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Insane Fps Drop in all Maps (PS4)

Platform: Playstation
Description: Insane FPS drop in all Maps 10 or 15fps
After update!
Bad optimization again. Bruhh
No test this #########? #########
This is happening on ALL maps on PS4!
Lery's is absolutely unplayable!
10 to 15 fps!
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Every update this #########. Bad Optimization, a lot of bugs. Damn 😔
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Here on PS4 too. Watched a few streams of players, PC, and they seem to run smoothly. Game is currently unplayable on console regardless of the map. O can't run the killer because as soon as I turn my camera, it will lag/FPS will drop even harder. I'm afraid I can't play this until there's a hot fix and I want to play very badly.
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Well done devs! 4 years in and you are as incapable as ever ,bravo. Keep shitting on your customers please
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Same here im on PC and i drop to 16 FPS every game after 2-3 min , in menu everything is fine
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This was my experience today with the fps after the new update:
Ps4 pro. Tried another match too and it was almost as bad.
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I’m actually appalled that they’d release the game with 10FPS for console which is like half the player base. Do they not play ONE game on PS4 before releasing the update? ONE test game would be enough to tell them: "wow, this is not right. we can't release this like this"
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Yes. The same for me!
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My gut feeling I said to my friend (both PS4 pro console players) that they released graphics reworks optimized for PC and the consoles can't run it. That's what it seems like.
Both running with SSD , rebuilt PS4 database after update and frame drops consistently making skill checks even hard.
Was looking forward to investing in the upcoming event but now I'm having to take a break as I'm unable to play! 😥
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Many of us are NOT gonna buy a next gen console that soon, so they better still optimize current gen.
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Funny how these White Knights tried to defend BHVR with "wait until the graphic overhaul for better performance"
Another Graphical Overhauled Map, another performance downgrade. New McM maps are running much worse now on my PC and acording to my PS4 fellas for them aswell. Previously, 60 FPS was the norm. Now Im around 41 FPS. If ANYTHING happens (Hit, gen pop, Steam message) the FPS drops below 30 FPS.
Excuse me, but why is performance getting worse and worse.
Edit: Asked a few of my friends with much stronger PCs how its for them. They are encountering freezes and FPS drops aswell
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Btw what are the minimum specs now? RTX 3090 with i7-10700 and 128GB RAM?
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New update does weird stuff to my graphics card. I have a GTX 1650 that worked just fine with 60fps at 60-90% GPU usage before.
However now my GPU refuses to go over 40% usage in Dbd, which results in 40fps maximum.
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bump. terrible update, game is sooo choppy. getting hit while already running on the other side of pallets and windows as well.
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You need a NASA computer to run this game now.
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My Graphics are fine, no problems here. Ryzen 5 2600X and GTX 1070TI.
Also, the Deathslinger I had a few minutes ago said that his game is running better since the Patch. But honestly, I think that DBDs performance is too weird to understand, at least for me.
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No the performance has taken a hit on the PS4 it's horrible.
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Mine was way worst
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Same exact issue here... ps4 pro as well.
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This... exactly. I was thinking the same. Let me test it early for you on console (PS4). I don't understand how they think this is playable on console. I love that they keep pushing out updates, but this is unacceptable and I'm always on the opposite site... giving them the benefit of the doubt as I know this type of game is hard to balance, but this has nothing to do with balancing.
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We're all grateful that you decided to have us play at 1fps on ps4. Thank you, this is the most fun I've ever had in this game.
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getting ti too they going to fix this?
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They have to. Otherwise they're gonna lose like 50% of their player base. Also, there's a new survivor bug! If you're in struggle phase you die prematurely. The amount of times I died for NOTHING today...ridiculous.
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They don’t have the playstation dev kit to test this? Seriously. Every update the game only gets worse. Would you need more time at PTB? Do not know. I just know that this is not working very well BHVR.
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PC player here. Nope, its a disaster to me. Dont watch streamers as a reference how PC performance is. (Big) streamers usually have extreme rigs which the average PC gamer cant afford.
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matches are sadly going fast, normaly at this time its about 8 mins
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I figured after I saw more complaints. I watched it at the point where I thought I was the only one with this issue. Later I saw other complaints, but they were all PS4. That's why PC seemed smoothly at the time of posting. Hope it gets fixed asap, it's unplayable and I won't touch it until it's fixed and I want to play today when the new rift comes out and thought the event starts as well.
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Negative FPS
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Causes survivors to die on struggle hook because during instances of lag the game will not register that people are "struggling"
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1. I don't know if you noticed, but the match loading time increased from 15~30 seconds.
2. FPS is worse in the first 30 seconds of matches
3. FPS drops in all parts of the game including menus.
Post edited by slipttees on1 -
already have a date to fix this?
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After hotfix 4.3.1 FPS has improved a little but it is still not ideal.
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so it better then it was that something I guess.
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they can improve much more.
menus, achievements, store, character change all slow!
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true will they? not holding my breath
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Maybe... however the most important are cosmetics, after there are the optimizations