Share your wholesome DbD moments!



  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93
    edited October 2020


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Not to go off topic, but merciless killer can be achieved with a 3k??? This is news to me.

  • DarkMagik
    DarkMagik Member Posts: 822

    I remember this happened a few weeks ago i was Cherly agaisnt freddy in badham preschool.He gave me hatch.

    He never said why but i think i know.

    In the match i completed 3/3 gens that were completed,i looped him good(not in a toxic a way),& when there was 2 survivors i went for the flashlight save instead of letting them die in hook.Either he repescted the hard carry i did for my team or felt bad that i had some potatoes or ok players.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Not really posting this for clout but this is the most wholesome thing that's probably happened to me besides generally making friends.

    When the mmr testing first went live, me and my best friend went against a wraith both having flashlights on his either first or second game of killer. He could hardly play. It was incredibly evident that he was new, and he got no hooks the entire game. He preserved though and didn't disconnect.

    In the endgame chat me and my friend talked him through killer and what he was supposed to do, gave him some resources to learn from (he wanted to actively get better at the game) and I added him on my steam friends list. I didn't want to lose a potential new killer/survivor in the community to a patch that made me "bully" someone brand new to the game.

    I bought him his choice of dlc. I felt so bad for ruining someone's first (or second I can't remember) game of killer to the point that he could hardly play. After an HR or so of advice and choosing, he chose the Freddy dlc because well, he'd heard from the internet that was the best one, and I went on humble bundle and sent him a steam key. Still talk to him on occasion, seems a genuine lad, asks me for advice on occasion.

    Last I heard he was getting friends into the game post crossplay launch and was wanting ways to get cheaper steam keys so that he could pay forward the kindness I gave him. Hope he's doing well.

  • WretchedElk
    WretchedElk Member Posts: 311

    Someone just sent me a good game comment even though I was a pretty poor killer that round. That was nice.

    It might be more common on PC, but people don’t usually send comments through console, so I appreciate the effort.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Downing all the tea bagging SWF near the start of the game as Leatherface and leaving them slugged until they died.

  • throwaway1234
    throwaway1234 Member Posts: 11

    As killer I give the last survivor hatch almost every match, especially when I blow through them with 2 to 3 gens left. I've had plenty of gg's and a couple of thank you's. Even had one where a toxic claudette was waiting for everyone to die while waiting for hatch but I caught her beforehand and accidentally killed the last person.

    As a survivor I had a match with a friendly huntress because I had the same xbox profile picture as them. I tried giving the huntress a kill because they wouldn't have had bloodpoints otherwise but I was instead escorted to the exit by the buff russian lady. We chatted a bit after the match and I honestly had a blast.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,765

    Ahhh yassss truely wholesome. Even more truely Bubba.

    With about 4min of free time at the end of such a match, you could have drawn out "teabag" a few times with fresh slugblood, called it art. ;)

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    Like a week or so ago I had a game on Midwich against a Pig. Someone DC'd IMMEDIATELY upon loading into the map, so it was too late to actually cancel the match, and they had the DC icon on the hud as soon as it appeared. My friend and I felt really bad, but we did do a gen at first, and then we went looking for the killer. Wasn't sure if she'd actually be down for some farming so I tested the waters with the crouch and boop, she accepted, and we had a really fun time (at least I hope she did as well!). She led us to the boxes, even crouched and 'did a gen' with us. The third survivor eventually joined in toward the end, but for the most part she sort of just did her own survivor thing, which is fine! At the end, Pig came to the exit with us and we said bye. Was just a fun match, and I just wish she had been on PS4 as well so I could've thanked her for it!

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 125

    Have a couple assorted instances of heartwarming moments. Both from PC and Switch.

    -Any time a high rank player was kind to me as a low rank killer when I played on PC. One streamer who did quite well against me as Pig told me to 'keep at it, you'll get there' when I went to give props after the match.

