What's everyones opinion on "The Eternal Blight"

Personally im kinda disappointed. Thought they would bring back putrid serum but instead we just get generators and hooks that give barely any bloodpoints anyway. Kinda was hoping that ghastly gateau's or some sort of bloodpoint offering would return aswell.
Whats everyone elses thoughts?
This is the thread all others have been merged into with people's opinions.
5 -
Extremely disappointed. Not really much of an "event." Not only is there no event currency, but the old Halloween skins weren't even made available for Iridescent Shards like the new (non-licensed) ones are. This is also the most uninteresting, lackluster Rift they've had yet. The paid Rift track has nothing of value on it, except maybe Kate's outfit, but that isn't anything more than a simple recolor that should be available cheap from the store in the first place.
Halloween should be the biggest event in any horror-related game. Instead, Animal Crossing NH beats DbD by miles, and all they did was add pumpkins. That's sad, man.
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Other non horror based games have actual Halloween events that give more incentive to play than DBD. My bloodwebs have only had 1 add on or item at a time, no event offerings. Just not worth time to play over other games Halloween events.
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Not the mention the blighted generators and hooks give 1000 bloodpoints (which is absolutely nothing) and you have to bring pustula petals (which cost more to get) so your actually loosing out on bloodpoints.
Absolute stupid event, they should just revert everything and put ghastly gataeus back in the bloodweb. That would actually make people happy compared to this dissapointment of an event.
11 -
Extremely disappointed. Like the lad above me said, it can barely be called an "event", we get no rewards (Charms are not proper rewards. Fight me.) and there are like 3 event challenges in the archives that ALSO can't really be called "event challenges", because we get no rewards for them ! (Exactly the same as normal challenges) The only thing that this "event" brought us are the point offerings and addons.
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I thought the simpsons tapped out event was shaping up to be lame but this takes the cake. Even worse with the issues on ps4 and to have us play as blight whose bad as is due to technical issues just turns me off the entire event
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I have issed the previous Halloween events for various reasons. I was so hyped to finally be able to get that Serum for some great skins, maybe even unlock some of the older ones that I missed and wanted like Trapper or Clown.
Then....this. On the one hand, it´s free and it´s kinda entitled to complain about free stuff.On the other hand it´s a huge downgrade from the previous events, feels like a cash grab, and not even the previous blighted skins were made available via shards or something. I´m heavily disappointed.
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Except they shouldn't be gataeus, since those are for the anniversary. We could get creepy cupcakes or crimson candy or something, instead. Maybe pustula pumpkins.
But yeah, straight-up point offerings would be waaaay better than the current event offerings, which are absolute garbage.
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I find it weird how we were able to have these new ways of playing (harvesting plants, collecting serum) just for events back when the team was way smaller.
Now the team is bigger than ever, and instead plants are re-used but limited to Archive challenges, and no collecting serum or anything at all.
In the first event, cosmetics were given for free if we, all together, met the goal of the day, and even got a new map if we succeeded all goals. (We did, hello Groaning Storehouse.)
Cosmetics are now locked behind the already-established Archives, and a collective big reward like a new map will most likely never happen again.
Idk, it all feels like downgrades to me.
I'm still content with the game itself, but this event isn't very eventful to me.
Even the bare-bones 1st ever event was kinda cool cause you had to do it all together.
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My thoughts? Let's hope it's not eternal.
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Not really dissapointed, I wasnt expecting much. The cosmetics are dope but there is no way I am buying them with real money.
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Like usual, the team who creates the skins and whatnot carry the game. But this time we can't earn any, so a step down imo.
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I wish we would have had Halloween BP cakes :/
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absolutely boring I wish I played the game when it had actual events like they were in 2018 and before
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I'm going to quote a fog whisperer as they've said it better than me.
"What's the point in having an event if there won't be any unlockables like items/skins or even double BP? Isn't incentivizing people to play the game the whole purpose of events? To bring back old players and draw in newer ones? What's going to incentivize people to play now?"
25 -
They should honestly just give us a 2x bp event or something. I would take that over a "bonus 1000" bloodpoints anyday of the week, Lets also not mention to the devs the fact that it actually costs more to buy the pustula petals then what you get from doing blight gens/hooks so your actually loosing bloodpoints aswell.
Also thats day 1577 of looping killers and hanging around the campfire your up to now?
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disappointed is is an understatement
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I was taking a short break after Rift 4, and was pretty excited to jump back into DbD for Hallowed Blight 3.0. But it didn't really feel like anything special. Somewhat disappointed that it's literally just another Rift.
More than that, I'm a bit concerned because things weren't running that great when I actually was playing earlier (on console, so DbD wasn't even achieving that relatively low standard). Seems that the new update may have introduced some consistent stuttering issues on Xbox. Guess we still didn't get the worst of it (sorry PS4 crowd), but the performance dip certainly didn't make today's trials feel particularly pleasant.
