Devs added daily login rewards for the time of hallowen event

Okay, it's actually kinda nice, good job bhvr
The price went from 27 k shards to 9k per event skin.
They really need to change the grind in this game and fix the major issues like hitboxes and matchmaking...
Figured they just needed to give away shards. Solves the Ghostface problem.
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it's obviously a response to the backlash, but i's a good response i'll give them that, is it good enought? no we still missing an event but it's a good compensation
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They should’ve thrown in the Dwight charm in if were being honest.
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I actually like it, but yeah the even felt sorta missing. Maybe they will add the pestula to collect everytime even if you didn't choose the archive
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Ghostface was the first slasher film I ever seen. I just wish his cosmetics were not a set.
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oh i didn't see all hallow blight at discounted to 9000 shard so it's very good response indeed
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i mean, nice...?
doesn't really make up for a horror-esque game not having a halloween event
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P.S. There will also be a Halloween weekend Bloodhunt for 2x Bloodpoints from Oct. 29th 11AM ET – Nov. 2nd 11AM ET. Stay tuned!
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yep i just hope they add the bonus objective from the archive as default and add a little something for killer, but those two thing are at least showing they response to backclash, now for the other problem, well it's an another subject
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It doesn't change the fact that this halloween event is disappointment, but I will take bloodpoints and shards.
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I guess its better than nothing. Still disapointed about the pestula petals that are useless offerings. You need at least one extra survivor to burn one to call it even, since the pestula only give 1000 bp instead of the 3000 last year and the 4500 the year before...
And I don't see other people burning the offerings as well.
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The 9000 Shards Price is only for new Blight Skins created this year for original characters
Feng, Felix, Yui, Legion and Blight
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yea i created a post about that so we have more choice, but right now it's still cool of them
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Are individual cosmetic pieces discounted or is it the full outfit
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full outfit!
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Still doesnt make up for this disaster. I mean, the Pustula Petal offerings dont even give more bloodpoints than they cost. Theyre pointless...
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all is discounted, well unless it's the meltface skin but hey i don't blame them
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Are the individual pieces 3000 shards each then?
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Should make event gens/hooks atleast give you 3k BP so you can earn back the offering, have it stack for each additional offering played.
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Dude - the sale was always planned: "Between October 23 and November 1st 11AM EST, save up to 75% on a selection of outfits, including the Hallowed Blight and Hallowed Catalyst Collections! "
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Even then I dont know if that would be enough... So many killers camp event gens in spite. All hooks and gens should be event ones and by bringing the offering you get more for it.
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Yes! Thank you BHVR!
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That is true and that is way better alternative, I like it. If all hooks were Halloween themed could also remove the inability to sabotage them. I get why they made it so survivors can't sabotage them but it's pretty lame when killers can damage/camp the gens.
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Yeah it destroys entire playstyles by preventing players from sabo'ing event hooks. If all hooks are event hooks it wont matter if some get sabo'd. Heck, you could even make the basement hook an event hook in that case and it wont matter.
This is just another example of BHVR having zero forethought.
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lol, on the new skin it was never planned, you have to be very naive to think that, why would they do a sale on fresh new skin? that make no sense and never happened before, unless you have solid proof i can't just believe it was planned all along.
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You dont think it was planned? Then you're the naive one...
Last Halloween "event" we could get ONLY one skin for free. Community rioted and they enabled us to get 2 skins for free.
This year they gave us zero. Community rioted and now we get one. You dont think that was calculated? Tell me again who is naive...
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what are you talking about???
this as nothing to do with the discount.
What you don't think i didn't knew they tried to give us only one skin, i wasn't talking about this little attempt at compensation, but the sale was never planned.
They thougth they could get away with a lackluster event, and now they try to get away with giving us only one skin.
They should make the battle pass free as an exuse and that would be enougth, but they still try to give less and give us 10K shard with 9k shard cosmetic.
Even worse, unlike last year, you can't choose an old hallow blight comsetic, you have to get 1 new cosmetic, here for you even more ######### decision.
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To quote @bm33 "In the article posted on their website on the 21st they said the outfits would be going on sale today, it's not like it was snuck in."
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same with individual items. they're all 3k each totalling 9k for outfit. Works well for me as I only want a few pieces to make up an outfit.
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You can still only get 1 free skin. It's hardly anything for this horrible patch.
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I didnt get anything...
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I already got the charm on console, but i agree. They said no more exclusives but keep legacy exclusive AND add even more exclusives..
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A shame that login rewards are not gifted everyday.
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It's a pretty transparent attempt at trying to bring players back into the game. We know that they've lost 9,000 players this month on Steam so instead of addressing the major issues that are pushing people away from DBD, they're offering login rewards to bribe players to load the game up.
Fix matchmaking, fix hit registration and stop pumping out expensive cosmetics until you've done it. If you put in as much effort into addressing the fundamental issues of the game as you do with creating new cosmetics and paid-for content, the game would be near-perfect.
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Damage control at its finest, this wasn't even planned and its easy to tell, otherwise why not start it up along with the """""Event"""""" from halloween?
I'll just take the BP and shards but ain't playing until this game is fixed, insane grind is still there, broken matchmaking is still there, F tier perks/killers are still there.
And the unbalanced RNG map generation is still there, so... yeah, they've got a long way to go.