Why can killers see your profile info in lobby?

I'm Rank 1 and have been for some time which means that more often than not, I'm playing against killers that remember my name or my friends name. How is it that killers get to see your profile and hours played but yet the killer is completely anonymous? Yes, you can make your profile private but I keep it public for certain reasons. There have been many, many occasions where killers intentionally tunnel/mori because they know that they're playing against me/friends so they play that way for the very specific reason simply that they're playing us. You can't even see your own teammates ranks but somehow your opposition can see your profile and name? That seems off to me.
Because killer often main certain killers, and certain killers can be completly countered by some perks.
If you know who your killer is, you might know which killer he chose, and how to counter that. The killer has no way to counter special survivors, or even swf.
BTW, a lot of killers tunnel and mori anyway, because they just asume their opponents might be a swf. i know i do if i play killer.
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I don't want to know who the killer is. I was just using that as an example of unbalance in the lobby, I would suggest that they cannot see profiles. I don't want to run perks to counter a specific player as I feel confident with the same loadout against any killer, doesn't bother me. Yeah, they do tunnel/mori, you're right. There have been specific instances /multiple/ times where we have had a killer who essentially wanted to ruin the fun of the game just to prove a point that they can be dicks and still kill you and let's be real, at rank 1 who really cares about a depip?
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If you wanna know who you are going against then look under recent players for consoles. I don't know about pcs tho sorry.
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This is true. Also you may play against/with someone maybe once or twice a week. I know it can happen more often but chances are that you get matched with someone you have never seen before. Might also depend on when you play.
Killers and swfs are just going to do what they want to do. It is very seldom that a killer is like oh this might be a swf better bring a mori. They are more likely to be "i didn't have fun last match so I'm going to make this one less stressful" or "i just want to mori you all"
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I dont even think that is true. Its more like someone has been toxic to the killer, and he is bringing it into the next match.
Maybe to release his anger, maybe to prevent it from happening again.
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It should be removed. There is no reason gameplay-wise why the Killer should be able to see profiles or Names.
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survivors shouldn't see the killer they facing or know who they facing because it be easy for survivor to bring the right stuff to 100% counter them.
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It's bugged on Xbox for me, it used to work but now recently played never updates on dbd
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Survivors shouldn't see killer profiles because they might learn that certain killers mostly or even exclusively play one particular killer. And while it's worse for some killers than others, some can get really countered by specific perks, items, maps and more.
Personally I don't believe anyone should be able to click on and go to survivor profiles either, be it killers or other survivors. You can already see all the relevant information like who they're playing and if they're bringing an item, as well as the pre-game chat (if you're a fellow survivor) if they say something.
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This is essentially the point of my post. I don't know how it got interpreted that I wanted to be able to see Killer profiles, because honestly I couldn't care less about their profiles. I feel confident in my gameplay to not need to know any info going into the match until we are in said match.
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This is definitely untrue. I play against many streamers each week and run into them multiple times. At Rank 1 and if you disable crossplay, you will eventually play against the same killers many, many time. Which is basically where the problem lies. Killer unhappy with result of game or doesn't like that you rekt him in game so then next time you're against them it's an easy tunnel/mori. It's pretty lame to deal with, all of this could be avoided if killers just simply could not see your name/profile.
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Well If you have cross play disabled for whatever reason then yes you are playing with a much smaller pool of players. I seriously doubt you are going against the same killer as many times as you think. and to think they honestly remember you unless you did something dumb like complain about how they play or say they where bad,is very unlikely. You are simply complaining about something that effects possibly 1% of your games. Trust me you are not as memorable as you think you are. If you are so worried about it change your name.
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Some of the comments in the threads on these forums man I swear. It's like clockwork lmao. You could make a flowchart out of this.
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Get over it..
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The only reason why I can see a killer targeting you specifically and tunneling and mori when they know its you is probably not because you "rekt" them, but more than likely you are a toxic cocky survivor who plays SWF.
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I'm just responding to his comment that they are doing it solely because he "rekt" them the previous match. I doubt many killers even pay attention to the survivors in their games if they win or lose, the only ones you pay attention to and keep note of are toxic #########.
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That's the spirit, nice addition to the conversation!
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Oh it's definitely because they don't enjoy flashlights or you queueing with your friend. Still doesn't really answer the initial question that I had.
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Can you elaborate on this?
How/ where do you look “under recent players” on PS4?
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I’ve been getting tunneled severely by killers every time they see me in the lobby because I outplayed them in previous matches.
Now I never know when it’s going to be one of those begrudging players incessantly targeting me in an attempt to quench their toxic vengeance.
It’s unfair and it’s happening because the devs allow the killer to see who’s who. smh
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While I don't think seeing the specific killer you are going against should be a thing, being able to see the killers profile should be fine. They could just add it as a little notification tab near the "Ready" button or something. Not that there's much reason to see the killers profile, but fair is fair.
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I'm actually sometimes see survivors who remember me as killer. So it's works both ways. Killer is not anonimous after match.
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no you didnt, because i explicitly said someone else might be toxic and he just lets it out on you. doesnt make the killer less toxic, sure, but still something different.
Its like saying: Trump will win the presidential election, and if Biden wins, just saying "called it, we got a president".
Not the same.
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I wanna know who to flame when they bring in that skeleton key last second.
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Thank you, I hope it helped!