Streamer charm codes...😢🍬


So I can watch/listen to Streamers while playing DbD to until they give a code. Instantly abandoned my team and hurry to store to enter code....only to have it be invalid cause there are only 10 uses and I am on console.

Or hold Switch open to 'redeem code' in store...carry it around as well as device to hear streamer..then hear code and rush to enter hoping all the trouble was worth it and I am one of the magic 10..

Ugh, you guys! Ugh.


  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261

    So i guess they gonna put this charms on store ? 100 auric cells, seems a good price BHVR.

  • NoOne
    NoOne Member Posts: 42

    I kinda doubt they will put it on the shop. Ig it will stay "rare" just like King said himself

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Don't bother DC'ing. There always are a few dozen people already waiting for the code with the redeem code tab in the store opened.

    If you seriously want to get a code you need to open the tab and wait there preferably knowing exactly when and where it will appear. Then the instant it appears you need to copy it, Alt+Tab, paste and press Enter. All of that should take like 3-5 seconds or it might be too late. (If there is no option to copy-paste it's around 10-30 seconds depending on the length of a code)

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,785

    Is this for the Dwight crow charm?

  • pepperoninipples
    pepperoninipples Member Posts: 90
  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    But if they actually play the game they might see how greedy, lazy and lackluster the event is! Best keep them at a distance ^_-

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    They want you to visit these Fog Whisperer streamers (Cosmetic Models) because these Cosmetic Models are paid in auric cells to model the latest and newest cosmetics in the store and rift hopefully enticing you to buy it.

    All for the slight CHANCE of winning a charm.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Money well spent,honestly lol

    Everyone hates Fortnite but at least this game works and has actual events :]

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,457
  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    No idea really. I guess devs didn't think about consoles when they came with the idea of limited codes.

    Your best chance is if the codes are not copy pasteable and everyone needs to input manually. And even then a keyboard will have an advantage.

  • rottmeister
    rottmeister Member Posts: 316

    As a console player I'm not even going to attempt this...

    People with keyboards could probably write books in the time I try to type a word on controller. xp

  • Per_Fections
    Per_Fections Member Posts: 2

    I did manage to get the dwightcrow charm on console but my god do you have to have super fast reflexes and hands. It's cool to have but the trouble wasn't truthfully worth it. Since there aren't any console exclusive codes to be given out you have to be one of the very few and very lucky ones to get the dwightcrow charm. This event is a joke not gonna lie.

  • NoOne
    NoOne Member Posts: 42

    Or you watch a streamer that is giving console players a fair chance, like Paulie or I read Streamdad too? I dunno bout that, but Paulie tried his best with giving console players the time to enter the code and a fair chance. Sadly most other streamers I watched didn't care too much.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    I feel clueless but what past cosmetics did they give out for free? I am on console and cannot find anything new in my stuff. I know I am dumb but that is why I am asking is because I think I missed the list of stuff they gave us? I hope this is not coming off rude because I do not mean it that way and I genuinely am curious what we got so I can look for it. <(^.^)> TY for any help or info.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,826

    I watched a couple streamers today who also posted the first part of the code and then waited a bit to post the last two characters. They didn't have many viewers but were still trying to give console players a fair chance, and that was like right after Paulie did his thing, so it's spreading and some of the streamers are trying.

    Also, it was kind of amusing to watch Paulie take ten minutes to type the code in that first time.

  • VII_Seven
    VII_Seven Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2020

    coming from PC and also have gotten the charm aswell, I'm disappointed they didn't consider console alot more.

    they should've dedicated half the codes to console only. so 1 code for PC and 1 code for console displayed at the sametime on the stream giving the fair chance for both platforms to enter. it shouldn't have just been 1 code for all.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    I watched the kings youtube both videos i tried 3 codes from within minutes of him posting them. Then went to his stream he started after uploading the videos, tried another 2 codes still nothing.

    Got back on later tonight and watched oh tofu stream and he put 10 codes up at one time with the last 2 letters blocked out to give console players a fair chance, and then like 3 minutes later he released the last 2 letters to all 10 codes at the same time.

    I mean i literally had the code typed in on my xbox watching the stream on my phone i couldnt have been any faster if i wanted to. I even got lucky and the last 2 letters to my code were 88 so LITERALLY couldnt have been any faster.

    To much work for a charm that i cant even use on the survivor its for because its killer only plus who wants to spend hours watching other people play the game in hopes of obtaining a cosmetic.

    Why cant i just play dbd and earn it? Or even the good ole dbd way of pay to play since every 3 months you gotta spend another 10 bucks on a dlc and another 10 on a rift.

    Tired of BHVR showing up to the party with no lube.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    I got mine from a streamer that did it pretty fair, even console players had good chances to get one and I saw a few console players confirming in chat that they got one.

    The streamer gave enough time for me to open steam, launch the game and even then I still had enough time. I would not play while watching a stream if you want the charm.

    However, I like watching streams from time to time while I'm doing other stuff, so I don't had an issue with the FogWhisperers giving the codes away, since I still watch them anyway. It depends how the streamers do the giveaway, but as I stated there's a way to make it fair for players of all platforms.

  • HittingOnHook
    HittingOnHook Member Posts: 486

    charms are useless decorations who cares

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 255

    They should have done this as a twitch drop. Have it as a guaranteed drop for anyone who watched X hours of a fog whisperers stream.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    So we have to choose between playing the game and watching others play the game, so we get a tiny chance to get the charm.

    Do they not want us to play their game?

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    I prepared redeem page and I got my roommate read me the letters so I wouldn't lose seconds to read them myself, and guess what still nothing. I don't know who wins them, seems impossible to me. Never trying that again.

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,525

    For what it's worth, I'm ok with the lack of Serums for Cosmetics and missing side objectives, but the whole "watch streamers for a chance to get your event awards" is extremely frustrating and not cool.


  • KillScreen
    KillScreen Member Posts: 166

    This event sucks... period.

  • FaythsRequiem
    FaythsRequiem Member Posts: 1

    I'm a PC player, and even having the redeem code window up and watching streamers that hide last few characters of code for several minutes to give console players a chance I'm still not fast enough to be able to get it. It's insane how freaking quick those "10 uses" are gone....

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,826
    edited October 2020

    That's what I keep saying! It makes no sense.

    I mean, people can either watch the streamers and sit with the store open waiting to enter a code, or they can play the game. They can't do both. And since the charms are limited while playing the game in general is not, there's no incentive to play the game over trying for the charm. It's like BHVR doesn't want people playing the game. What good is a DbD event that only has survivor mains playing while everyone else is glued to Twitch streams?

    (Yes, this is a bit of hyperbole, not every person who plays killer cares about the charm, but you get my meaning. This code mess encourages the opposite of what BHVR should want from its playerbase.)

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    This is a really terrible way to do things, especially for an event.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    The charm code is so pc biased, if you're on console you might as well just have ignored it.

    And people wonder why I say bhvr doesn't give a ######### about console players.

  • Kathpatty
    Kathpatty Member Posts: 19

    I sub to 4 streamers, I play on PS4 , by the time I write it down from tv, switch to ps4 and enter code I have never gotten it redeemed....this really is not a good feeling event....

  • Funcle1983
    Funcle1983 Member Posts: 76

    I agree that it’s not fair how they did codes but I also feel really bad for streamers who BHVR put in a really ######### spot with this. The few streams I have watched before I got the charm just seemed over it with people trolling and asking over and over again for charm codes.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited October 2020

    I got the dwightcrow on console just now. Go here now