Thank You BHVR

Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

I thought long and hard about making this post. Over the last few days I've been called a shill (by someone who doesn't understand the definition of the word), a "suck up", and apologist, and a White Knight. My crime was to have the audacity to say that I wasn't upset at the company, and that I think it is a bit unrealistic to always expect free things. I think they are a business, and already seem to give an enormous number of things away compared to other game companies I'd dealt with. It suffices to say I was not keeping to the party line. I want to put in context my own personal interactions with the company since I started playing (rather recently):

  1. The game didn't cost much. I bought in during a sale, and every time I've bought something there was another sale, so this may be the least expensive online game I've every bought into.
  2. They gave me a lot of free stuff right from the start. I came in during the last Rift, and while I didn't pay for the upgrade, I got a lot of free cosmetics just for playing the game. I thought that was pretty cool.
  3. I had a melt down when I had a very bad sport of a Ghostface dropped me right next to the hook when I was the last Survivor. Instead of hooking me (or waiting 60 seconds to hook me), he proceeded to dance around me and tea-bag me for the entire time until I slowly bled out. I had video of it posted it forgetting to hide the offensive guy's name at the end of the video. I got a warning (and rightly so). It was delivered to me politely and in a professional way. I was still angry, white hot as we used to say in the day. But they didn't take offense to me in private and clearly understood my concerns. I give them big ups for that. The Moderators have to put out a lot of fires and I think they are extremely even-handed when they do so.
  4. They kept giving me Blood Points. Over the last 1-2 months I have been given over 2.5 Million Blood Points via a direct gift from the company for inconveniences, as well as a large number of Codes. I can certainly say I was happy to get them.
  5. I'm a bit of a "pot-stirrer" on the Forum and the Moderators have leapt into action and fixed some of my oversights (I do TRY to abide by the rules but we all fail from time to time) and have reached out to me in a polite manner every time. They really don't get enough credit.
  6. I had a problem when I bought Monitor & Abuse on the Shrine when it appeared a several cycles back. While unlocked it was not showing up in my Blood Web. I reached out to a couple of different places, and the Moderators sent me to the correct one. The issue was clearly a bug and they have, as of TODAY, fixed it. Monitor & Abuse has showed up in my Blood Web! But on top of that they still gave me some more BP and refunded some of my Shards for the long delay and trouble. I didn't even ask for that.
  7. Not a day goes by that I don't watch this company, that has done nothing but treat me and mine extremely well, get savaged, defamed, called liars, cheats, and greedy. They do this without taking public offense, and are quite professional about it. The only bans I've witnessed were people who clearly broke the rules and were unapologetic about it. It seems you have to do a lot to actually get banned. I should know; remember I told you how I broke the rules earlier and was educated. So I give the company a lot of credit for taking far more crap than I would. They seem superhuman when it comes to patience.
  8. Then this event started and all hell broke loose. I'm not going to rehash it because it is still going on and we all know that the company took a few days and addressed it. We didn't express our concerns politely. We did it in a rude, obnoxious way. If it had been me, I wouldn't have given us anything. They still went back and gave me MORE free stuff. They addressed it. Again, I was impressed. I base this on a frame of reference that includes dealing with a lot of "actual" bad, greedy companies.
  9. And in response, what did they get from a fair number of posters here? NOT ENOUGH! WE CAN'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS! Yadda... Yadda... Yadda. Me? I would have just changed my mind and taken it back. Not them. Again with the patience.
  10. So I sit here, with my new Dwight-Crow that I just got from a a Streamer code and feel lucky. I know not everyone gets one, but I'm SURE.... POSITIVE in fact... that within a few weeks they will find a way to let everyone have one. That is just how they are wired. Hell, they might just give them away at the end of the darn thing. So judging by all the upcoming free stuff already announced... just for me playing the game... that I would have been doing anyway.... BHVR seems like Sandy Claws (if you get the Nightmare Before Xmas nod).

That is my context. So with this in mind, do you see why I am puzzled, annoyed, and well embarrassed by all the ruckus and noise? Thank you BHVR for being generous and far more patient than I would have been. I suspect there are more people like me than you know; many of them probably just don't frequent the Forum or simply don't want to get tarred and feathered virtually (or called Shills) for saying, "hey... I'm having a good time... thanks for the stuff."



