Share your wholesome DbD moments!



  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 299

    My moment was not very wholesome. there was a clown sitting still in a room and the exit gates opened. He was fake afking he hit me with one shot because of noed. This was in the room at the dead dog saloon where he could not leave the room. So he was fake afking and waiting for someone to come in and save me. So I sit near the window, I have unbreakable and balanced landing. So in an instant, I recovered myself quickly escaped through the window, and use balanced landing to escape the game.

  • poomanchu
    poomanchu Member Posts: 242

    Sooo, I’m doing the challenge to escape with No Mither as a perk. I’m not good at all with survivor, just doing the challenges for extra blood points for my killers. I load up into a match, and low and behold it’s the Oni... Great for him, bad for me and my team. Of course the team gets pummeled because I’m bleeding everywhere, and the killer knows how to play Oni. It’s down to me, and him at the end. Mano y mano. I think I have a chance! Not really, but he was cool, and let me escape. So thank you to the Oni who let me, and sorry to my teammates who I directly killed because of my perk. 😔

  • Arkslippyjr
    Arkslippyjr Member Posts: 5

    I was playing as killer and went to the bathroom and the match started and the survivors didn't do any gens

    Very kind of them

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    (Console player)

    I was playing survivor with a few of my friends on Coldwind, against a hillbilly who had appeared to be farming. (At the end of matches like that I tend to have the killer kill me so they can get at least a 1k..)

    The hillbilly downed me and took me to the exit, so I ended up killing myself via endgame timer. I messaged them to thank them and exchange ggs, and we talked for a bit, where I found out they were actually just starting out on billy, and we're actually a Freddy main. We talked for another 5 minutes and I wished them luck..

    A few days later I was playing with my friends again, against a Freddy who absolutely annihilated us, and I recognised the Freddy on post screen as the person who we versed the other day, and I messaged them ggs again - and we recognised each other. We ended up friending one another after.

    It's nothing spectacular, but it's something that really sticks out for some reason.. and I hope to be able to see them again as hillbilly someday, to see how far they've come :))

  • Celebrimbor
    Celebrimbor Member Posts: 52

    Just wanted to drop this endgame chat here for some laughs. Focus on the guy I censored with yellow.

  • TheAverageAsh
    TheAverageAsh Member Posts: 21

    I played with a TTV who was a survivor with me, the killer joined his stream obviously being a little kid, and came in to say hi and tell him he's not stream sniping and thought it was cool he was streaming. He then mauled us all and let one of us go and moonwalked across the map, we all had a good laugh and chatted in the stream afterward.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    I recently played against a Freddy in autohaven and he killed 2 team mates SO quick it actually got scary. And he didn't even camp or anything, he was just so damn good...

    Anyway, he downs the 3rd surv and starts looking for me. I run around the map doing a full round and get the surv back up. Freddie comes back, downs him again and starts running after me. I lose him, go around and get the surv back up I think 3 or 4 times until he actually gets me.

    I'm thinking: I've wasted so much of his time he is going to hit me in hook or something but instead, he picks me up, drops me and signals to a gen so I wiggle out, get the other surv back up again fully and we start farming points. Bear in mind we had like 2 gens done when he killed the other 2 and the rest of the match had been me running around to lose him lol so nothing had been done since.

    I would have been dead if he wanted to and offered to sacrifice but he chose not to and signaled to leave.

    It was so cool because he showed he had the power and knowledge to f us all up and made me feel like he changed his mind after the little game he and I had.

    Unfortunately it was crossplay and couldn't thank him but THANK YOU, FREDDIE!

  • Azxx93
    Azxx93 Member Posts: 117

    I boop da snoot :3

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    I played "Fetch the pebble" with DemoPuppy today

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    I'm not sure this is wholesome but it kind of is.

    I was on PS4 and this was before cross-play.