    -One survivor willingly stayed behind to die and let me get points after I had a rough match.

    -Something I do when all the gens are done (and only when all the gens are done) is camp the guy I have on hook and make a little game out of it. A memorable instance of this was when I played Ghostyboi on PC, where a survivor duo, a Billiam and Tapp with flashlight with their powers combined get Quentin off the hook and all three escape. In postgame I say 'Let this match be living proof that you can beat facecamping', and give props to a job well done. They clearly appreciated the kudos.

    -On Switch I was on Torment Creek with a presumably 3 man bulli squad facing off against Demogorgon. At one point they tried to get me in on the action and knowing what they were up to, refused and was more focused on doing the gens. I think the killer knew I wasn't with them so after closing the hatch after offing them, the Demogorgon player didn't even bother to check the gate I escaped from.

    -Also on Switch, playing against Le Ghostyboi when I was suffering from some really bad lag. They let me have hatch when I was the last one alive.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    As a way of thanking cross-platform wholesome Killers or Survivors, I give them thumbs-up in the Feedback/Report section after match.

    I don't know if they actually receive the message I send there, but I assume it counts for something. It's the category that says something like "Amazing teammate, overall knowledgeable on the game or fun to play against". I also give them to players I just find really fun to play with, Survivors and Killers, regardless of farming.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    Yes, I always give thumbs up props to people I like playing with/against! I also don't know what it does, but if it's the only thing I can do, it makes me feel like I did something.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Yep, as long as you fill out all your other emblems, you only need 10 or 11 hooks to get merciless at Red rank. Also, the lower the rank, the less you'll need to do, for example, at brown ranks as long as you get a game to last around 7-10 minutes, get a couple of kills and several hooks, you'll get merciless.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    Myers in his hospital gown burned Lery Memorial and haunted the hospital wings so full of flavour! 🌈

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited October 2020

    Had a match on a diffrent account, found a wholesome billy after rework who was just chainsawsprinting out of the map boundaries, from hill to a rock to out of the map on azarovs. So he managed to land on the fence and walk there, when chainsaw back in he appeared like through a portal and never at the place where he actually entered or should have connected the fence.

    However I recorded a minute of it, cheered him on, he kept doin it and than i had to go away and pressed record again. So half an hour later i come back and see I didn't die and was quite surprised. He saw that I was afk, didn't leave and instead of hooking when all others left, he carried me to the exit gate and dropped me in such a way that I would fall out after he downed me again. Such a wholesome billy, we are now friends on steam.

    So if you are reading this, i love you my russian comrade. ♥️

    €dit: I also have to cut this video this weekend finally and make it a video or at least a .gif

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493

    All 3 of my teammates disconnected as we were loading in, and keep in mind this was a loonnnng time ago before the hatch changes. So it was just me and a huntress. And when i saw her and she saw me, i just pointed at her and at a corner. She stayed in the corner. Then i made her stay in the basement corner. Then i let her kill me :)

  • Shallgale
    Shallgale Member Posts: 26

    wholesome.... I got this.

    One of my now good gaming friends I met in DbD. He was playing a Suzzie and moried our entire team. After he hooked everyone but me. A mistake he made and realized when he tried to mori me and realized that I was the sneaky one he had yet to down all game... Rip. So he convinced our remaining team member to unhook before killing us both. This was a random so I had no way of telling her not to do it. My sister was laugh/screaming the entire time because we both knew what was going to happen. In the after chat my sister and I (because yes we play as a duo) were teasing him and more or less flirty joking around. We had a great conversation and I ended up inviting him to my discord server to play with us some time. He was awesome and really chill and we jokingly planed a kill your friends date with him. It was one of the best matches that I have had up to date and I hope I can meet other killers that are just as awesome.

  • YokaiPhaseshift
    YokaiPhaseshift Member Posts: 99

    Almost every match against Myers feels wholesome to be, because so many people who play him seem to play the most kindly. I think a majority of games where the killer gives me the hatch willingly is a Myers. It's like they respect the hustle and don't play just to 4k.

