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Freddy is not OP

Freddy is an amazing killer right now all thanks to his new rework (proof the devs are capable of good changes to the game).

People tend to complain about him due to these recurring points:

  • His lunge is broken
  • He has little to no counter play and is too strong with snares
  • He takes no skill to play
  • His gen regression capabilities are too strong

"His lunge is broken" The reason his lunge seems broken is because of his smaller weapon and killer model size. It is the same lunge as every other killer.

"He has no counter play and is too strong with snares." There is counter play, and would include you making sure you stay awake as much as possible because that is when you suffer from his effects. If you are asleep and in a chase with a snare-using Freddy drop a pallet early to avoid the m2 spam.

"He takes no skill to play" Yes he does, spamming m2 doesn't immediately win the game for him because if a survivor is awake he has to chase like a normal m1 killer with no power. Freddy players have to know for sure when to commit their teleport and constantly use it to fake a teleport. Even then, it still takes quite a bit of skill to play killer especially at higher ranks.

"His gen regression capabilities are too strong" Are they really? If you work together with your team (who is hopefully cooperative enough to wake everyone up) to stay awake then you should not be affected by most of his gen regression penalties. The real gen regression ability is the dream projection (the teleport) combined with pop, that can be annoying but even then that can be worked around by simply working on multiple generators.

What do you think, do you think that Freddy is in a great spot or is "OP PLZ NERF"?


  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    We know, but he's getting nerfed anyway.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781
  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Just because he has a high kill rate doesn't exactly mean he is OP tho

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    All he needs is oblivious removed so he can't camp to prevent BT.

    He is absolutely fine otherwise.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Freddy is not op, only thing they should chance is when survs are sleep BT doesn't work as that is sorta broken.

    Thats the ONLY thing that should be chanced, he is fine otherwise.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Well, thats not entirely true. If the devs took the time to sift through BS like Keys, Moris, bad maps, and others we could potentially get accurate kill stats. Though I do agree the ones we currently got are unreliable, which is obviously what your talking about so I dont know why I chose to respond like this but hey I already typed so here we are.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    The common thread with every killer that is deemed unfun, op, no counter play (whatever flavor of the month word that is used) is that they have map mobility. Survivors say “just pressure gens 4head” and killers gravitate to characters that can get around maps.

    here’s the problem (as I see it) : in attempting to address the gen speed issue they didn’t change the gens, they shrunk the maps. We now at times have 2 or 3 gens right next to each other. This only enhances killers that can traverse the map quickly.

    there are still god awful maps like ormond or mothers dwelling that are just too damn big, but on the other hand we will get azarofs where 3 gens are meters apart.

    the killers aren’t broken the design of the maps are. Both in terms of gen speed (for too big maps) and no breathing room for survivors on the shrunk maps because of too close proximity gens.

    anyway, hope I could get my point across without rambling too much

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited October 2020

    You hit the nail on the head, but unfortunately BHVR had to go and release those stats that show Freddy's the most effective Killer, so you can expect billions of "FREDDY OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" threads from bad Survivors.

    Also Survivors hate anything that makes looping even a little bit harder.

    Wait did he actually say that about the stats? Doctor was right behind Freddy on both charts for the kill and pick rates. Does this mean that they're on BHVR's hit list for nerfs now even though those stats are basically meaningless?!

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I agree with you. Unfortunately, reason, fun and potential in the hands of skilled players weren´t brought up by the balance dude. He takes the stats at face value to determine what´s going to get changed, even after MCote tried to intervene about that. You better be ready for Doctor to get looked at.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Doubt it, he already had a PTB this year and he was actually buffed from the ptb.

  • BodamEscapePlan
    BodamEscapePlan Member Posts: 75

    Think about what you just said. Something can be strong but that does not mean it is overpowered. Spine Chill is strong, is it OP though? Not in my opinion, no. If they nerf everything that is "strong" on the killer side, what would the challenge be? For that matter, where would the actual fun be in this game on either side?

    Instead of "nerfing" every killer, the developers and balance team should be focusing on making killers like Trapper, Wraith, Pig, Demogorgon, and the other killers that are significantly worse than Freddy, Spirit, and the rest of the roster more in line with them. It would create killer diversity and in turn would create a much better baseline to what is and isn't overpowered. I think the problem is that the majority of the killers in the game are so underpowered that players have lost sight of what a balanced killer actually looks and plays like.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited October 2020

    Sorry, Im ass at wording. Allow me too explain. I was referring to the new kill stats in that comment as thats what OP was talking about.