    When the "Dwelf" cosmetics came out, I was playing The Legion and 3 Dwelfs and Jane appeared in my lobby. The entire game, the 3 Dwelfs crotch walked in a line around the entire map just to jingle their bells. The Jane attempted to do gens. I don't remember the tome challenge I had to do but I knew what was happening.

    Long story short, I ended up sacrificing everyone to complete whatever challenge I had to do but I felt so bad for killing them. They just wanted to spread Christmas cheer and they never ran away from me, except the Jane. I almost wanted to at least let the Jane live but I was too selfish to get the challenge done since it was so easy to do under the current circumstances.

    The 3 Dwelfs, if you're reading this, thanks, and I'm sorry. That match really stuck in my mind even though it was so long ago.

  • dwightbydaylight
    dwightbydaylight Member Posts: 3

    This game always sticks in my head because the killer was a Bubba and how they acted was just... uncharacteristic for playing as Bubba.

    We were at one of the Backwater Swamp maps and it was me, my swf buddy, and two randoms. For the first part of the game it was normal. One of the randoms died, we were doing OK on gens and stuff until Laurie, the second random, got downed. Out of nowhere, when she was on her struggle hook, she DC'ed.

    We still had 2 gens left and we'd both been hooked at least once. We got chased some but it was clear after a bit, when they let me heal my buddy in front of them, that they wanted to farm with us. We finished the gens, they led me to their hex so I could cleanse it, and at one point they downed me and carried me to the exit gate themself. I don't know whether the Bubba planned to be nice to the last survivor/last two survivors or if they only did it because Laurie DC'ed for no reason, but still my friend and I both appreciate them. I'm pretty sure me and my swf bud both have them friended and we've played a survivor match with them at least once. It was just such a pleasant surprise considering how the Laurie disconnected and most Bubbas we face end up being campers.

  • ihavenonameThanks
    ihavenonameThanks Member Posts: 25

    So this one time I was in a match with the good'ol Mikey and I was very excited. However, he was still learning the game and eventually gave up at the end, although he still managed to kill all survivors except me. Most of the survivors including one of my friend gave him the kill. I was alone solo now and he saw me through a window he swang his knife and downed me. I was begging him to take me to the hook but he let me sit there.

    At first I thought, that he'd just let me bleed out on the ground and suffer, but when I begged him so much he initially grabbed me, and I wanted to give him a kill and call it day already so I didn't wiggle, he was just walking throughout the map with me on his shoulder.

    He eventually got to a hook and stood right infront of it, I assumed that he'd let me wiggle off or something, so I wiggled off and I felt so bad that after wiggling off I stood at the hook crouching and stuff so that he'd down me and hook me, but instead he nodded No, I burst out laughing but then I stood right next to him so that he would hit me, and he did! He downed me! But then he picked me up and in the back of him was the hatch! He turned around and threw me at the hatch, I escaped.

    Right from that day, I've always had a even more special place for Michael Myers's in my heart <3

  • Stimpy045
    Stimpy045 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2021

    I am from the netherlands but this have been the best match for me in a long time. this happend today! this dance have been going on for about 10min. then i pointed him t a hook were i placed myself so he could hang me.. never did i have so much respect for a killer until this day... GG m8 and my death have been worth it!

    Edited: 13-03-2021 i had to remix it 😂

    Post edited by Stimpy045 on
  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,294

    Had a match against Legion yesterday. They played well and got most of us injured, eventually getting three slugged, all close together. Then they just started messing around together with everyone, letting them heal up, injuring them again, letting them heal. They were doing some weird over-the-gap hits in one of the Springwood buildings.

    When the doors were open, the survivors just crowded around a hook and took turns getting hooked and rescued for extra point all around, and then when I got hooked, both me and the killer forgot I was already on death hook! We laughed about it afterwards in the chat though, they were super nice!

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    I once encountered 2 SWF in a game with my other friend and they were very, VERY toxic. The kind of people that vault around when you're doing a gen, get on a chase with the killer to bring them to you, point at where you are when the killer ha slost sight of you and all sorts.