    There was a great moment a while back, when the infamous hill glitch was at its peak. Pretty straightforward game against a Myers when he hooked me next to the hill. A gen was behind the hill, and two teammates were working on it. One stops, starts walking towards me, then just freezes. I start to get super mad they aren't saving me until I realize they got stuck and couldn't move. Then, being a dummy, when I was saved I tried to walk over to them to see if I could push them out or something.

    I got stuck too.

    Myers found us both that way, stuck together in the stupid collision glitch. I expected death. To my surprise, he downed us both and then waited patiently for us to crawl out of the hill, for another teammate to get us both on our feet, and he even gave us a running start before resuming any chases!

    Nice guys, those Myers mains.

  • DFP
    DFP Member Posts: 156

    That reminded me, I was able to message and get help from a group to complete the Wraith challenge where you had to ring the bell next to each survivor in a match. I swear to goodness I'd been meeting the criteria, but something wasn't right because after six or seven matches it just wasn't going through or counting.

    I was frustrated and annoyed because I was really trying to blast through them in my precious free time and it just wasn't happening. At first, nobody messaged me back, and the gens were popping like....popcorn as I frantically sent out the call for aid. They opened the gates, and I was thinking that was it, maybe next game, and trying to think positively though i felt defeated.Thankfully, they were super kind, and all came to find me after I moped my way down into the basement letting me bing and bong all over them. ^_^ I let them farm a bit, got my challenge done, and put the controller down for the night, ending on a high note.

    Seriously though, no matter how loud the toxic folk can be, thank you survivors for being willing to help out a good two thirds of the time when a solo player is in a bad way. I really appreciate the willingness to spend your time and help. :)

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    I did 3 gens and the other 3 survivors dc'd after being downed first time. The killer let me pallet stun him three times and showed me where the hatch was. Could have got a 4 kill but was generous.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    As survivor: I was playing against a Piggy with my brother and two random survivors. They left my brother on a hook and me slugged and he went from first stage straight to death because they just didn't save him. They did end up picking me back up later on, but the killer found me right after so I just waved "come here" and they downed me, took me over to a hatch, then dropped me there. Near the end of the game, they pick me up again. Piggy drops the other two and closes hatch since I'm not near it, but walks me over to gate and lets me boop the snoot.

    As killer: I was a Huntress and doing not so great so all of the survivors would end up getting away. I downed one at the gate, but he was injured and I just know he was feeding me a kill to boost my ego but I just dropped him at exit and let him go. The other three lined up for me and let me practice taking shots. They even waited for me to reload.

  • Merridew
    Merridew Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2020

    Hey M8, dunno if it was you, but I was playing legion cause I had bought them and was having fun. I wear the darker Joey cosmetic.

    However I did get stuck in a pallet and a survivor came over to free me via vaulting. After that I decided to just run around and stab people with my feral frenzy too still get points but otherwise decided to let everyone free cause if it had been another group of survivors they would've left me there. I'm on Xbox, and I was just looking through the forums and saw your story and it made me think back to that game I had. I dunno if that was you all. But if it was then thank you and good luck in your trials, M8.

    Edit: I'm pretty sure I let everyone free, but i can't remember it to a T, part of me feels like I already killed someone before getting stuck though. I just remembered your part about you being the last one. So I don't think we had the same but funny enough similar trials. Either way good luck in your future trials.

  • TransverseCaster
    TransverseCaster Member Posts: 543

    "I hear the huntress coming toward me, so I stand near a window and signal her to come over to me and just do the deed. Instead she shakes her head at me"

    What a complete sweetie.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192
    edited October 2020

    Nice to see someone else who gives the killer that last hook in a farming situation. I've literally had stand offs with killers wanting me to escape while i stand firmly under a hook. Just feels wrong to me to escape when I've likely racked up enough points to keep me happy, and while on console it was a nice way of saying thanks without having to spend 5 minutes typing out a ps4 message.

