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PS4 - DC in loading screen ending game early when spawned in & playing.

RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

Platform: PS4

Description of the issue: I've experienced the bug about 3-4 times though I only have video evidence for two of these instances. I've only experienced the issue when playing Pyramid head. Each time I'd load in to a public match as per normal. I would patrol the gens to find someone and once I did, I'd chase them. However after a certain point, the game would simply be cancelled, with the game stating that it was due to a DC in the loading screen. In one of these instances the game ended once I was picking up the first survivor I'd downed however the other times the game ended mid chase. The game says the match result was entity displeased yet my rank remains unchanged. I didn't level up or recieve bloodpoints. The person who DC'd is clearly shown as the culprit unlike a typical DC in the loading screen where the game ends before it even begins and the DC icon is not displayed. The survivor who DC'd seems to simply be afk in the game at first glance. In one instance three survivors were all seemingly afk only for the bug to happen when I was chasing the one person who wasn't afk, revealing that all 3 of the supposedly afk players had in fact DC'd in the loading screen. Unfortunately I made a mistake when saving the clip so I lost it. (If I missed an important step in the bug reporting process then please let me know so I can rectify my mistake.)

Evidence of bug in action: (If the clips can't be viewed then please comment as such and I can see if I can fix it)



  • medicineboxxi
    medicineboxxi Member Posts: 3

    Platform: Nintendo Switch

    This also happens to me when I spawn in as a survivor.

    I am losing rank from it as well. (I dont have video my switch doesn't record that way)

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    So it's not just an issue with PS4 then. That should be useful info if this is seen by the people responsible for fixing bugs. Thanks for the input! By the way, could you view those videos alright? I was worried that something could've gone wrong.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Yup. Happened to me 3 times in a row before I closed the game out of frustration.

    I played as Blight and everything seemed normal until I get disconnected and it says someone left while we were loading in game. I tried again and same thing. My last attempt did the same thing only this time I left to the main menu and froze. I literally could not play the game last night but at least I got this cool screenshot from it though.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    Huh, so I guess it has nothing to do with pyramid head as this is experienced regardless of if you play survivor or killer. That should be useful info IF this gets seen. Thanks!

  • sleepy_knight
    sleepy_knight Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2020

    I had something similar happen to me as a survivor, posted about it here too. Platform was Steam, killer was Pyramid Head. Game said I escaped, gave me 5k points but removed a pip and my offering was lost. To me, it showed that the killer DCd.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    this is as intended, to prevent 1, 2 and 3 man matches because of a network dc.