    My friend and I actually died in that match and we were salty because it hadn't been that we played bad exactly, it was just that we got f'd up by who is supposed to be on your side.

    A match or two later, we see the same names pop up on our team and we are like: oh, no... Not again 😭

    But we didn't leave the lobby, we stayed and played knowing their playstyle. Hiding from them while getting away from the killer.

    They did try to rat us out again when they found us but THIS TIME the killer noticed how toxic they were, hooked one of them, they both DC'd and the killer proceeded to farm with us and get us a +2

    Ah, karma...

  • RyRapsYT
    RyRapsYT Member Posts: 299

    I played a demo who let me farm blood points off him and we played fetch with the pebbles :)

  • Vallenkein
    Vallenkein Member Posts: 3

    I felt like playing Trapper one day, got to Rotten Fields, killed two of them, had a trap on a pallet nearby the hook the third was on, fourth came over for the save, a Cheryl, chased her into it, she got snapped, the hooked person died. Instead of whacking her and ending it there, I just stood there and let her out, there were four gens left, so I didn’t feel bothered. She got out, then bagged on the trap, so I reset it, rinse repeat. She let me farm her for a bit, then I picked her up after maxing out, brought her to the hatch, let her wiggle out and leave. Got a pleasant message after that.

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727

    Anytime that somebody's nice in the end game chat. Seriously though, just a simple gg or wp really makes a difference.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    I found a nice piggy last night.

    One of the teammates died on first hook because she was camping a bit, I went to rescue but she found me hit me far enough to not be able to use that go unhook and the other one got downed because he went for unsafe rescue in the middle of my chase. I don't know, very weird and crappy team effort tbh.

    The other one had two hooks already and she finds me so we start a chase, hits me, run around and 2 minutes go by and we're still chasing (maybe it was less but it felt eternal) so I give up. The other survivor hasn't done any gens at that time and he won't come to rescue me so I just stood there and she stares for a bit, downs me and makes me wiggle out. At that point I'm like: what's going on right now?

    Piggy asks me to follow her and I start to understand she is taking me to the basement and start doubting her intentions. She shows me the basement box and I get a med kit, heal myself and follow her.

    She asks me to start on a gen but doesn't want to break it for some reason. I can feel she starts getting angry the other surv isn nowhere to be found until we hear a gen pop. She goes after him and chases him down.

    I go running begging not to kill him so she takes him to a pallet where I can stun and make her drop him.

    Takes us both to a hook now that the other surv is with us and asks to hook me, which I agree to (I would have been dead if she wanted me to).

    Anyway, hooks me twice, we do gens and get out.

    I was laughing my ass off the entire game because I was so scared and then she went from merciless killer to nice farm animal.

    Effing love you

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    I wish I remember the guy who was playing on a swamp map earlier today, but he hooked me, then an injured Nea ran and unhooked me right in front of him. He shot me and reeled me in, but instead of taking a swipe he just waited until the chain broke, then pursued the Nea. It was as if he saw the stupidity of that save and didn't want to punish me for another survivor's bad save.

    So to that guy, thank you!

  • lupo_grigio
    lupo_grigio Member Posts: 126

    once i took 4 ds in less than 1 minute, aparently i tunneled 4 ppl, that was pretty pog

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I don't know them, I'm a solo Survivor. I was playing my baby P1 Meg for the fun, with three random perks. Steve... Thank you! I don't ask people to be grateful when I take a protection hit, or anything to save them, but... Thanks.

    I went to a door, Dwight 99% it and we left the area. I went to the other door, because Steve was injured and I wanted to make sure he was fine. He was opening the second door, and I stayed behind him to protect him. One second before he was done, the Killer went to us and I got the hit. Steve opened and we escaped together. The other two Survivors followed a few seconds later.