  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    And we can agree to disagree. That is what adults do. What you just said to me was polite and fair. I respect that. My issue is how people have gone after the company and the manner in which it was done. If they had been as polite as you were to me, I think they would have still gotten what they wanted, and I wouldn't have said a thing. :)

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Thanks for your perspective.

    And for the most part I agree. BHVR cop far too much undeserved flak. They have slip ups like ANY studio does when continually adding new content to a game.

    Entitlement on this forum has been present for years, and has gotten worse over that same period of time. Sadly i suspect it’s BECAUSE of all the freebies that has bred this entitlement. It’s a problem that has always been present in consumerism. Sure there are those that express genuine appreciation for free stuff, but for the most part when consumers haven’t invested their own value in gaining a product, they don’t place value on the product either, and it just breeds a growing expectation that there should be more they shouldn’t have to pay for, at the complete dismissal of what others have done to produce those products in the first place.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    All this stupid backlash pisses me off, and the majority of people on these forums are the most hypocrital people. They want cosmetics they don't want to pay for. They want characters, and content they expect free. They want free progression, free characters, and free dlc. Then turn around and expect a bug free, cross platform, with cross progression like as if getting that ######### doesn't cost - well I don't know - MONEY?! All the ######### while this game requires so much difficult coding because it's a HORROR GAME.

    I can even go further.

    Let's talk about balancing. Like what the actual ######### people. This is supposed to be a FUN CASUAL GAME! The most of these players can't seem to get that through their heads. They want to min max everything, and be as competitive as humanly possible - ruining the game for the people who actually just want to have fun, and ruining the game for players that want to play Killer because all they get is bullied, and have to sweat every round just to be able to do sub-par.

    How about the consistent toxicity? Calling each other every single thing but a human, literally people telling others to kill themselves over a casual game. Dead by Daylight ended up getting a renown for having THE MOST toxic community in current day gaming - even worse than World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, and Rainbow Six: Siege.

    Then the sheer amount of people that come on these forums and just straight up talk out of their ass - that know absolutely nothing about the games actual balance, programming, or development of the game.

    Like seriously BHVR is one of the few companies that has the most communication with their playerbase, and they get torn apart for it. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they go as quiet as triple AAA titles and start telling their hypocritcal playerbase "We don't care if you don't like it".

    To be honest, if anything BHVR is doing at this point is straight up a scam. I'm not surprised, with the amount of bullying they have gotten since I started playing. The players deserve it. Hands down. I wouldn't be surprised if the company did just want to take as much money as they can humanly scrap from this game and then walks away from their un-appreciative audience.

  • Clonedhorror
    Clonedhorror Member Posts: 11

    I can see where you are coming from and understand what you are saying. I do however believe they are trying to keep us appeased as a community. Do I think ;the player base deserves some back-lash yes sir but I don't think gouging our all of our wallets is the right call. BHVR has a wide platform of games that they get plenty of revenue off of. It wouldn't surprise me at all if DbD is a love child of a developer and they don't want to let it go to die just yet.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Yeah I am taking a break from the forums for the rest of the night

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Yeah I don't get it either really. This particular blight event doesn't really excite me but, hey, it's just a free little thing they're doing in the game so why would I be mad about that? It's not like any of the stuff in the event is needed to play the game one way or another so who cares?

    Aside from new killers, honestly the thing I like the most is the Rift journal entries and such. Getting little narrated bits of lore and occasional flash animations is kind of fun. 🙂 Yeah there are cosmetics in the Rift but honestly charms are kind of silly and as a killer you can't even see your skin outside of the menu so that's not a big deal either.

