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Survivor sided much?



  • Member Posts: 354

    Perhaps they are disabling the killer one as to not affect statistics or something. We know how much the balance team likes to rely on those.

  • Member Posts: 8

    They most definitely are overpowered by far. I see the difference when I play both sides. The maps are way too small and survivors are way too slow with such lack of hiding on a lot of these maps. Killers hardly have any setbacks. They swing and miss with such little cool down in before swinging again. There are way too many ways of keeping survivors suppressed so that they can’t do their job. It’s just there are more games where you’re going to be upset playing survivor than you will playing killer. Ez 3-4K every game.

  • Member Posts: 58

    Survivor handbook for killers I've got here says that killers can't keep fun things. Something about forever sweaty. I'll get back to when I manage to translate more.

  • Member Posts: 321

    Lol other events have been far more killer sided. With the halo one you had to escape to get as surv and killers simply had to grab one. These posts are so petty and childish.

  • Member Posts: 41

    Well either of the sides have what they need . For the killer they need to let them have the same affects as survivor. But they really need to stop putting one randomized survivor in with 3 swf. It’s Spain in the ass . The 3 farm you, block you in do you can’t do nothing and can care less about your objectives! The killers are tunneling off hooks and the event screwed up. Now you can keep the stuff with survivor for a year -but not killers. You should keep them as long as you keep your account. I pay a lot of money to the cosmetic stuff. Now it all restricted. I play both sides where that leave me.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    The only side effect (afaik) is that blight gets an extra rush token. Every other killer just gets the speed rush dash thing.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    I think all items from the Halloween event should be useable until used up except for the flower offering for obvious reasons.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    theory: They are "beta" testing global addons on killers but dont want it to be officially in the game yet. But yeah I think its kind of dumb we can only use it during the event, hopefully they will re-enable it in the future even tho I dislike the addon

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