    That kind of reaction makes me so happy. It's unexpected, and I feel so glad I took the hit for you. I wish I have people like you in my lobbies more often, because if you reacted this way, it means you would do the same. (At least, I like to think it is the case.)

  • I was playing the Ghostface the other day, and saw fellow xbox players, sent one a message saying if you're the last alive you get hatch and they were the last alive. I downed them found the hatch then dropped them by it, I had enough points for a merciless killer anwyays. The person is now my friend. She was also a killer main and just had challenges that needed done as survivor that I helped her get.

  • ChalupaXIII
    ChalupaXIII Member Posts: 13

    Had a fun one last night where I was playing survivor against a nurse who was pretty much right at my skill level (MMR or luck idk) and it was a great time. Our chases were engaging and never felt like one person had the upper hand over the other. I needed to use everything in my kit to keep the chase up and when it was finally over she nodded her head like "nice job" we had 2 good chases like this before my final hook. In the endgame chat we both expressed how fun those chases were. It's nice to see that she was having a good time as well. I think if survivors just played to the best of their ability without the t-bag at every pallet and flashlight clicky click the killer can also have a good time in a chase.

  • SpiritedSalsa
    SpiritedSalsa Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2021

    I was in a Solo Survivor game as Kate and we had a Billy. The funniest and cutest thing he did was just zoom past us and roar all match, all across the map. He even got downs and allowed us to heal the downed Survivors. I could see that he was just having a fun time and once the exit gates were open, I gave him my toolbox and nodded my Kate's head at him. No other Survivor was rude at all to him, so that was a plus. He even nodded back at me and went back to zoomin' around. I actually really wanted to let him hook me so he got a kill, but still, I really appreciated that Billy and I hope he has great games here on out!

  • kaptaincomeback
    kaptaincomeback Member Posts: 3

    Still takes forever to get in a game it’s a lot of fun but damn I can go cook dinner and come back before a match starts

  • PhantomChimera
    PhantomChimera Member Posts: 668

    I was playing as the Hag and interrupted and caught a survivor on a generator that was really close to being done. The hook I put him on was pretty much next to the generator so I placed a couple of traps around the hook and went to find the next survivor.

    I had hit another survivor when one of the traps triggered by the hook to I teleported back and hit the rescuer and started chasing them when another trap triggered by the generator that was almost done so I teleported back. It turns out all 4 survivors had been in the area and for the next little bit they all kept trying to get that one generator.

    It changed from a normal match as they kept coming back to that one generator so instead of patrolling the others I put all the traps around that one and was camping it yet they still kept coming. Eventually they did all the generators.

    I expected them all to escape and was fine. Things turned out differently however and that is why I wished I would have recorded the whole thing.

    I started towards the closest exit gate and caught one trying to open it. I had NOED and was knocked him to the ground. In the meantime a second survivor had opened an exit gate. I then hooked him and went for the one that had opened the gate which was not far away. The survivor was still standing in the exit are near the exit so I thought he wanted me to deadly wound him and he would exit. When I did however he did not leave so I picked him up and hooked him. It was then that I remembered that I had Blood Warden. I had not used it very much and honestly that is the first time it had ever activated for me.

    Suffice it to say they all ended up sacrificed on a match that I thought they would all escape on and it was all because of Blood Warden.

    I should have just let them go as planned but was so surprised by how things progressed I just hooked them all. The match was fun overall(For me at least. Not sure about the Survivors). First the generator thing and then the Blood Warden. I should have just let them go as I planned but was so surprised by how things progressed I ended up sacrificing them all.

    I should of recorded it as a match like that that will likely never happen again.

  • papichulo
    papichulo Member Posts: 271

    this one time i was farming bp's and so i decided to use ghost face so i can make peace with the survivors and down them injure them etc. so then once i told them to open exit gates they all volunteered to get hooked and they even stood in a cute little line. i obviously let them escape sadly I DONT HAVECHAT WHICH DEVS NEED TO ADD FOR SWITCH AND CONSOLE PLAYERS, but im sure we wouldve played customs together ahahhaahaha.

