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I invite all Killer mains on Patch day...

To join me in insidious Leatherface camping every single survivor you catch on patch day.

This is to be done in protest of the upcoming penalty given to killers for camping. Let's show the Entitled SWF Survivor Crybabies, what there whining has really earned them.

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  • Member Posts: 8,243
    SenzuDuck said:

    Wont really bother anyone - the more you do it the more you derank, and then you're just punishing newer players who don't care about patch notes and are just trying to learn the game.

    Bravo, Sir, you're a martyr.

    Btw, you can still pip with 3 iridescents.
  • Member Posts: 7,525

    @Nickenzie said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    Wont really bother anyone - the more you do it the more you derank, and then you're just punishing newer players who don't care about patch notes and are just trying to learn the game.

    Bravo, Sir, you're a martyr.

    Btw, you can still pip with 3 iridescents.

    Except if all gens are done you certainly wont be getting an iridescent in that category if you're stood around with insidious in the basement.

  • Member Posts: 72

    You can count on me to camp bois with bubbas basement build. What day is the patch coming out?

  • Member Posts: 886
    another entitled killer main whinning now that he has to try and get kills
  • Member Posts: 8,816
    Not until November 3rd. They're actually shutting the servers down till then too so don't bother trying to log in.
  • Member Posts: 3,142

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Not until November 3rd. They're actually shutting the servers down till then too so don't bother trying to log in.

    What in the hell are you talking about?

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    Kilmeran said:

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Not until November 3rd. They're actually shutting the servers down till then too so don't bother trying to log in.

    What in the hell are you talking about?

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @fcc2014 said:
    @Vortexas you are better than this play how you want this emblem change most likely won't mess with your pips.

    This and while my post was meant to be harsh it is, I forgot to add in what was just said. The regular killers this won't really impact. i think the devs will fix it so you don't get penalized once gates are powered. But if you're going to do something toxic in protest it shows something that most of you aren't.

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    Hmmmm, let me think.


  • Member Posts: 8,816
    Kilmeran said:

    Hmmmm, let me think.


    Hold on a sec .. this just in:

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Kilmeran said:

    Hmmmm, let me think.


    Hold on a sec .. this just in:


    Yes be toxic just like those you complain about, that'll sure show people.

  • Member Posts: 261

    @Vortexas said:
    To join me in insidious Leatherface camping every single survivor you catch on patch day.

    This is to be done in protest of the upcoming penalty given to killers for camping. Let's show the Entitled SWF Survivor Crybabies, what there whining has really earned them.

    was planning to do that anyway

  • Member Posts: 220

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    SenzuDuck said:

    Wont really bother anyone - the more you do it the more you derank, and then you're just punishing newer players who don't care about patch notes and are just trying to learn the game.

    Bravo, Sir, you're a martyr.

    Btw, you can still pip with 3 iridescents.

    Except if all gens are done you certainly wont be getting an iridescent in that category if you're stood around with insidious in the basement.

    This is not true. I do it all the time, and people bring me enough points for chase to make it worth it. Even when I TRY to derank i can't, because survivors stupidly hunt me down and get in my face, refusing to do gens while teabagging in a circle and eventually forcing me to kill them.

  • Member Posts: 487

    That's what you sound like except mass suicide of peoples ranks and pips lmao
  • Member Posts: 943
    @Tulsan is this a trap?

  • Member Posts: 2,637
    you people realize that camping will still pip right? its not a big enough decrease to hurt, and will in fact bring more survivors to the hook during that time, thus less gens being done.

  • Member Posts: 487
    @Lowbei said:
    you people realize that camping will still pip right? its not a big enough decrease to hurt, and will in fact bring more survivors to the hook during that time, thus less gens being done.

    Not if everyone gen rushes like every killer claims around here! 8D
  • Member Posts: 15,095
    @Tulsan is this a trap?

    You summoned the dyslexic version of me, but here I am.

    I wouldn't bother going full basement dweller Leatherface, because of that emblem. 
    It's really not worth it.