    While they were by no means accurate (Pig at second highest is a joke) that was what OP was referring too when he said those kill stats didnt make freddy strong.

    Freddy had a 66% overall and a 75% at red ranks. if those kill stats were true freddy would absolutely be OP as it would give him a literal 25% higher kill rate at red ranks then he should, hence the comment.

  • BodamEscapePlan
    BodamEscapePlan Member Posts: 75

    Okay, I gotcha.

    That said, there is so much wrong with looking at stats with no context but that is a completely different issue I don't wanna get into.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Actually, if a survivor who is saving another survivor saves them while awake, they get the BT effect. Also because he is so good and I say again balanced, then of course survivors are going to complain about him.

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43

    (Google Translate)

    He does not require any skills for all the benefits he receives:

    • Reduction of up to 60% of the teleportation cooldown that can accumulate up to 80% using addons. No character in the game achieves such a reduction number as Freddy in his power
    • The rope and chain addons are passive and do not require Freddy to do anything to get results, where literally the game can start with a slowdown already applied. Again, no character has this feature
    • Apply Oblivious status when entering the dream preventing the use of BT, basically a full plate for tunnelers only using the M1
    • Lullaby with one-dimensional sound preventing the survivor from being able to discern where Freddy is because he breathes too low. Another super resource for free
    • Alarm Clocks are super counter intuitive to use because crossing the map to wake up for him to just teleport on your generator and put you in the dream again is a complete waste of time

    All Freddy's problems are concentrated between him getting an advantage by doing nothing, this is the most frustrating part of facing him, because you feel hurt to avoid him in all ways and he still succeeds because of his complete and super kit easy, it's just frustrating

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The only issue with Freddy, if one can call it an issue, is his learning curve is ridiculously low. It doesn't take any finesse to play him. This, by comparison, makes him feel extremely OP compared to Killers that have a steeper learning curve. If you don't really have to learn any tricks to a fancy power, you can focus on basics. So yeah, people who like to play Freddy are going to get good at him very fast.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I can see what you mean. He is frustrating to go against and his power gives him too much. But can't most of them be avoided by waking up using your teammates as well as a clock? Also, I didn't know he already had built in slowdown does he really have slowdown in his basekit?

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    If the savior is awake, then you can save someone and they will have the BT effect.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    My issue with Freddy isn't that he's OP. In terms of power, I think he's fine. The issue, however, is just how easy he is to play, mostly because he has so much and is rewarded for doing nothing!

    Need to get to a survivor? Good news, on open maps, you're flat-out invisible until they start hearing your TR. Are they blending? Don't worry, you have anti-blend?

    BT? What's that? Oh, need to have people asleep to even use your power? Eh, just wait a minute. They'll all fall asleep. Speaking of which, more sleepy survivors means lower cooldown on your teleport! All for just waiting a minute and doing nothing with 0 skill involved.

    So what if they wake up? Well, they have to go across the map to go to an alarm clock that you can undo in a second. Fail a skillcheck? You know where they are AND free regression! Sweet! Waking each other up? Too bad that gets less effective the more they do it.

    Loops?! Oh no! Better place a snare, completely disabling the loop and forcing them out into the open where you can hit them! Game too fast? Just get a few completely passive slowdown add-ons and stack them with slowdown perks.

    Mobility, Slowdown, chase, stealth, 115% movement speed, easy to use—he has everything and rarely has to work for any of it. I don't think he's OP, but he is, hands-down, the easiest killer in the game. I know not to trust the stats, but Freddy and Nurse are outliers—if Nurse is the lowest in killrates due to her learning curve, then Freddy is the highest because his curve is nonexistent despite being so powerful.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    1000% this.

    Freddy isn't even close to being OP,but his kit is extremely overloaded.

    He has pretty much everything a killer can have,with a skill floor so damn low like nothing else in this game.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    yeah, he's not OP, he's just the kind of killer that gets survivors to kill themselves quickly on hooks to be done with the match. 10/10 great design. Shouldn't be changed.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Is he strong? Yes.

    Is he OP? No.

    But he kills about 60%! It should be 50% because that's what the Devs aim for. Eh? And what about Nurse and her 40%? She doesn't need buffs and Freddy doesn't need Nerfs because of stats. This only shows that Freddy is easy to pick up and get decent with. Unlike Nurse or some other killers who need hours after hours to get something done with. Freddy is straight forward without some fine tweaks and tricks that distinguish God players from normal ones.

    He is what I call the "Survivor equivalent as killer". Play and chill. Mostly. Until you get Object of Obsession users in your lobby. But that's another story.