  • SpiritedSalsa
    SpiritedSalsa Member Posts: 95

    I actually had just now a really cool Ghost Face who did a trade of BP against us Survivors. The game lasted a while, but it was so fun! I'm glad you had a good reaction from the Survivors on your end too. :)

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I've had a similar Billy. I don't know what happened, but I ran him for two minutes after he killed two of my teammates. I eventually got downed, and David found an opportunity to get me up. Billy came back to us, and I kept myself ready to start a new chase, but he zoom past us and roar as your Billy did. When I saw he was chilling around, I finished the generators with David, and we played a bit with Billy to the exit gates.

    We let him downing us at the exit gates for him to get extra BP. I don't know if he was done with a daily or a challenge and decided to let us leave, or if it was the fact I ran him for so long that he decided to spare us. It was good practice to me. Also, thank you Billy, I've finally got the "stun the Killer four times with a pallet in a single trial". Usually, I'm super greedy when I try this one and I finish with only three stuns.

  • SpiritedSalsa
    SpiritedSalsa Member Posts: 95

    Billy's lately have been so cool! Glad you got to have that experience!

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited March 2021

    Two in a row today playing as The Twins!

    Match 1: Two Blendettes left, one who hadn't been hooked once all match. She was waiting the other Blendette to bleed out for the hatch, but I already knew where it was and her effort to escape. She waited until the last possible second to pick up the other Blendette and, after I was bringing that one towards the hook, went back towards the hatch. I had Little Vic keeping tabs on the hatch for me though.

    After closing the hatch and downing her, I waited out as long as I could to hook her. She then proceeded to DC. Her build? You guessed it.. Spine Chill, Iron Will, Self-Care, and can't remember. Very satisfying.

    Match 2: Someone loaded a Haddonfield offering! The match was going strongly against me, four gens done, but I was finally able to get a snowball effect going. This Yui had been slugged twice and hooked twice, when finally another Victor down did her in. She DC'd. I was able to slug the remaining three survivors with Victor and get a 4k.

    And who loaded the Haddonfield offering? None other than Yui. Poor girl, loses the offering and all points!

    Post edited by GoshJosh on
  • VileBooey
    VileBooey Member Posts: 2

    I just started out streaming Dead By Daylight. Well I just started streaming in general but of course I had to stream my favorite game. I’d say I’m a survivor main but I love playing killer too just not as good. I decided to torture myself by playing Blight and learning him. I get looped, flashlighted, and utterly abused a lot of games and end game chat usually isn’t too favorable.

    I recently got wrecked on Hawkins. I think I got 3 hooks and obviously everyone escaped. Blight on Hawkins is rough to say the least. I wasn’t feeling too great but all of a sudden I got 3 new followers and they were the survivors... I started to sweat thinking I was going to get bashed.

    They apologized for the beating and said sorry that I got stuck in Hawkins as Blight. Said I had a nice stream and congratulated me on my few viewers and followers as well as dropping follows and watching for a bit.

    This community isn’t all toxic! They are some really great people out there.

  • SpiritedSalsa
    SpiritedSalsa Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2021

    Mad respect to you for trying to play Blight! I really love him and would love to play him too. Ps4 a challenge with him. 🤣 Still, that's so nice of them to even stick around and follow you! I hope you have great games like that more and more! ✌

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Not really a moment, but I always try to give the last survivor the hatch - or at least choose the one most deserving

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,617
    edited March 2021

    My favourite wholesome moment happened a long time ago. I had just started playing DBD and there I was: an innocent default Claudette on Rotten Fields when, suddenly, Doctor comes to my gen (probably because I failed every single Skill Check) and decides to chase me. I was so scared that I began to run and dropped the nearest pallet in panic. Of course, Doctor wasn't even close to it. Instead of breaking it, he just... stood there. I don't remember his rank, but I presume he already had some kind of experience and realised that there was something wrong with matchmaking. And he left me! I was so relived and confused, but happy that I had been granted mercy and made a friend :)

    However, this story has a sad ending. After the third survivor was killed, I started to look for the hatch, something that I already knew of thanks to a friend. I found it, and so did Doctor. He had been friendly before, so he would let me escape, right? Nope. As I jumped, he grabbed me mid-air and hooked me.