    I've definitely gotten my money's worth and more out of this game personally, you'll never hear me gripe about the game being trash or whatever. Sure there are minor things I wouldn't mind seeing tweaked but on the whole it's a fun game with a ton of variety of killers and maps and possible loadouts. So I honestly don't get all the fuss about this event, it's definitely easy enough to ignore if you don't care about it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I had an issue a while back and they gave me almost a million blood points just for the issue. I was hot (it was issues with bp bonuses and what not) but thing is I still will talk about that they do that I don't like. I also accept they are a company and out to make money. currently they released outfits one day knowing many would buy them up and then discounted them the next day. Most everyone is saying they won't give back the difference. I am upset and annoyed at this but i'm not mad or pissed... i wanted it, I spent the shards and blamo i have the outfit. would i like the difference back? yup... i'd buy up the remaining skins. ah well. thing is I know not everything is to be given to me, nor do i expect it but here on the forums i see people saying i'm entitled to X, Y, or Z! I've seen people claim the phrase "the customer is always right" which is not the case because when that phrase was created it was understood that "customer" was plural and meant 51% or more of the customers that shop there and it was a suggestion for shop owners to listen critically to their customers not take every single one as the one that is right. He is not an apologist, nor a white knight. he is a person who's opinion differs from the others that don't like it and those terms are used to belittle and undermine his words. That is a form of bullying. Agreeing to disagree is fine, but he didn't post for people to agree with him but just to state his opinion but he took the disagreement properly and well. @Mikerotch you belittle him because he got something and thus you assume he is being bought. Thanks for showing your colors. and TERRO: you did frame your post well and level headed so I thank you for that because to many times people won't look at an opinion and accept it as just that an opinion and doesn't have to change your opinion. Brabo Terro, (the system won't let me @ you since it will only accept terr and something else.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    edited October 2020

    With all due respect my friend, I somehow think you missed the entire point of the backlash. 🤔

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    Thank you for summarizing what a lot of of us are feeling at the moment. 🙏

    I have been in different forums from different games, and through my journey I have seen the developers who really never even once tried to at least fix something, especially when it was about events.

    I don’t agree with everything the devs do, but I express it in the same respectful manner that I would want to be treated.

    PS. I am still fighting for my Dwightcrow cuz I got to have it, but my hours at work are crazy so I keep trying! 😜 Wish me luck

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Look at my post giving devs credit. People can't get their head out of their ass and see the good that has been done

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Elder scrolls is good at least and all the fallouts before 4 and 76

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I find it funny we call people apologists and white knights for defending people. Hmm I guess cops are white knights and military they defend people who dont stick up for themselves. Oh and those nice kids who stick up for the kids gettinf bullied. Because everything is a white knight in that sense

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 328

    Funny how you're the only one making that connection, cause literally everybody else can tell between two different contexts.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I've been called a simp and a white knight for defending someone from demonstrably untrue accusations when they weren't there to defend themselves. It seems many people can't tell the difference between swooping in to save someone who doesn't need saving (what a white knight actually is) and standing up against genuine injustice.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    He's just in denial that BHVR deserves the backlash they got.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Exactly and white knights don't acknowledge the faults of the person they defend

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Its funny how when someone defends the devs they are called a white knight when they look at the good and bad. So if defending someone from everyone elses petty insults that means defending anyone is a white knight

  • SadLegion
    SadLegion Member Posts: 222
    edited October 2020

    The problem is they are giving all these free stuff not because they are so caring and kind-hearted company, but because they are losing a lot of players recently, on top of massive backlash they received after the recent "event". So they are genuinely scared and they want to artificially raise the number of players again, by forcing players to log in everyday to claim these useless rewards.

    But i think the main reason why players leaving is because their game is a buggy unbalanced mess, that keeps getting worse and worse every patch, and they do nothing to adress this problem. NOTHING. All they do is trying to live to the next chapter, selling another useless character that will broke the game even more and then again. I dont know if they can keep doing it forever. You know maybe at some point they should start fixing problems, that are on the to-do list for eternity already. Its embarassing that it takes years for this company to fix at least some simple most broken things like Moris, Keys, some overpowered addons and perks.

    Im not gonna be pleased just because they throw some free skins or bloodpoints/shards in my face, hoping it will close my eyes on DBD problems.

    Post edited by SadLegion on
  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Do you think the criticisms against Behavior's live service model is unfair and unfounded? If so, why not?

  • Flawless_
    Flawless_ Member Posts: 328

    Bruh BHVR is racking up literally millions they don't need you to save them and there's no injustice in people asking for the devs to get their sh!t together trust me.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited October 2020

    That's a pretty off-topic question for my comment, but I'm happy to answer it if you can be more specific about what you mean.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited October 2020

    Thanks for proving my point. Rather presumptuous of you to assume I was defending BHVR as a company or that player criticism was the injustice I was referring to, don't you think? Especially since you're wrong on both counts.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I mean...