    I don't know about this idea, but making him 110% could be something. In that case he needs some better add-ons tbh. 70% of them are not good at all. I don't like the anti BT thing, so this can go imo, if they fix the OoO abuse against freddy.

    Greetings, a Freddy Main since almost 2 years.

  • DaddyFatSacks420
    DaddyFatSacks420 Member Posts: 183

    His base speed needs to be reduced slightly. He can teleport across the map. Meanwhile the nurse crawls and can barely jump as far as I could throw the hag

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    I can probably agree on a SLIGHT nerf, I really hope the devs don't kill him.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    This is what I like about him. I only play killer for about 1/4 to 1/3 of my matches (depending on my mood) and even with 3.2k hrs in total, I'm just not the person who wants to get stomped matches after matches while playing another killer learning that power. The frustration and toxic survivors is just something I don't want to endure all the time.

    Maybe I made the mistake and ranked up pretty high with Freddy (I even got to rank 5 with old Freddy) so I'm quite stuck there, because I get stomped if I play any other killer. So Freddy it is.

    I just hope they get the MMR fixed so I can play other killers as well without getting sweaty swf all the time.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Are we talking about pay to win freddy?

  • eiredrake
    eiredrake Member Posts: 98

    I don't even bother using dream snares. I have far too much fun watching overconfident survivors balk when pallets explode into blood and I slash open their bellies.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Freddy had the highest kill rate ever since he got reworked. This isn't new. And he is easy to use. You can deny it as much as you want and if the stats truly meant nothing they wouldn't bother checking them and gathering the info. Freddy is OP and the more they balance the game to not be so survivor sided it will rear its head more.

    He has teleportation, auto sleep, and fake pallets or slow puddles. Auto sleep means you gotta run to the other side of the map to wake up or let someone do it and let it be slower each time or give away your position with a failed skill check. Then add perks into the mix. He needed a rework but he never should've gotten the puddles and fake pallets in my opinion. Or the teleport. One of which should go but he got both. I'm no Freddy hater believe me he's my favorite horror icon and he was my main before the rework. But it's too damn easy. It's just not even fun anymore using him. I use him occasionally but he's definitely OP. Doubt he'll be nerfed anytime soon especially considering they may have to consult license holders about it and given that it took them however many years to change him in the first place.

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    He is OP. He has very little counter play besides SWF.

    He literally has no negative traits tbh. Instantly teleporting directly onto the objectives . Juking his teleports. No speed reduction. Non directional lullaby. Alarm clocks spawn furthest away from survivor as possible.

    You basically have to be a really trash Freddy to not get a 3-4k against solos and only a mildly good green rank to get the 4k even against red ranks if not against swf.

    How many abilities does 1 killer need.... The only people who can't see the comparative OPness of freddy are those who main him....

    Every other killer has 1 strength or ability pretty much. Freddy- about 5.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    He is indeed OP. Takes no skill whatsoever, it’s an M1 killer who can teleport, slow down, mind game with fake pallets, hinder survivors speed in several ways, and it’s basically the same as Spirit in the sense that you invest 0 and get 100 as return.

  • Mastermind
    Mastermind Member Posts: 111

    Freddy has far too much of a presence to be fair.

    It takes 60 seconds without the killer moving a muscle to get rewarded as Freddy.

    "Oh, just stay awake."

    If the survivors all go to sleep at the 60 second mark, you better pray to RNGesus that the clock doesn't spawn on the opposite side of the map. Apart from that, survivors would be expected to stay together at least as pairs in order to wake up if needed. That means there will be more survivors on gens. Discordance tells you exactly where they are so you can make your way there. Apart from that, if you stay together and freddy teleports, he now has more than 1 survivor to chase.

    Maybe if you didn't fall asleep while doing an action: Opening chests or working on generators, healing someone else, etc.

    Or if the game spawned alarm clocks in multiple locations at any given point, so that waking up can't mean trekking to the other side of the map where nothing else might be.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,216

    I think we should bring back Old Freddy, not because I have a problem with the New Freddy, I just miss the old one :(

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    "Basically the same as spirit in the sense that you invest 0 and get 100 as return" Are you saying that spirit takes no skill to play?

    Also, he is still counter able, just throw down pallets early when in a chase while asleep.

  • CustomerService
    CustomerService Member Posts: 479

    That is exactly what I am saying. Spirit takes zero skill or ability to play. Exactly like Freddy. Zero investment, every reward.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    Have you even played spirit? She definitely takes skill to play, her problem is that she just doesn't give enough info to survivors when she is phasing.