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Now going to play first game today. Given I can pretty much only sprint, its going to be 1 killer v 3 survivors and professional athlete.
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I never had a problem because i play on pc but i hope u guys can have a bit of justice someday
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here a vid just to show how bad and me trying to get the killer to just end this. like other said it gets "better ish once we go around the map but there a lag spikes happening and this was my best match so far with out the lag.
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I wouldn’t hold your breath sadly. I just hope console folks protest by not buying a single cosmetic as that seems to be the only thing bhvr puts any effort in to.
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First thing I do is play PH and jesus ######### christ frames are awful, stuttering every 5 seconds even when not in a chase
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I've seen some Ghostface Blight today on ps4. Also some Legion + survivor but those could've been iridescent shards. Blight cosmetic killers are being very campy today, probably better than running around with all the stuttering.
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I was going to spend lots this event as a few of my friends recently took up the game! It's a shame :(
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Did you try to change your PS4 output resolution settings to 720p?
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Changing your PS4 resolution doesn't do anything. I've tried.
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to be fair this time I'm a bit more confident that they will act quickly - I saw certain videos that are just... astounding. I predict a decrease of 50-70% in PS4 player base this week alone, if they don't fix it. I'm not saying this lightly, people simply cannot play with the current performance, it's not being picky here.
If I didn't stream it, I would stop playing it as well - and my stutters/framerate are not as awful as the videos I saw, so...
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Can confirm that the new update is absolutely horrendous on PS4 and it doesn't even have to be on Macmillan, I've experienced frame drops on coldwind Farm, autohaven and red forest. Still haven't tested on indoor maps but I can only imagine it's worse. Do the devs even own a PS4 to test these updates like what process do they go through to release said patches on every platform or do they just test it on thier $4,000 PC set ups and say "it's good to go chief" and green light it to Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft.
Post edited by Mellow7 on16 -
Experiencing exactly the same as this! 😔
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is this only a ps4 issue currently I've had no frame problems on xbox except the usual
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I got contacted about the issue, so at least the devs know and are taking steps to fix the problems. Credit where it's due.
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Holy crap. That is absolutely terrible. If this can’t be fixed soon, then they need to extend the event. I don’t remember the frames ever being this bad.
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well, at least the build is good!!
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Uhh man here we go again 😂
Yeah it's bad.. Really bad but its OK
We are aware and will be looking into it.
Man we said it would start again and it has... Let's not get threads closed plz.
Huge frame stuttering on the game new trapper map, corn sadess map, sheltered forest. Playing suriviour so far really don't wish to try killer.
Plus can't enjoy Halloween cosmetics as they make things 10 times worse.
Yay happy Halloween advent ps4 players!
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It's scary.. that's for sure.
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Agree with all comments. It is off. Watched streamers on PC and they are elated with the fix but now PS4 is screwed. I played to see mAps but the movement was so wrong
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I also had my L1 circle stay stuck on my screen while the generator would no longer be repaired. Unhooked survivor and died with L1 circle Still stuck on screen. Could not repair anymore and unable to heal