    Seeing as though the event is hidden behind Rift, which is essentially a battle pass I'd say it is in topic.

    But I'll be more specific. Do you think the reactions to the event are unfair? Asking in good faith because I'm insanely curious about your input. I know of you from lurking the forums.

  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188

    I agree they've been very helpful to me and I think it's mostly since you know, most the community is toxic, they can't be appreciative of a lot.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    edited October 2020

    I'm inclined to back OP on this. Overall, this game has been a lot of fun, and albeit there have been times where it did go wrong (a patch that screwed fps; ill-judged compensation for the Halloween event; that bloody hill!), they've fixed then - well, not the Halloween cosmetic debacle yet, but let's see what happens.

    It would help when people complain that they're more civil about it. Taking the cosmetic example, I do understand people being cross when they spend a lot of shards on a new cosmetic, just for it to be dropped in a day or two - something that just shouldn't happen for new cosmetics. However, a portion of those who are annoyed just going into spoilt brat rage mode, rather than being adult about it, saying why they're upset and posing a solution (refund the excess shards). There are fortunately a fair few who don't do that, but there are also those who just have a temper tantrum, and those are the ones who damage the cause.

    It's also not helped when - again a minority - disagree with what someone says, but rather than be diplomatic and either debate it or disagree, they just end up name-calling ("You've voiced that you've been treated well, therefore you're a simp" - makes literally no sense!).

    I'm glad there are those who challenge the devs. I'm also glad people share the positive experiences. There needs to be a balance. Currently, the game isn't in the best of health states, and from what I've heard and seen the PS4 needs some urgent attention. It can be better, and it can improve through the slump. But it does also require a passionate community to help it as well.

    Post edited by Marc_go_solo on
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I just meant it didn't have much to do with my comment, not that it was off-topic for the thread 🙂

    But sure, happy to give my input. Don't want to derail the thread though, so if you want to discuss it further probably best to post on my wall.

    While I don't believe abuse is necessary in any context and therefore don't condone the way some people are conveying their displeasure, I don't think the player response on an emotional level is unfair or unwarranted.

    That said, I don't think the event's integration into the Rift or Tome challenges is the issue. They did that last year and it was fine (albeit a little disappointing in comparison to the 2018 event). The problems this year, in my opinion, are (1) the lack of meaningful free content (i.e. grindable skins), though this has been recently amended somewhat; (2) The Dwight Crow nonsense (pretty much everything about it except for the charm itself - the hypocrisy around the exclusivity, the way it rewards the fastest typists in the community rather than the most dedicated or enthusiastic players and excludes console players or those with disabilities or bad internet or no Twitch access, how generally demoralising it is for the majority of people, etc); and (3) The fact that there isn't much else to the event aside from bloodpoints and charms to make up for how much those first two things suck.

    I should also say that, having taken the trouble to gain more insight into the perspective of game developers in general than probably the average gamer has, I believe there is a pipeline-related explanation for why things went the way they did with this event, and I don't think that the devs are unintelligent or deluded enough to think that this event is on par with others they've released in the past, or to not have foreseen at least some of the backlash from the community. BUT I don't think that's at all obvious, on this occasion, to the community, because without having any insight into the devs' side of things, it really does come across greedy and out-of-touch even to people like myself who have historically been fairly optimistic and gracious about giving the devs the benefit of the doubt. So given that, I do think the expectations players had of the devs in this case were reasonable, and therefore the backlash resulting from those expectations being disappointed is entirely justified, even if I don't agree with how some people are going about it.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I play DBD since 2016 and i spent around 100$ on it. I won half of the DLCs with a bet and bought most original chapters with iri shards tho.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604


    A big step forward

    Can't wait to see what happens

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    Simple. It is the least expensive game I've played because I don't care about cosmetics. I think the fascination with them is weird. I'm happy (thrilled even) to get the free ones, but I'm not generally spending money on them. I bought the core game on sale. I've picked up the odd DLC (Halloween for example) to get the Killer I wanted, and I unlock Perks at the Shrine with shards. At most I'm into this game for about 40-60 in U.S. dollars. Most games I play start at $40+ to buy the base game.

