PS4 Trash Players [Small Rant/Discussion about the community]

Do you want to know "what grinds my gears" sometimes? Those "cool" players/SWF groups that just loves to Gen Rush me, while I am playing killer most of the time!

I get that Survivors do whatever takes to survive together and escape, especially with friends! And I also get that, Killers do whatever it takes, to be that major "Obstacle" to prevent them from achieving their goal, even if it resorts to camping (Not Face Camping, that's boring and unfair for that hook survivor)

[Pardon my salty language]
But, what piss me off, about those players; is how ridiculous easy it is for them to succeed in completing all 5 Generators in like around 5-10 minutes, even so easy for them to find my Hex Totem in like less then a minute tops!
Then, there's that one Survivor that does everything in their power to make me go at them more, then the other 3 (Use Flash light for saves, Waste my time Looping, etc.) And then, the end game in which they all have the advantage with multiple ways to escape from the map, like if they are immune from me getting the opportunity to catch them easy!

And to seal the deal, all Messages that I keep recieving on my Playstation account; are these particular Toxic Players that keep on message me, that I suck, that I am a baby, etc. [This is the only game, I. which I seen all these player's profiles from; and I know whom they are; as i receive them after the match!]

Call me being a sore loser at times, maybe also salty for just seeing these annoying Trash Messages that spams my notifications! But, those SWF groups/Pro Survivors don't deserve those wins and has any decent right to go bad mouthing for doing poorly at times!

[Here's where the discussion matters]

According to my understanding, of the History of Dead By Daylight Updates over the year, as well my experience in playing since August! [Playing it every night]

The killer is meant to be that one side, that is designed to pretty much win them trails according to lore, by being able to overcome the survivors with more then one elimination (depending on the skill set, in which how good they are)! The point is, Death is not a escape and that the killer needs to be such a powerful foe to reckoning with!

Survivor, individually are the weaker side, but with greater numbers by 4 players! They are meant to work together no matter how different they are as wellas dire the situation is! Teamwork, as well as perform well without mistakes; ensure that most, to even lucky for all Survivors  will be able to repair, open, and escape all together! (Until another Trail, and another one)

Over all the knowledge that I know, about the game's update history! Survivor get to many life improvements, plus Buffs that benefits them way too good; while our Killers do get some buffs, they mostly see some changes that nerfs them or even makes them outclass by the survivors; especially quite a few of them [Please BUFF Freddy]

The point is..... Killers are mentally and physically ment to be the stronger side, not the opposite effect!

The more and more I rank up, and step up my game and improve in my playstyle as any killers! The survivors I encountered are more toxic, getting too good and skillful (especially when some of the things they do like looping, requires no skill required, for some of the things they do), and find ways to be "not afraid of me" as a killer! I thought this game is supposed to demonstrate what scary and intimidating a killer is meant to be; not be a laughing stock that go tea bag at the exit gates!

Killers need some love [both in Buffs, and ######### respect]; as how the hell would I want to enjoy this game as a killer, if the Survivors are going to be too Good, that they we have to be Toxic everytime in the end of the match! I am there, to be part of this game; I am not some npc/but for you to mindlessly go mess around in!  [I would probably be not salty, if they were to send me a "GG" or even a friend request! As I sometimes be a bad killer, and allow a fellow dying survivor take a nearby escape hatch for them]

The point is, Survivor have too much Buffs, that some of the benefits they get required no skill to win; and not all killers don't got any buffs to satisfy their pure skill set in keeping a good game status!

P.S. Message to Dead by Daylight Dev. Team: If you can read this Discussion; hear my plead; Some Killers need some Buffs and little reworks [Freddy, Especially]; while Survivors got too much love and attention that they would win game escape all together, most of the time!

Please do something, in like effectively Nerfing "Gen Rushing", to ensure Killers can even the playing field and catch the Survivors! Also, Please fix all the low tiers Killers; as well as fix/rework all perks for both sides; so that Killers/Survivors can have more choices, over Meta perks! Also, do something about SFW! Maybe, make it so that if a killer is dealing with a group of them; SFW will suffer some sort of negative penalty, that slightly makes it more harder to win games together! [Suggestions: Make it so that affected Hex Totems are invisible; add slightly more charges to Gens; survivors cannot see aura of dying Survivors or hook survivors]
 The concept  is Playing with Randons is pretty much a better type of group survivors, over SWF; as they can not be as able to communicate with each other; while communication is the key for SWF's High Win Rate! Not too mention, being Rando will not result in you suffer any of these slightly downsides effect that only applies to those SWF groups in the match, that I suggested! I say it's great for those Hardcore Toxic Survivors; as I want to see how well good they are and if they truly have the skills/teamwork to best me or any other killer mains; even with these extra burdens!

I would love to hear your thoughts/concerns about this whole thing; and would respect if you all can tell me your thoughts about SWF groups/Pro Toxix Players; like how I experience?

[Not a Freddy main, just like trying all forms of Killers; it just It's impossible to win anything as Freddy]


  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    The imbalance in this game has been discussed for a while now and genrushing is one of the biggest concerns. But it's important to keep in mind that the imbalance isn't the fault of the survivors and they're just trying to do their objective. Of course, there are those jerks who think they're pros and will spam you with "lol git gud" or "EZ PZ" but trash talk comes with any multiplayer game. Just set your messages to friends only and you'll be way better off. As for the balance, the devs mentioned something about possibly adding secondary objectives to slow games down a couple streams ago and they're working on Freddy, so hopefully things keep improving.

