An apology to the art team

I feel bad to the art team of this game they out did them selvs with the map update and again with the event costumes. Just to only have the event ruin it for them so this is just a statement to the art team if we were are upset at this update / event its not at you just how the event ruined the opportunity to cherish the amazing cosmetics
I do feel bad for them too. I can see sales plummeting from this debacle and I hope they don't take it as a reflection of their work.
Though one critique I would have is that the Star Seeker Kate concept does not reflect the execution
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For real though. The skins look great, I love the revamped levels.
It stinks that your hard work is going to be overshadowed by greed and incompetence. I hope once BHVR tanks, you guys can find work at a better company.
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The event is what brought me back in Oct. Because it was a good event every other time now the old outfits were cool but. Sortof bland and this event the costumes are amazeing but so grindy to get 1 piece and as a player who is devotion 10 lv 91 I have no reason to play this event the outfits are not worth the grind and theres no game play change so what reason is there to bring back old players and new players wont get the outfits
Edit typos
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Yeah, the art team did an outstanding job. The rest of the event is where all the problems lie.
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The costumes and the new map/lighting looks excellent.
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Art team always does amazing, sadly the skins will barely see sales/use. I've been playing since the event started and i've yet to see anyone use any of the new skins (killer and survivor), and im not buying them either, they look amazing but im not gonna support the greed of the devs
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The problem has nothing to do with 'overpriced' cosmetics but with how the 'event' itself is conducted. Many players, including myself are not going to spend another dime here.
I agree. In fact I definitely would have bought the legion skin with cells had it not been for this 'event'. Wont use shards either as I need them for future dlc. (And I bought every dlc with money twice except oni)
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I'm going to make this statement clear so noone misunderstood me its good that they try to get cash out of this event after all they are running a job but the fact that you cant earn even 1 outfit without going up almost a devotion lv is crasy
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I won't stop you from enjoying the event but this one wont be handled well there is no reason for old players to come back unless they are streamers and you don't get much out of this event I would be suprised if people could get 2 parts of an outfit without buying it
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A yearly event should be twofold. A way for the company to make money and also a way for the company to thank the players for keeping them employed.
This event fails miserably. The extra bloodpoints are negligible as I need over 50k blood points to maybe find a postula offering to maybe get an extra 3k.
The in game postula flowers are limited to 3 per person. So no more blood points there.
They seemed to have skipped the appreciation part of this 'event'
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nah i don't feel bad for them, they're good, but i don't need to feel bad for them since everything going fine for them
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I like the event. I wish there was event currency, especially cause I can't afford to spend much on a game right now, but it's still a fine enough event. I'm having fun with it.
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They did an amazing job I hope they realized we like the work they done to the skins and the maps they made, we just don't like how you can obtain the said skins only through payment
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Expensive skins, mobile phone like grind, battle pass, and scummy live service tactics. Stuff we wouldn't give Square or EA pass for
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I'm on PS4 and I'm experiencing issues so I can't really enjoy the event fully right now, but there is no reason for everyone else to be complaining this much. The new skins are great and if I want one, I will buy one. It's not that serious especially since some are still attainable with shards AND if you get the Rift, that's 1000 AC for playing the event, doing challenges, and enjoying the game. The only thing I wish was happening is the event currency in the Rift like Tome 1, but it's an "Oh well" not "I'm quitting the game over this."
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The art team always knock it out of the park with this game. It's the design team that let them down.
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I feel bad for the art team too. I don't like the aesthetic, and I would like to at least appreciate it, but (game balance and) the communication from the entirety of the dev team and people in managerial positions ruins it for me at the very least.
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Events in games like this should always exceed what they did the year before or at the very least meet the same expectation they set the year before, not make the event worse as the years go on. Halloween should be THE event for DBD but every year they try to scale it back and now it has become a joke.
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The sound effects are absolutely amazing.