    You might say that I'm not an ideal customer because I am a one and done kind of fella. I'm here for the game, not the look. The first thing I asked a friend of mine is "what" benefit or game change do you get for that awesome looking skin on your Killer. He kind of shrugged and said, "well... nothing." I pointed out he now glows in the dark and can be seen coming a mile away. He looked at me funny and clearly was thinking that I just don't get it. I don't. I don't get it at all. But then again, I'm the competitive sort. I compete with myself. I don't want to advertise Prestige. I don't want glow in the dark outfits. I think they look GREAT, but they don't serve my personal purpose. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? This game doesn't require you to pay-to-play. The competitive edge comes from practice, not purchase.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    This is fair. You will note, I never said that people shouldn't express their dismay or concerns. It is how those concerns were expressed that I think are destructive to the community itself. I personally believe that all the same people could have stated their feelings in a way that would not have created an "us versus them" environment, and would still have had the same outcome. It might even have had a more lucrative one. I think it is dangerous to point and say, "look at the results we got!" I look at what happened and say, "why this company is probably a hair away from being entirely jaded and flushing these players." Companies are made up of people, and people have feelings. People tend to see certain behaviors as being ungrateful. Worse still, they start to think, "no matter what we do, we get treated the same way. If we are going to do the time, we might as well do the crime." If we as a community always badmouth them (and on their dime by the way) there comes a point where catering to us is counter-productive.

    I think if the same NUMBER of people had expressed their dismay and concerns in a thoughtful, polite but firm manner we would have gotten the same result (or better) and the company/game would have gotten good press. It would have been win/win. Right now, we created a situation where addressing our concerns is NOT win/win. It remains a win for us and a lose for them. I just don't think that model is sustainable.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    The OP is called that because they kept defending bhvr no matter the circumstances, whether they deserve it or not, and how much they kept failing. Even in the OP's post BHVR is definitely not... Well not great in performance but they've done enough for the OP. It may not be enough for others though and other ppl may not have experienced the same things the OP had with BHVR.

    If the police, the army, whatever only followed orders without thinking about what's right or wrong then i'd also think that they're white knighting by defending things they shouldn't be. That's probably the source of a lot of problems with the police and military at this point...

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    Except that I'm not defending the company "no matter what". What I am doing is calling out an obnoxious, over the top response. I personally think that Halloween should always be their FLAGSHIP event, and probably a loss leader. I think that makes good business sense. I think this could have been handled better. However, I think we forget, as a community, that DbD is not their only game, they are NOT a giant corporation, and they have resources which must be stretched just like everyone else. They have people to pay, real people whose households depend on them. Sometimes they are going to make financial choices which we will never understand because we are not privy to all the information.

    What I said, is they have always treated me and mine very well, exceeded my expectations compared to my experiences with "actual" scummy companies, and that they didn't warrant being treated like they broke into people's houses like Repo Men to take Grandma's Dialysis Machine back. My objection was to obnoxious behavior and an unwarranted (and unfair) response. I react the same way to bad sportsmanship too. I think manners cost nothing. I also happen to believe that if the same people (in the same numbers) had voiced their concerns and desires politely that we would have gotten the same (or better) results.

    The key point I wanted to make is that I didn't get SPECIAL treatment. That 2.5 Million BP they gave me over the last couple of months was made available to everyone here. I'm sure not everyone availed themselves, and some came later, but it isn't just ME they have treated fairly. It is all of you as well. I have a hard time not thinking of Dudley from Harry Potter, ranting and raving about how he got one less present this year than the previous one. That isn't a good look, and it wasn't necessary to get the job done. Many people here have legitimate concerns and complaints. I had a problem. I communicated it in a polite, professional way and they fixed it. Do you see my point?

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Thank you bhvr for this beautiful game breaking patch, the beautiful event with so many gifts, the people who bought the 21k shards cosmetics and few days later went down to 9k, the beautiful dwightcrow charm.


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    Alright, so first I will admit freely - my post was probably undeserved. I was pissed about the event, along with a multitude of real life things, and I took it out on BHVR on the forums. I can see all the points you made, and for any backlash you got over my post, I'm sorry. That wasn't really my intention at all, I just needed to vent.

    My problem with BHVR right now is the multitude of other problems that have been completely ignored. No free skins, whatever - I don't care. At least it's not a loot box system or something like that. The free skins was my main point because of how it felt like, to me, BHVR wasn't doing anything for their consumers. In the end, the game is nothing without their community, and this didn't really prove to me and a lot of other people that they care about their community.