    Just play normal and enjoy how survivors will complain about long lobby queues on high ranks. 
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    Just play normal and enjoy how survivors will complain about long lobby queues on high ranks. 

    Yes because the last time some ppl threatened not to play a short ways back queues weren't affected at all. I and everyone else on either side just swap to whichever side has faster queues like always. The only time there's long lobby times is early in the AM. Then I like the rest swap for faster lobbies problem solved.

    Again the only people this hurts are the jerks that camp at 5 gens then go for 1 more camp after hopefully getting someone to suicide. Those idiots will depip instead of being at rank 1 where they don't belong.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:
    powerbats said:

    @Tsulan said:

    Just play normal and enjoy how survivors will complain about long lobby queues on high ranks. 

    Yes because the last time some ppl threatened not to play a short ways back queues weren't affected at all. I and everyone else on either side just swap to whichever side has faster queues like always. The only time there's long lobby times is early in the AM. Then I like the rest swap for faster lobbies problem solved.

    Again the only people this hurts are the jerks that camp at 5 gens then go for 1 more camp after hopefully getting someone to suicide. Those idiots will depip instead of being at rank 1 where they don't belong.

    I'd say they'll slow down the rank progress of killers, while keeping the fast rank ups of survivors. This will result in higher queues for survivors. 

    I don't know since the survivors that screw around but not get close enough will depip as well and so it equals out, the only ones this hurts are the jerks that camp and don't belong there.

  • Member Posts: 943
    Tsulan said:
    @Tulsan is this a trap?

    You summoned the dyslexic version of me, but here I am.

    I wouldn't bother going full basement dweller Leatherface, because of that emblem. 
    It's really not worth it.

    Just play normal and enjoy how survivors will complain about long lobby queues on high ranks. 
    Thanks for playing along 😊 made my night! 
  • Member Posts: 2,051
    Do it.
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tsulan said:

    Don´t just call them jerks. Remember that there is a human being on the other side. Maybe someone who played fair without camping for the last 2-3 matches, and who got gen rushed and rewarded with a "gg ez" after the match. Some people would just snap and punish the first guy they find.
    It´s a viscious circle. Because survivors gen rush, because killers camp. And killers camp, because survivors gen rush.

    The root of the problem is, that killers don´t feel like they have the power role. They feel like the party clown for the survivors.
    Devs need to address this asap. They need to give survivors additional objectives. Killer feels pressured, when it´s the survivors who should feel pressured.

    Sometimes i feel as killer, like i´m the monster in Evolve and 4 hunters are trying to kill me.
    Shouldn´t be that way.

    I'm referring to the jerks in this case as those that sit there and do it just to grief someone playing survivor, they're not doing it because they had a bad game. Those are the ones that grief because they're jerks and then pip up and do it at higher ranks.

    The ones that had a bad game need to grow up and not turn into a jerk because they had a bad game since as you and I and others have said it just feeds a vicious cycle. Yes it sucks to be a killer sometimes but that's no excuse to be a jerk no matter your reasons.

    The same is true for a survivor being a jerk to the killer because they had a bad game since that's just as bad if not worse. The jerks on both sides need to grow up and or start getting punished simple as that. The people that turn into a jerk because of a bad game need to grow up.

    If you look at it as a killer from the Entity's perspective if you sit there and be a jerk and get 1 kill but 3 escape what happens? You get a message post game saying the Entity is displeased because you decided to satiate your ego instead of killing people.

    But then I'm sure the usual excuses will come out, well adapt and move on, you'll win some and you'll lose some. When you see top tier killers and those who're not doing on average 2-4k generally every game and you're not there's a reason.

    Some of it's a console issue, some it's you just refuse to adapt and play with what you're given.All that lobby dodging makes you soft because you won't take that challenge. Yes 4 man swf, 4 man DS/SB/SC/ (insert w/e perks you want to complain about here)and of course 4 man flashlight squads are there every game.

    Well you can build for that and or choose a killer better suited to what's in the lobby but usually you just dodge or refuse to go with the best combos. You've got your favorite builds and killers so you won't change and this weaken your chances. Now add onto that the defeatist attitudes displayed all the time and you're going to do bad.

