Disappointed on the event.

Hello. I'm a relative new player in the game, I just bought the game a few month ago. I love the game since it came out, I remember watching the youtuber play the game and every event since the game launch, I didnt have the money to bought the game back them but now I do and I almost bought every dlc actually, what can I say I love the game however I'm extremely disappionted because my first event for halloween in this game and is just a joke, I was expection so much I was excited about the event and now its just lame, I feel sad that, as a new player, this is my experience with the game. I feel betrayed.
We all feel the same buddy...
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Same for me the anniversary event was the first event I played and seeing other videos of old Halloween events i was expecting the serum I think the artist did a frat job with the skins but I just think the event is underwhelming and it’s a horror game so shouldn’t they go all out?
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Yeah, it sucks.
There have been so many events that have just been so awesome in the past that have made me want to play as much as I could. Now? We get an event that isn't fun, nor does it make me want to play any more than usual.
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Events for games are usually about giving to the community. This event seems to be about getting more money from our wallets & trying to take up every last minute of our free time watching twitch content creators dangling trinkets over our heads. This is a non-event. It's all about what BHVR can get from the community, not the other way around.
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This event isnt for the players, its for their wallets. It makes me really sad to see this game become so monetized and anti-consumer, and disheartened for its future.