  • ItsMe
    ItsMe Member Posts: 6
    Probably you are facing deranked swf groups, so they are better at this game than you are, that's why u feel powerless. It's not a balance issue, you just need to get better.
    Yes, sometimes u can face a pro swf squad and get 0-1K, but that's pretty rare.
  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201

    Killers have enough power to defeat these SWF groups. Looping? Pick Nurse or Hag. Better Hag, since you're on PS4 and here playing Nurse must be hell. Other killers can deal with those as effective as others do.

    Now, about toxicity... DbD's community is one of the worst out ther, they won't miss a chance to write a steam comment or just trashtalk in the end-game chat.
    And when somebody camps even a little...

  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74

    Whats wrong with Teabagging I find it funny

  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    Also git gud
  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Yeah I hear that on the gen rushing. For the looping if you can't catch them within the first gen popping break chase check the gens. You have a good shot in finding an easy down most of the time I do. Don't pay attention to the ones that want you to flow them ignore them half the time there so desperate for your attention that there more than likely to mess up and when they do give them a good smack right up side there head. The thing to keep in mind when you know you are about to face a group like that don't let them take you off your game plan.

  • apropos
    apropos Member Posts: 245

    I encounter these groups every once in a while, and I know how you feel. You literally feel toyed with, as your ass is playfully handed to you. I tend to encounter these groups after I've been playing for a while, so I wonder if we're just tired? I've tried to keep an eye for groups like this in my first couple of matches, and I think I've had them before, but I'm so attentive and aggressive toward them they stop screwing with me. They seem to stop teabagging and become task oriented after they try to juke during a chase, and you down them in two lunges.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331
    edited October 2018

    @SanKa_Games said:
    Killers have enough power to defeat these SWF groups. Looping? Pick Nurse or Hag. Better Hag, since you're on PS4 and here playing Nurse must be hell. Other killers can deal with those as effective as others do.

    Now, about toxicity... DbD's community is one of the worst out ther, they won't miss a chance to write a steam comment or just trashtalk in the end-game chat.
    And when somebody camps even a little...

    You shouldn't have to pick 1 or 2 killers to be able to play the game. That's a flaw in the system, end of story.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614
    edited October 2018

    PS4 Player Here.

    The only time I've ever had salt thrown at me in this game in post-game messages is:

    1. I was a ######### survivor teammate. Sometimes I am.
    2. I camped as the killer, or was perceived to be camping. (Typically, I "patrol" hooks)

    Other than those two situations, I've never, as the killer, had a survivor message me after a game to make fun of my skills. I just think it requires way too much time and effort to send messages on PS4 otherwise.

    So I find it a little suspect that you are getting a enough salt messages post game to warrant a manifesto like this post.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    To combat smurf survivors, play defensively. De-ranked survivor groups are going to be way too altruistic. When you get down to one generator, commit to your next chase, down him, hook him, and camp him. 

    Patrol in a small 10 meter radius around the hook, weaving between objects that break line of sight, to bait them, if you see a survivor attempting to unhook, grab him, if you’re too far and he successfully frees his friend, wait for the animation to finish, and whack the injured one, and hook once more, repeat this process to secure the kill. 

    If you get lucky, you can down another and hook him and secure a second kill if you follow the process, once you get good at this strategy, you can turn escape phases into 4Ks. 
  • rebelhunter316
    rebelhunter316 Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2018
    Fishcat said:

    Whats wrong with Teabagging I find it funny

    [url=][img][/img][/url][url=]via Imgflip Meme Generator[/url]
  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    PS4 Player Here.

    The only time I've ever had salt thrown at me in this game in post-game messages is:

    1. I was a ######### survivor teammate. Sometimes I am.
    2. I camped as the killer, or was perceived to be camping. (Typically, I "patrol" hooks)

    Other than those two situations, I've never, as the killer, had a survivor message me after a game to make fun of my skills. I just think it requires way too much time and effort to send messages on PS4 otherwise.

    So I find it a little suspect that you are getting a enough salt messages post game to warrant a manifesto like this post.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @SanKa_Games said:
    Killers have enough power to defeat these SWF groups. Looping? Pick Nurse or Hag. Better Hag, since you're on PS4 and here playing Nurse must be hell. Other killers can deal with those as effective as others do.

    Now, about toxicity... DbD's community is one of the worst out ther, they won't miss a chance to write a steam comment or just trashtalk in the end-game chat.
    And when somebody camps even a little...

    That's counterproductive to people who don't like The Hag or The Nurse. Myself, I like Trapper. He's my favourite. Telling me to pick another Killer isn't solving the initial problem.

    Yeah, but you guys do realize that toxicity exists in EVERY game. Like, every. Smite, Overwatch, Paladins, CoD, Warframe, Halo, World at War, so on...

    Don't let words typed out hurt y'all. If you aren't enjoying the game, then it wouldn't hurt to put it down and do something else.

  • SanKa_Games
    SanKa_Games Member Posts: 201

    @Brady @AgentTalon But I didn't tell you to play as these killers all the time. It's just that you'll learn about countering survivours a lot much faster as Hag or Nurse. Other killers, except Freddy, are strong enough to perform 2k in an unlucky game vs good survivours, you just have to know how to play and what to pick, that's it. For example, you MUST NOT take any totem perks, except NOED, since they'll be found instantly (survivours spawn in groups near the totem a lot).