Tomorrow's another day and I'm hoping that things will be a little better (or at least feel better) when I boot DbD up again, but only time will tell.
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A bit buggy here and there, but for me its a improvement from last year, that one was kinda dull.
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Post edited by Don on8
The most disappointing event ever. Remember last year, how we at least had event currency? How we could earn the skins much faster than grinding for 96 hours per set?
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I wish I had that optimism. To me, this is not even an event, it's a cash grab. The devs banned people for giving them criticism about it too. I'd take "harvest then die" from 2018 than this again.
7 -
There's an event going on?
The so-called event is so lackluster, I wouldn't even notice it, if it wasn't so hyped before. The most disappointing part is that there's no way to unlock outfits by gameplay(other tha iri shards, so ni difference from any other skins).
Now, I buy every chapter, every rift and usually 1-2 cosmetics sets every update. It's not like I'm greedy and want a bunch of free skins. It's just something that makes you want to play the event. It's kinda satisfying that you fulfilled some objective and earned something, not just paid money.
Events are getting worse and worse honestly, the last good event was probably Lunar New Year event with lanterns and it was still not as good as Hallowed Blight.
Recently I really don't think like playing this game, thought the event will bring me back, but well, no event, so f me I guess.
7 -
######### terrible
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This game is so ridiculously grindy, and the grind isn't rewarding. Earning a couple cosmetics during an event, that feels rewarding. And events that add a new mechanic to the game are fun. They have just completely dropped the ball this Halloween.
The Blight 2018 event is what brought me in to play DbD in the first place. Last year was disappointing. This year? What new players could this event possibly bring in? Who would start playing the game for this? No one. This event brings nothing to the game.
3 -
Honestly, the only thing I can say is "There's an event?" The blight decorations and effects in the maps are so scant and isolated that you could go through an entire match and not even notice them
When the original Haunted Blight was up the map atmosphere felt genuinely changed, seeing all the pustules and the orange glowing hooks infecting previously normal maps was super cool. The new skins look nice but nothing that grabs me like the last two times, though I do like how the Blight's skin looks like a Flood combat form
Overall there's nothing different no new objectives, no major aesthetic changes. Its just like any other BP or anniversary event aside from those weird event addons and the fact that there isn't any BP changes
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I dunno, I'm happy, I've been wanting this for ages:
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Admittedly, its my first halloween event, and literally nothing changed. Its the same gameplay, but with a pumking on a gen. Space Coconut was rigth after all
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It’s a piss poor attempt. They’ve let a lot of their community down with this whole ‘event’ and the console debacle right on top. Sad
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Behavior's greed is something that will be highlighted greatly, I already see it being echoed greatly.
I think they really messed up with this one, at this rate I would not expect anything other then more drop off of players then what have already happened to do so already.
6 -
Blight cosmetics: probably the best set yet, I mean have you seen ghostface?
Oh wait you cant get them without spending 1080 auric cells/21k shards.
Aesthetics: basically nothing changed, 2 pumpkins in the lobby and pumpkin gens and hooks. No cool orange fog lighting or anything of that sort.
New content: the flashlight and addons are cool but the killer vile add on is super situational and not only that the add ons would probably go once the "event" is over. The new offerings only give you 3k points, of which you spend the 3k on the same offering, it holds no value.
Event runs on rift and the pass isnt even that good. It's full of mediocre skins that probably only shined because of the legion skin which looks amazing.
Overall: this "event" is super lackluster and underwhelming that had a lot of potential which was ruined by money. This is imo the worst event .
4 -
Not really fan, other then then flower challenges it's only Gens and hooks. and the offerings to add more to the map are far too rare. and there's no guarantee that you will even find the flower or do a special gen before a killer finds and destroys you. I really wish it was more of earning special skins. rather then a blood point slog. The rift has totally hurt this game. just my opinion though
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First event myself and I'm disappointed. Not to mention the cosmetics for rift 5 are pretty damn trash.
6 -
This event makes the review IGN gave to fifa 21 look like it was a complement...okay maybe that was too far
I really missed the pustula plants, and when I saw that they were coming back I got REALLY happy...but then they were tied to tome challenges and only 3 of them and when you got these challenges done, all you could do was look at the plants and see how you only got 3 games to interact with them and no more.
The Add-ons don’t feel great either, the serum add-on for killers should be buffed to where its active ability instead of replacing the killers power as atm it nerfs Trapper more than helps. The survivor serum just feels weird and it doesn’t stack with the other syringe for medkits. The flashlight add-on doesn’t mean much to me as it isn’t worth using.
I feel like the pustula petals themselves are rare as hell, and I am trying to get them in level 50 P3 and I get more event add-ons than the petals themselves.
Overall, I am glad Respawn is releasing Shadow Royale tomorrow, atleast that is something new and changes the gameplay entirely
0 -
While not the worst event, at least we got some new items and add ons, it is by far the most disappointing because it just show that the devs don't really care anymore. No earnable skins, terrible offerings, killer add ons that for some reason expire after the event are all reason to see this as the event that truly cements the upcoming events as a further dive into mediocrity. In short, I do not enjoy it much.