    Because other than the event, the skins, whatever - this patch actively broke the game on PS4, introduced a torrent of new bugs, and bugs that are well over a year old now still remain in the game. This patch was a huge step in the wrong direction, at least to me. BHVR has addressed the PS4 problem, I'll give them that, but that doesn't change the fact that the console versions are incredibly poorly optimized, and they have been for a long, long time despite promises to fix it. There are still so, so many bugs in this game that have been there for months. Sound is always a huge one, as it seems they somehow manage to break sound more and more with each passing patch. There's a bug where some survivors will be completely silent on the ground. And it has been there for more than a year at this point. Patches like this, and events like this where the whole theme is "buy, buy, buy!" when there are still so many broken things, yes, seem greedy to me. I don't care about free stuff nearly as much as I just want them to fix their game. From my point a view, these patches focus on quantity rather than quality.

    I completely understand why, at the end of the day they are a company and they need to make money, but with every patch they make that introduced new bugs and new problems to an already huge array? They need to do something, and none of their responses have been super great. So, yeah, BHVR does give us stuff like BP, and even as I am thankful for the current login rewards, the game is broken, and they're not making big enough strides to fix it. Free currency doesn't change that. I love this game, and what it's managed to do, and I don't want to see it fail, but in the current way it's headed I don't see it lasting much longer. I don't know.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    And I think this is a fair, moving post. I think if we really want to be a community, rather than a weird gathering of angry Trolls and misfits, we have to learn to reign in our more angry or just petty natures. I also love this game, and I've not been around as long as you. I see the issues, but I suspect I am just naturally an optimistic person. I think for the community and the company to move forward, it has to be Win-Win. I've often suggested that they take this Forum down. All it does is spread bad PR, and on the company dime. If people are that passionate that they want to keep up the rants, let them pay for it.

    The company, however, is more progressive than I am. I think that says a lot about them that we should not take for granted. I think they need a little appreciation now and then, and that it might be more reciprocated in the way people want, rather than just how the company guesses. I just think we catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    The negativity towards them feels like it comes from a vocal minority of the player base. Sure, the majority may also have comcerns, but either they don't see it as sufficiently problematic, or maybe they just send tickets and leave it as that.

    There was a post recently about "The beginning of the end" which cited Steam statistics (which the guy did say take stats should be taken with a grain of salt) and showed the player loss. However, I also found this information for PS4:

    This seems to show it's still pretty healthy.

    People become more motivated by negativity. Plus the strong emotions behind it generate more views. Positivity is not as strong a feeling, but it should be. Nice post OP👍

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    I used to be an optimistic person, the literal day before the event I made a post about how we should at least be able to appreciate somewhat that the game has brought so many horror icons together, and I still believe that. But I've also waited, and waited for issues like this to be fixed, and it's never come. If they shut down the forums, as toxic as this place can be sometimes, I'm afraid that'd only get a ton more hate thrown towards them. Feedback, positive or negative, is important for a games lifespan. I don't know, I just want to see BHVR respond more. I understand why they don't, no matter what they do they get complaints - a unfortunate side effect to anonymity on the internet, but their responses are so often, "We've heard you, we're talking about it, we can't tell you anything more." That's not a great look. My biggest fear right now is when the new consoles roll around, the old versions will be left in the dust and ignored. I don't know. I just want this game to succeed, it's so unique. If it seemed like they were doing something for all the issues, I would probably settle back in that optimistic point of view. But as it is now, I can't see it coming.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    So if I pour coffee on you but say sorry and give u a thin napkin, it’s okay?

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Fun fact, the previous events were also free, as was the cosmetics at the time

    also this isn’t even an event lol

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    My bad for being overly hyperbolic. I kept rewriting it to try to explain what I meant better and it ended up that way.

    I'm not here to argue about your opinion on how well BHVR deals with their pr cuz it'll get us nowhere.

    Also, about your point on everyone receiving the blood points... Not everyone received the bloodpoints due to bugs and lack of communication. For some ppl it just suddenly appeared without them knowing why. For others they suddenly lost blood points. some ended up with 0 blood points or worse they had negative points. For others they didn't gain anything cuz they were maxed out. Things were(are) pretty buggy and the communication wasn't (isn't) quite all there.