Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

So many problems stil with this game

I hate to say it. But there are still so many problems with this game. Killers can hit you through windows and walls even after you finish the vault animation and start to run away from the window, or pallet. The lunge attack on the killers can hit you from forever away. The wiggle bar should be shortened by a small amount so you have more chance to escape especially if you dont have a perk to help you escape. Even when the survivors have a great perk set-up, the game still favors the killers rather than the survivors. Most, if not all the killers are over-powered with over- powered perks and ailities. The killer perks are way more efficient and stronger than the survivor perks. It's almost like the game devs don't want ypu playing with friends, and only want you to play the killers. I know I am not the only one that thinks this way for i have had many similar conversations with like ideas with other players.


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Ok, several points:

    Killer Hits through Windows-->This is Latency. If the connection to the Server is bad, you get hit from far away on your side. On the Killers side, you are right in front of them. They are working on a Hit Validation-Feature, where the Server doublechecks if the Hit makes sense. This will NOT prevent weird Hits from happening, but you will filter out the most ridiculous Hits. So it should help overall.

    Wiggling-->You are not supposed to wiggle out. Wiggling only exists so that the Killer cannot take you to any Hook they like, otherwise you would end up in the Basement every game. Wiggling forces the Killer to get to a nearby Hook.

    However, I think on some Maps, Hooks are way too close to each other. Killers should not have a problem when taking Survivors to the Hook (unless they mess up and use every Hook in one area), but Hooks like on Midwich which are only a few meters away from each other are not good.

    Killer Perks or Killers-->No Killer is OP. No Killer Perk is OP (same for Survivor Perks). There are some things that might need some Insight, but you wont find overpowered Stuff. Killer Perks are more efficient, but mostly because they help with the Killers Power, e.g. an Infectious Fright on Oni is really efficient, but only because Oni benefits from it because of his power.

  • BatGingerman
    BatGingerman Member Posts: 13

    I don't know game you're playing, but let me know. If killers can 1 shot you(which has happened in any games not just to me) even when I'm not injured, theres a problem. Many people i have talked to the game, have agreed that the killers are over powered. Wiggling is supposed to mess the killer up, yes. However, it is supposed to give you a chance to escape as well. If the wiggle bar moving generally slow, and the bar too kuch to fill, you get hooked 85% of the time I would say. Even if you have a perk to help it. Also, the "latency" is not a problem for me. I don't lag in the game, I get on good servers and habe great ping. So that "latency" isn't a factor. Again I will say, i haved talked to many other players and strangers about the game, and they have agreed that the killers are over powered and the game favors the killers side than the survivors even when survivors have great perks. Let's nto even mention that the flashlights on console don't generally work. Even if you have great mods and set up, the flashlights are difficult to use and dont help on console. Another thing that needs fixed on console because I've played on PC, and they are not a problem.