    Will you get destroyed from time to time yes, just as survivors will it's part of life, things don't always go your way. But even when you lose laugh at yours or their mistakes, look at what you did wrong and what you did right and MOVE ON!!!!!!

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Talking about entitled crybabies...

  • Member Posts: 742
    edited October 2018

    This emblem change won't change anything except you are afk hook camping on the other side of the map for no reason. When i realise im playing against a Bubba then i think, this will be just another boring basement bait match. I feel always bad with new and low rank players who don't know that trash strat and fall for it. But nvm, let's just play toxic for the Lols to create toxicity on the other side, this will solve all the problems.

  • Member Posts: 1,642
    Vortexas said:

    To join me in insidious Leatherface camping every single survivor you catch on patch day.

    This is to be done in protest of the upcoming penalty given to killers for camping. Let's show the Entitled SWF Survivor Crybabies, what there whining has really earned them.

    I am curious how much emblem progress we gonna lose for "camping"
  • Member Posts: 8,816
    powerbats said:

    @brokedownpalace said:
    Kilmeran said:

    Hmmmm, let me think.


    Hold on a sec .. this just in:


    Yes be toxic just like those you complain about, that'll sure show people.

    Low threshold for toxicity, huh?

    "Let's band together and basement camp as many as possible during the event to ruin people's experiences and make them waste their offerings!" is equal to my mild bickering?

    You should also check yourself. Your response is sarcastic and dripping with contempt. So if I'm being toxic, what are you doing?
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @brokedownpalace said:

    Low threshold for toxicity, huh?

    "Let's band together and basement camp as many as possible during the event to ruin people's experiences and make them waste their offerings!" is equal to my mild bickering?

    You should also check yourself. Your response is sarcastic and dripping with contempt. So if I'm being toxic, what are you doing?

    No I have a low threshold for people being jerks just because they don't get their way, especially when people complain about others doing the same thing. The killer mains on here complain about survivors being toxic so then something the devs do causes them to suddenly become as toxic as what they complain about.

    As far as contempt and sarcasm darn right since that's obviously the only thing that'll get the message across because trying to talk common sense doesn't seem to be. Also mild bickering did you seriously just try and use that false equivalency as an argument?

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    powerbats said:

    @brokedownpalace said:

    Low threshold for toxicity, huh?

    "Let's band together and basement camp as many as possible during the event to ruin people's experiences and make them waste their offerings!" is equal to my mild bickering?

    You should also check yourself. Your response is sarcastic and dripping with contempt. So if I'm being toxic, what are you doing?

    No I have a low threshold for people being jerks just because they don't get their way, especially when people complain about others doing the same thing. The killer mains on here complain about survivors being toxic so then something the devs do causes them to suddenly become as toxic as what they complain about.

    As far as contempt and sarcasm darn right since that's obviously the only thing that'll get the message across because trying to talk common sense doesn't seem to be. Also mild bickering did you seriously just try and use that false equivalency as an argument?

    Both sides have always had their toxic players/posters. I don't think either side is better than the other.

    I don't think you've ever messaged me before trying to get a message across but if you are genuinely trying to tell me that you think an effective way to change someone's behavior is by being sarcastic and talking down to them, then good luck. All that is doing is perpetuating the negativity, which is exactly what you're accusing me of doing. It's like a vicious cycle.

    And you saying my mildly ***hole-ish comment is the same as going into games during an event just to ruin people's experience IS a false equivalency.
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    Just funny that the devs never bothered with flashlight clicking tbagging or sth like that but when it comes to intended ways to play the game (camping is legit according to them) then they take action because survivors consider it toxic.

    They changed pickup animation which solved the flashlight tea bagging.

    The camping is still legit since you're excuses are that people are hook rushing and killers will still camp outside that 16 meters just like always. As far as taking action killers sitting there at 5 gens and doing nothing isn't what's intended.

