Fix Spirits Phasing Sound Bug

(Oct. 23, 2020)
I made an account just to put this out here. Since most spirit mains have already given up on you guys.
Spirit has a "Bug" that has been popularized as what will "kill spirit at higher levels of play". - Tru3ta1ent
This bug is activated when spirits phasing ability is activated. Her unique breathing sounds can be heard from whatever direction she's standing to the survivor, which defeats the purpose of her ability to move in a ghostly fashion. The vacuum sound can also be heard in some instances while still within her terror radius. As opposed to pre-update where she gave no sounds or clues as to whether she is faking a phase or actually phasing. Thus creating the mind games she's so well known for. Let's not forget that Addons were nerfed, collision was removed, vaulting animations were added, prayer beads were changed, and lunges were shortened. All of which were seen as hard but fair in the eyes of both the Killers and survivors.
This "Bug" is Too much for me. And I cannot recommend to anyone playing this game with one of its most iconic characters in this sad state.
Personal Note:
If this isn't a Shadow Nerf like the rumors say then it needs to be addressed. Spirit has already gone through a large number of changes post nerf. According to your own (BHVR) words, is that her whole "Thing" is mind games, Stealth, Spookyness. With the current bug. There's no reason to be invisible during phase because you can hear her coming from any direction. It's disgusting. I could go on a tangent regarding issues with killer queues as a whole but I digress. If it's a Shadow Nerf. It's nothing short of a scummy move that some devs do that they know will upset the community. If it's a bug it's nearly game breaking for this character. As I stated you may as well not even be invisible. No more pretending to phase as YOUR suggestion in the loading screen says. It needs to be fixed. Spirit mains are ready endangered and I don't intend to watch her die quietly.
Stop: before you comment saying it's a good bug. If you don't play spirit, try getting a win against a good SWF who walk all over your face because your playing spirit and you can't be sneaky anymore because they can hear you coming a mile away. If you don't play spirit, this post isn't for you. She may be more fun to play against. But she certainly isn't very fun to play with like this.
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I hope you realize that that bug puts her in a good spot. You can't constantly hear her so now you can pull off even more mindgames with her. I think it's fair and I hope they keep it.
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Love it when people hate something so much that they dont care if its literally broken and doesnt function as intended. As long as they get their way
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I realize the affects of the bug and they are more adverse for the people trying to play her. They benifit survivors to the detriment of the killer. In other words, the cost benifit to survivors is greater then then any perceived benifit for spirit.
1. You can no longer fake phasing
2. Phasing no longer presents an positional advantage since players know where you are.
3. It has been reduced to a speed boost with a charge up time.
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Exactly, the bottom line is this.
BHVR Loading Screen: "You can Fake out survivors by pretending to phase."
Bug: "No you can't"
Survivor Mains: "We're cool with that."
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I'm all for something being balanced. I was reluctant to agree to the changes in 2019 as a baby spirit. In hindsight it would've been unfair knowing what I know now. I see the changes did need to be made. Some less then others but overall a change that both killers and survivors agreed with.
This "Bug" is not intended, it breaks her ability. It's right there in the description. This is NOT supposed to be like this.
Imagine if survivors had a stamina bar for running. Or better yet, imagine if there was a bug that caused survivors to run slower when injured... That'd be lovely. I could go on about how realistic it is and how it makes being injured more of a threat. And how that's a good thing. But it wouldn't be fair. I'd be grasping at straws to try and shine a turd. That's exactly what is going on with spirit right now.
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They still haven't fixed the bug where you can hear her footsteps while she's phasing. It's been in the game since the blight release
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I played a few games as Spirit and didn't notice a difference, in fact I only knew she was bugged after seeing a YT video in my recommended. Survivors only get an audio cue every few seconds and she still moves almost twice as fast as survivors. She is by no means gutted, the only thing this gets rid of is the "stand still mind game".
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Yeah this is a sign that I need to upload the video!
Though it's a bug it really doesn't change anything about Spirit except that she needs to play smarter! While survivor's can now feed off information from her so they can "Mindlessly" counter her this bug isn't that big of a problem!
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Asking for a Spirit sound bug fix? You poor soul. The Spirit has never existed without a sound bug.
History shows this will either never get fixed or get fixed by accident.
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It became way easier, for me at least, to "outplay" a spirit since I always know which direction she is coming from. She has less potential to mind game with fake phases if the survivors actually use headphones.
She lost quite a bit of power. If you know where the killer is while chasing, it does make the "unpredictable ghost" predictable.This also gets rid of jumpscares when a spirit tries to ambush another survivor midchase.
I'd consider myself a survivor main but I hope they do actually address this soon.
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Finally a counter for a killer that wins by standing still.
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the thing is, in a lot of scenarios tne outcome doesnt change, you might be able to hear what direction shes in, but chances are shes gonna catch up with you real fast or you get to a pallet or smth and pre drop, just opens up some mindgame potential, funny how the bugs are closest things we've gotten to spirit counterplay
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So? She's still good.
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You could always hear her footsteps while she's phasing lmao
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It's kind of funny though how it becomes a battle of the better headphones lol
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Havent played any spirits yet to see for myself but im glad shes broken. Its the only killer i feel unfair playing against. When most killers get me on a mind game or a loop im like damn well played.
When i play spirit its just me mind gaming myself because she just stands still and i cant tell if shes phasing or not.
Tired of getting "out played" by a killer that just stands still.
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This bug actually should become a feature along with a small amount of spirit buffs, both making spirit stronger/weaker but also making her more fun to play against due to survivors having more clear counterplay and response options.
Spirit was severely lacking counter play which made playing against a spirit unfun at best and mind-numbingly boring at worst to play against
having survivors know she is phasing is too strong though so a few buffs would be in order to still make her effective
having her get counterplay in return for a few slight buffs would make her a more interesting and dynamic killer to go against and most likely more fun to play as because you don't need to feel bad for playing her anymore
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I never knew how many truly toxic and whiney survivors were in the forums until today. Imagine hating something so much that you don't care if its broken. But would just about rather see it outright removed. Saying there's no counterplay to standing still is such a childish and nonsensical complaint. As many times as I've faked phasing to watch a survivor walk away slowly making me look like a fool. Or walk away after I really am phasing just for me to miss.
The only time you get whacked by the standing still thing. Is if your dumb self stands there and does nothing.
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