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Is it a bug that level 50 bloodwebs (did about 7 of them on my Kate) aren't giving event items, but as soon as I hop onto my level 13 Feng I have event items in her webs? Or is it meant to be that way? Because if it's meant to be that way, that's actually really terrible. And I don't mean the add-ons. I mean the medkits and flashlights.
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BHVR ruined their biggest event with corporate greed.
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I was super psyched to hear the pustula harvesting was coming back, and my main survivor Feng Min got a beautiful macabre dress cosmetic.
Then I was super disappointed to find out you can only harvest pustulas with specific active challenges, and the serum currency is gone so I can't get Feng's dress by participating in the event :(
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Somebody asked me what I thought of the event, to which I replied, "There's an event?"
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Of course there's an event. Happy Microtransactionoween!!!
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So, there is no event. It's just a new cosmetic collection.
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That's what I said. Like, on their side. More money from micro-transactions. Now, if you were asking if there was an event for players, that's a pretty firm "no."
Pretty sad that I'm more interested in playing other games for their Halloween events, since I can actually earn cosmetics in them, than playing DBD right now.
Like, I feel like I'm missing out on other games' limited time cosmetics if I don't play them, since they're earnable. But DBD, which, up until yesterday, was my staple, play-every-day game, I don't want to play because they don't offer any type of incentive whereas Guild Wars 2 and ACTIVISION Blizzard's Overwatch both offer events with things for free, that I'd be missing out on if I just played Dead By Daylight all day.
To me, it's crazy to think that a Halloween-inspired game offers nothing in terms of rewards for its event, but other games that aren't at all horror genre related have better rewards and incentives to play during Halloween. And I DO buy cosmetics in DBD when I like them; I just dumped twenty bucks about a week and a half ago for some Kate and Legion costumes I really wanted.
But right now, I don't have any incentive to play DBD. Their event is bad; other games do it much better. And if I decide to buy the Rift eventually, well, I've still got almost a month and a half to pick it up if I want that Kate costume. I'm missing NOTHING by not playing DBD right now DURING HALLOWEEN, because they're not incentivizing it. Other games are.
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That was exactly what i thought too. For people not involved into BHVRs business this event seems lazy. Nothing less or more.
On top of that the mid chapter patch introduced (at least) two gamebreaking bugs on top tier killers and a few Bad perk balancing decisions.
I'm also just disappointed.
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Last Year: Hey this event is kinda fuggin lame
BHVR: ok lets add the battlepass to it that'll fix things
oh no no no pepelaugh
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It was a pretty lazy one. If you could do a repeatable blight pump for 25k like those archive quests allow you to do then it would be alright. I think that there needs to be more of an incentive to play. I have warzone installed and get to play against friggin' zombies (in which they never had in the game before... telling us they built these from scratch just for the event), and they adjusted the battle royale to be accommodating to this (adding in the nighttime theme).
There isn't really an incentive to play this, they make it seem like grinding for the BP cosmetics (that aren't even that great-looking) is something that is enjoyable. Why not have like a bonus BP for a certain killer each day of halloween and give them an outfit when for doing something simple like getting 4 hooks with them. Same could be done for survivor(s) except they could do a few gens... but no.. lol, we have this and it REALLY REALLY had 0 effort put into it. This is a Halloween-themed game and we have the laziest event to celebrate it.. way to go.
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Basically what I said in another thread. I LOVE Halloween, it's my favorite holiday. One of the reason I like DBD so much. But, uh, shooty-shooter games have more of an incentive to play than this game does right now DURING HALLOWEEN. They have UNLOCKABLE awards, so an incentive to actually play, whereas this is: "Hey, look, buy our trash in the store! That's our event!"
Would love some Halloween in my Halloween game, but like, nope.
2 -
Want some HALLOWEEN CONTENT in your HALLOWEEN GAME? Too bad, apparently. There's Halloween content in EA and Activision shooty-shooter games that's free, but with DBD? Nuuuuuuup! Shell out dem dollars from your wallet if you want content in your Halloween game during Halloween.
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I have to do this.
"So you do plan to have HALOWEEN CONTENT in your HALOWEEN THEMED game right?, ah Hello, Hello, yes?"
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Honestly people are being incredibly judgy and picky about this event. Yes it's not the best event dbd has had but is it the worse? By far no.
Look at last year's halloween event. All there was was serum which you could get from the rift pass which lead to cosmetics and the standard halloween items.
This event not only brings another objective in the game again but also some pretty wacky addons for both killer and survivor.
Don't ever get you're hopes too high for an event in a game like dbd, you gotta remember at the end of the day they can't add in gamebreaking mechanings or anything that messes up the balance.
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When has an event ever actually changed anything be honest?