  • Member Posts: 2,771
    Sorry but i have to many survivors to hook and Killers left to prestige to miss out on the BPs. 
  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @powerbats said:

    @DeadByFlashlight said:

    Just funny that the devs never bothered with flashlight clicking tbagging or sth like that but when it comes to intended ways to play the game (camping is legit according to them) then they take action because survivors consider it toxic.

    They changed pickup animation which solved the flashlight tea bagging.

    The camping is still legit since you're excuses are that people are hook rushing and killers will still camp outside that 16 meters just like always. As far as taking action killers sitting there at 5 gens and doing nothing isn't what's intended.

    The devs said that camping is legit, thats not my opinion nor an excuse. If you dont believe me then check out dev diary 3.

    How does the pickup animation affect clicking or tbagging at all? explain pls

  • Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2018

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Wont really bother anyone - the more you do it the more you derank, and then you're just punishing newer players who don't care about patch notes and are just trying to learn the game.

    Bravo, Sir, you're a martyr.

    You are also punishing the high ranks who now get long queues. You are also punishing the forum moderators who will be swimming in a sea of complaints about the matchmaking. You are also punishing the developers by proving that their solution to camping provides more incentive to camp rather than less.

    Basically, everyone who entertains the delusion that DbD is not a game meant to be unbalanced by design so that 4 casuals have the chance of ganging up on a real gamer and winning, will get a rude awakening if everyone does what the OP suggested.

    If gamers are expected to deal with super powered casuals, why not do what gamers do best and metagame the sh*t out of them?

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    Pffft get lost.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    This is...
    ...almost like a witch hunt.
    Except anyone grouping up is a witch.

  • Member Posts: 27
    fcc2014 said:

    @Vortexas you are better than this play how you want this emblem change most likely won't mess with your pips.

    Camping is legit... I’m gonna join @Vortexas and camp every survivor but I’m gonna use Freddy and smack the hook so they know I’m there camping 
  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @Raziel said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    Wont really bother anyone - the more you do it the more you derank, and then you're just punishing newer players who don't care about patch notes and are just trying to learn the game.

    Bravo, Sir, you're a martyr.

    You are also punishing the high ranks who now get long queues. You are also punishing the forum moderators who will be swimming in a sea of complaints about the matchmaking. You are also punishing the developers by proving that their solution to camping provides more incentive to camp rather than less.

    Basically, everyone who entertains the delusion that DbD is not a game meant to be unbalanced by design so that 4 casuals have the chance of ganging up on a real gamer and winning, will get a rude awakening if everyone does what the OP suggested.

    If gamers are expected to deal with super powered casuals, why not do what gamers do best and metagame the sh*t out of them?

    Exactly. Just run that strategy until it doesnt pay off anymore because survivor adapt, then figure out another strategy. This is how online games are played

  • Member Posts: 1,642

    @not_RSB said:
    fcc2014 said:

    @Vortexas you are better than this play how you want this emblem change most likely won't mess with your pips.

    Camping is legit... I’m gonna join @Vortexas and camp every survivor but I’m gonna use Freddy and smack the hook so they know I’m there camping 

    Not sure whether to laugh or cry :)

  • Member Posts: 27

    @not_RSB said:
    fcc2014 said:

    @Vortexas you are better than this play how you want this emblem change most likely won't mess with your pips.

    Camping is legit... I’m gonna join @Vortexas and camp every survivor but I’m gonna use Freddy and smack the hook so they know I’m there camping 

    Not sure whether to laugh or cry :)

    I need the salt to survive I love the post game chats I get after I do that
  • Member Posts: 13,616

    @not_RSB said:
    DeadByFlashlight said:

    @not_RSB said:

    fcc2014 said:

    @Vortexas you are better than this play how you want this emblem change most likely won't mess with your pips.

    Camping is legit... I’m gonna join @Vortexas and camp every survivor but I’m gonna use Freddy and smack the hook so they know I’m there camping 

    Not sure whether to laugh or cry :)

    I need the salt to survive I love the post game chats I get after I do that

    Man, you look like you're trying to get back to your old comment count real quick.
    Oh wait. Uhh, i mean: Wow, for a new person, you're quite talkative. ;)

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