  • Uncharted
    Uncharted Member Posts: 136

    You worded it perfectly. It just feels wrong not to give something back in that situation.

  • WeWillFloat
    WeWillFloat Member Posts: 15

    That one survivor was so polite despite me taking advantage of them when they got unsafely uncaged.

    (The bar is on the damn floor.)

  • dirtsmell
    dirtsmell Member Posts: 46

    First story is super old - from back before matches cancelled when a survivor didn't load in. So, only three of us loaded in, the other two DCed pretty quickly and I was just left to little ol' me and Trapper. I don't like DCing so I sighed, sucked it up, and dropped the first pallet I came to and starting hopping over it to get his attention. He came along and, rather than just murdering me and moving on, he just broke the pallet. We stared at each other for a couple seconds, then started farming. We ran around dropping/breaking pallets, working/breaking gens, until the hatch opened (this was back when you had to do a certain number of gens before it would open) and I can't remember how it ended - whether he killed me or refused to, but I remember offering, and either way it was super sweet and he/she was a very good egg.

    Another trapper once (I swear they are the most chill) carried me around Lery's for probably 10 minutes when I was the last survivor trying to find the hatch for me. I eventually heard it and started to wiggle to let him know, and he immediately started the drop/pick up/drop until I was free and then followed me and watched me hop in.

    Last, and most recent one though it was also a while ago: was in a match with a Huntress, and when it came down to the two of us and she found me, rather than just killing me, she picked me up and dropped me until I wiggled. Now, to this point, I knew she was either pretty new/or just not very skilled yet with Huntress as the hatchets had been a little rough, so I figured - hey! I too wish I could be a good Huntress, maybe I can help this one! So I started just, walking back and forth, walking at first, then running, then ducking, then in circles, etc. And she just practiced. Going to reload when she needed, picking me up when I was downed so I could wiggle and we could go again. This went on for a while, then she picked me up and started walking so I thought "okay, death commeth" and was ready to just let it happen, even as she carried me into the basement, but then she dropped me again and we practiced some more as I ran around the hooks. Eventually she did kill me, and honestly, maybe she wasn't seeing it as nicely as I was - maybe she was just like "yeah! I get to toy with a survivor for a while longer, squeal piggy!" But I had fun and I hope I helped.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Game i just had. This feng ran me so well... like the best ive seen. And then decided to die to end game to give me a kill

  • TheOsSloth
    TheOsSloth Member Posts: 14

    This was during the 4th anniversery event. Tons of people were farming for points with the 4th anniversery cakes.

    Was playing as a survivor with a wraith on ormond. He was bing bonging and just farming with us making sure we're doing things.

    I go to get chest and get a 4th anniversery medkit.

    Wraith is happy with my discovery

    I drop it and point at him

    "It's for you, Wraith, happy birthday"

    *Happy Bongs*

    I hope that man is out there with his medkit still.

  • SassySolidSnake
    SassySolidSnake Member Posts: 65

    I don't have an "in game moment" to share, but... I live in California, and I flew to the east coast a couple of years ago, traveled to 3 different states and met 4 of my best friends, that I met playing this game 💜 We range in ages, but we have developed a loving bond. It's something I'll always be appreciative for. Thank you DBD for helping form friendships in and out of this game.

  • ashie
    ashie Member Posts: 5

    It was before the recent patch and i was on disturbed ward and i was playing bunny feng.

    at the start of the match, i was doing a totem and the killer who was a billy trapped me, and i just looked up at him and didnt bother wiggling because i needed to comprehend my stupidity. I kobed somehow and played the game until i was being chased again, but he wouldnt chase me at all and was overall really friendly.

    after the game sadly i couldnt thank them since i play on switch and im still waiting for them to accept my friend request :)