Thats all folks

I know I know they heard our issues about ps4. But now they said michael isn't receiving anything. No base kit buffs, only a straight up add on nerf if they touch him. That and the boring events, the endless grind, and the seemingly dismissal of some of these issues is going to make me want to take a break. I'm disappointed in the devs and a minority of the community. This situation is similar to the fallout 76 situation. And we know how that ended. Don't think I'm trying to make this sentimental because it's not. It's basically saying why I won't be as active on the forums than i used to be
Edit: Let me answer some questions i keep seeing
This isn't the only reason I'm leaving
He will most definitely get an add on pass due to not fitting their standards of add ons
Good day for all and i pray for those who stick with the game
Did they seriously said that Myers is getting a nerf?
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for real?
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They said they were going to look at his add ons, which means A they will nerf tombstone and buff his other add ons or B they nerf tombstone and nothing else
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Wait a minute give me a link to this I need to see this!
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Not directly, they just confirmed that his basekit will not be changed and his addons might get looked at. Looking back at the "slight addon changes" other Killers recieved (Nurse, Billy), we can make a good guess about what´s to come for Myers.
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In this stream, they also confrim that Object will not get changed. Ethan thinks it´s fine because Object users tend to die rather often.
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It was their latest stream on twitch
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WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!! He said Object is not getting nerfed even though it’s the most broken perk are you shitting me!
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he doesn't meet the addon standard and same thing will happen to huntress.
you should have expected this to come seeing as how every killer who has received an addon rework didn't meet the standard.
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Ok, ima head out too.
What happened to this game man?
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Well that was obvious but the fact they said no base kit buffs makes me worried
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Wow they could at least make T1 undetectable for real and make it easier to get out of, sorry to hear he is getting addon nerf.
This is really sad considering Myers isn't that strong, I remember that Billy "didn't" get his basekit changed according to the devs and now you rarely see any Billy players.
I wonder how bad they are going to change the addons.
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I remember thinking dbd was what i wanted friday to be, now i know friday is a better game just with a smaller playerbase
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If you're not having fun with DBD or the community, you should go.
I hope you get a reason to come back some day (fingers crossed this add-on change for Myers is a net buff, not a net nerf), but don't stick around if it's not fun.
DBD is a game at the end of the day. It should be fun to play.
Stay safe out there.
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I doubt I'll have a reason to come back, unless they actually stop dodging the issue and actually buff myers' basekit I'm done. If i could refund i would. But for now it'll collect dust in my library
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Hope they wrap up that lawsuit
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They are, it'll end by feb im guessing
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To be fair, the Tombstone Piece 100% needs a Nerf.
But once again, someone is overreacing about no information at all.
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I just don't think it is a good idea to assume the worst. I love Myers. I could care less what they do as long as they leave my Spooky Myers build alone (Scratched Mirror+Boyfriend's Memo). My view is if they make more of his add ons worth using, that would be nice.
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Can somebody give me a time stamp to when they start talking about the Michael Myers chapter?
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Dude, the devs can only ######### you over so many times before you start to spot the pattern. They will gut tombstone and tuft, probably scratched mirror too.
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No information at all? When was the last time they were supposed to nerf op add ons and buff weak ones? Billy and Nurse.. What happened both ######### times? Both received basekit nerfs. This is past experience, not no evidence at all. Don't dismiss my opinion because it doesn't conform to yours
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You are overacting. Myers was like rank 5 in killrates at rank 1 with around 70% killrate. He's a super super strong killer, but happens to have fair counterplay. I hope they don't touch him tbh. Survivors need buffed before he needs nerfed.
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Oh, haven’t you heard?
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Man...this isnt poggers
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Nerfing Myers? These devs boggle my mind sometimes.
Stay safe out there in this crazy world my guy.
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Hopefully things will change for the better soon.
Hopefully they wont even get around to Meyers for years...
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This is Michael Myers worst Halloween ever. Instead of it being his version of Christmas he is getting an ugly knitted sweater from BHVR with dreaded addon pass.
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Knowing past experience i shouldn't conversate with you but i'm going to anyway. Only reason he has that many kills is either his op add on or moris, time and time again he is showed to be a killer with the worst map pressure in the early game. His snowball basekit without snowball perks is weak as #########.
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This is a prank, right?
Edit: It's not, but there's no way in heck Sean isn't appealing again. It's too early to say it's over yet.
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He got the Trick this year.. Poor ol' guy...
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It’s legit.
Larry Zerner tweeted about it on September 28th
Sean Cunningham will appeal the decision, but as of now all the rights are Miller’s and forward progress can be made
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I thought we got the trick this year. Maybe all of us got the trick and BHVR got the treat.
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Yes, it´s hard not to percieve this as an addition of insult to injury.
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If I were to guess we might see:
- Tombstone Piece changed to allow a SINGLE Mori (working the same as it does not) but no longer increase how long it takes you to Tier up. Or they might tie its trigger to a certain number of Hooks.
- Judith's Tombstone will likely alter in a way to make it get more general use, i.e. not make it slow you down quite so much and/or reduce the effect it has on hitting Tier-3. The Trade off again, will have to be how it affects the Mori-on-the-Run. I expect it might tie the trigger to a number of Hooks rather than simply hitting Tier-3.
- I don't expect them to change the Fragrant Tuft of Hair.
- I don't expect them to change the Scratched Mirror
- I expect them to fiddle with the Vanity Mirror but I'm not certain how yet, but most likely increase it Rarity and no longer have it prevent one from reaching Tier-3. *But it would retain the same, short range wall hack.
- All the various pieces of glass are garbage so who knows what they will do with those.
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i expect them to nerf his op add ons and not touch his weaker ones
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Tombstone and Tuft can be nerfed, no problem here. Tuft is too easy to get for the Benefit (it really does not take that long), and Tombstone is just BS. At the very least the Tombstone deserves nerfs.
Scratched Mirror is more of a Meme which only works really good on one Map, nothing to compare.
Yeah, and both times the Basekit Nerfs were justified and the Killers are still good.
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Hope that was a “Happy F”
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Maybe if you weren't that good with him we wouldn't be having this problem now would we?
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Billy wasn't justified as you can tell by his pick rates, nurse is debatable, but if thats the only thing you can counter that then this convo is over
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It isn't surprising that they're going to mess with another Killer, I just never thought it would be Michael. He needed no nerfs whatsoever.
You'd think they'd worry about buffing Trapper and Wraith, two Killers who have been collecting dust on their worktable, but not.
I guess they really are focusing on pleasing their cash cow (Survivors).
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So If i was good with myers i wouldn't be upset about the grind, the community and dev team, and the fact they aren't buffing one of the weaker killers? Ok buddy
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And yet Freddy and Doc got ridiculous buffs. Oni got a wider area to wack his bam bam stick when he got adjusted. Bubba is a blatant buff across the board. Deathslinger they've said nothing about nerfing him or Spirit despite the community wanting it.
Can we stop cherry picking?
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I mean, you brought up Nurse and Billy, and I responded to it. If you cant handle a response, dont bring up arguments.
You are overreacting. Nothing is known, so no conclusions possible.
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@Xyvielia no it wasn't
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No it's because you are good with him he isn't getting buffs. Should have put the /s my bad
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Like I said, thats not the only reason why im leaving. The ps4 issues they are fixing so im ok, but then you have the other issues with the game along with the toxic part of the community. So no i can handle arguments thank you very much
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you want Mikey to have more movies than JV, eh🤓