    I don't know why he changed his mind, but I will never forget this match.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Another good samaritan killer. I cannot remember the full name, but it was "zogre" then some numbers I think.

    Anyway, they were Wraith and they'd hooked the 2 Davids: One suicided, and the second hung on for about half of the 1st stage, before suiciding when I was close. The Wraith chased my to the hook, where I had to face it and shake my head in dismay. I think Wraith felt for me as when I was downed, he let me wiggle free near a gen and just encouraged me to do gens.

    The Wraith even instructed me to pallet drop him whilst I did a gen in a shack. Meg wasn't doing much and was sacrificed as I got the final gen. I opened the gate and was near the hatch, but felt a kind killer deserves more, so even though he was gonna let me go, I led him to the basement, dropped my torch as an offering amd pointed to the hook to be sacrificed.

    Friendly killer should be rewarded.

  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195

    i just had match connection issue, i got matchmaking locked, i dont quit like that, i was going to win, overcharge, pop goes, unnerving, and distressing on swamp, for the record i did not quit... only quit out frustration like twice, i know the one time it was against angrypug and i was already banned on his twitch for good reason i suppose " i called him a looper or something but whatever" well that quit i donated 5dollars because he tbaged at gate 1 of few times i click on a profile i noticed it was him, oh the pain but awesome.....i am in a ohmwrecker vod "pretty cool pretty cool" he cut the part out when he asked me if i was a real legacy trying to get views of exposing a hacker i would guess" shoot i would"....nice build though on saw map....hillbilly of course........

  • Oreo7
    Oreo7 Member Posts: 56

    I'm super late but this is literally the cutest thing I've ever read.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    Omg thank you for reading ;-; I always imagine no one reads my ancient posts LOL

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    Just last night I played my first round of Ghostface after picking them up on sale. Leveled them to 10 get the perk slots and hit the game. Pulled off a 4k and the adept Ghostface achievment! Not too bad considering I didn't remember I could crouch for about half the match.

  • SpiritedSalsa
    SpiritedSalsa Member Posts: 95
  • Rellewd
    Rellewd Member Posts: 195
    edited March 2021

    i figured how to do images

  • TreSen
    TreSen Member Posts: 186

    Survivors love PH, just not when you play a certain way with him, and you know what I mean by that.

    I've been complimented a few times on PH. I love going for really greasy hits with his power through walls and whatnot. And I don't use cages, partly because they just don't come that much in handy unless you're one of those killers that can only get a kill or two by straight tunnelling, but mostly because I find the Final Judgement so satisfying my whole play with him revolves around saving up to do that an "4-mori" if I can.

    If I can get everyone to last hook first, even better...

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,766

    Jfc it's another player just like me please never ever change

  • AlphaBeta
    AlphaBeta Member Posts: 11

    Had a game as the sprit, had a full on exposed and mori set up, start game, one player is AFK, i hit him once leave and he DC's shortly after, another player DC's upon being hooked the second time, at this point i am a little annoyed but think whatever at this point i realise the other two have stooped working on gens and are just waiting for me to kill them to end the game, we spend the next 30min working on gens for me to kick droping pallets onto me for me to break, hitting them so they could heal, short chases where they would chase me and i would hide using haunting and we would play hide and go seek one guy lets me hook him three times in a row and the other wants me to hook him but i end up carrying him to the hatch.

    Felt super wholesome and happy afterwards, to that Dwight and that Felix i wish you many many more escapes ahead.