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Is the blight too strong to get a secondary power?

Well. I like the blight ascetically and lore wise, but i do feel like his power is a little unoriginal. The clown fits the name of Alchemist more imo, and i do feel like the blight should use his syringe on a survivor.

Any ideas for a secondary power that could make him a little more interesting without being too overpowered? I was thinking corrupting dead on hook survivors to do something. But i don't know if npc's would be allowed in the game.


  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    Maybe inject dead-on-hook survivors so they explode when hooked and infect a wide area around that hook for the rest of the match. Running through the affected area hinders survivors. Furthermore, if the Blight starts his rush from the affected zone, he can attack on his first rush without bouncing off anything.

    it’s a small enough impact to not have a huge effect because action does not typically occur around used death hooks, but it also has the ability to change the dynamic in clutch situations.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,465

    Blights already the 3rd or 4th best killer in the game behind nurse and spirit unless the current bug stays, hes fine as is

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    try asking this question again in 2 months

  • Dead_By_Devs
    Dead_By_Devs Member Posts: 40

    Thats a weird idea, but it kinda makes sense with the exploding mori thing.

    Tho i would have liked blighted survivor zombies, but its probably an unlikely and stupid dream...

  • RocketPenguin
    RocketPenguin Member Posts: 374

    nah hes good imo

  • Dead_By_Devs
    Dead_By_Devs Member Posts: 40

    I would like to remind you guys of

    "Any ideas for a secondary power that could make him a little more interesting without being too overpowered?",

    i do feel like his lore aspect was wasted on a basic but strong power. It doesn't have to be game breaking, just something more than....

    run fast.