Charms redeem codes

I'm going to try to keep this updated
Perk treat - SWEETDREAMS
Dwight Crow - ( Visit a twitch streamer whos on the 3rd page list. I Recommend on consoles XSTARWAKE or another small streamer. For pc i recommend thekller)
Trap O' lantern - Twitchortreat
Event to redeem these codes will end at November 4th 11 AM ET.
Edit: the dwightcrow is a limited exclusive there are only 10 redemption per code so they might not be available when posted. I recommend watching a fog whisper if you want the best chance to grab a dwightcrow my recommendation is above. Or you could try the other fog whisper on the 3rd page.
Thank you
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I really don't like being forced to watch other people streams to get cosmetics, that's dumb. This isn't a F2P game.
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Thanks, the first one works fine but idk why i get an "this code could not be redeemed due to a server error" with the eternalblight code.
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this thread goes instantly into "my bookmarks"!
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Try it a couple of times I had the same problem. It worked :)
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Yep I tried it after a match now and it worked. Btw i just noticed that the devs put the Nea master challenge to the side of a Killer master challenge, they obviously did that on purpose 🤣😂
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And the fact the codes will only have limited uses really is unnecessary on top of it.
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Seriously?! That's a bit crap.
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Taken directly from the news:
Dwightcrow - The crows don’t seem afraid of this at all...
- For this Charm, check out any of our Fog Whisperers during event dates. The Promo Codes they reveal have limited uses, so act fast once you’ve got your hands on one.
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Well that's fully crap then, what is BH no-more-exclusives VR thinking?
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Thank you, you kind man🤗
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If thats the case ill try to place a new code every so often and bump up the thread. I'll try watching Paulie ester or king since they are fog whispers
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Not all heroes wear capes.
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Very cool.
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nice info, i got the 2. i will save this post.
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Thanks! I'd seen this some where but completely forgot until I seen this thread.
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Where do we enter these codes?
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Go to the shop, then go to the featured tab, and on the far right - just below your Player Level, is a "Redeem Code" button.
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Some heroes don't wear capes... thank you.
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this was nice what limited use are these also limited use
why are some if not all limited use
didn't they say no more no-more-exclusives I know these are charms but it the same thing.
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Exactly. I dont even watch FW twitch channels cause they're boring especially otz who's so robotic. They're just not entertaining. I'm just gonna be happy with the 1st 2 charms cause I dont even know any of they're schedules and wont be available tomorrow anyways cause I'm gonna be busy. Disappointed but its okay.
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Your such a good samaritan.
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Dwight crow charm has a limited use and editing of post takes time on moderation. But I hope it will work because I don't have spare time to watch fog whisperers in my time zone.
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I honestly wouldnt waste time. I just saw from the community tab that king stated that each code has 10 redemptions allowed. So watching them on yt is out of the questions and solely going to only be good for twitch. I wish they did it so that if u watched a certain amount of hours of dbd u get it instead of this crap
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Even Don't Starve Together has a great system implemented for that. Money worthy skins you earn by running a stream for six hours, and you usually have 2 months-ish to do so. I mean, they really are an indie company too. Klei should be an industry standard with how well they interact and take feed back from their community.
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For the record, I like The King. He obviously doesn't have any control over what the devs decide to give.
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Yah but I really wanted to place that post somewhere you just commented on it so I left it there. Just in case sombody is confused and didn't read the other guy comment.
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Ahh, I getcha.
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Are developers even sorry to give amulets?)
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10 per code? Are these devs ######### nuts?!
Console players are absolutely ######### then...
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Agreed! Wish we had the Klei system 😔, then EVERYONE🥰could obtain the rewards instead of just TEN 🤬people.
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Man, i was way too optimistic. I thought maybe it's 1k per code, but only 10? lol, i'm sad now, ngl.
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why make one limited use I mean dev want us to hate them?
also why they want us to watch someone playing the game not playing it are self.
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And they already knew this from when the were giving out the outfits on Twitter. If 1,000,000 supposedly play this on Earth does 10 a code help anyone? Gosh at least let it be 100.
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I wouldn't be that salty about it if they never said that they won't do any exclusives anymore and gave away all the event stuff for free.. It's like a lil kick in the ass. Nothing should be limited in this case. Not fair for anyone.
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It’s a 32 digit code too. Yeah thanks devs.
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Sadly MY ISP does not support Streaming Platforms.
so i guess im SoL for the Dwightcrow
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That is exactly what i was referencing.Thats a perfect system
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This code is expired
But I want to say that you do require to place all the dashes manually if your on console and pc i recommend to place the dashes ahead of time and type the remaining.
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Well, it's not even that pretty to be bothered with 😅
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how the hell are we meant to get this dev can go bad word them selfs.
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Thank you <3
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That would take me forever to enter on xbox.
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Yeah,we'll see us in 10 years when i managed to get that with a controller 😂
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1000% this.
They definetely should have done the same like Overwatch does.
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Why there is no free charms or cosmetics for login-in during the event like it was with anniversary? Yes, there are those two charms that everybody can get but I wish there was something that encourage you to launch the game lol
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So I’m supposed to watch a streamer and try to input a code with 100+ people watching and only 10 work, I’m on a ps4 clearly I’m at a disadvantage from not having a keyboard XD looks like this will be one item I won’t be adding in :( sucks I like to have everything lol
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How in the hell is console supposed to have even a chance at getting one of these???