Codes for DwightCrow is a joke.

Mr_Jerangkung Member Posts: 5
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Manually typed 20+ codes and all are invalid. Why make us suffer?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Con_Inc
    Con_Inc Member Posts: 137

    Watch saminations on you tube if he stream is still goin he puts them out every 10 minutes or so and covers the last three up for abit to you can type them in me and a friend got it today a little bit ago cause someone posted about it

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    the codes are limited for each one to 10, the fog whisperers have a butt-ton of them to give out. they are not sellable because when they display them people don't grab it and hold on to it they enter it... these are as exclusive as the rift cosmetics and charms are. they have said they will release them atleast 6 months or more after in the store. These are not exclusives like golden feng that was grabbed up by people at a convention and held on to because they had unique codes and then sold for real life money. that was a true exclusive at the time that made people money. I'm sorry you don't like it but how else are you to do it? I don't see any solid ideas on how to do it.

    Give you a hint: they've handed them out at conventions, people complain. they've hidden them as easter eggs and people complained (web page easter eggs) then they hand them out on the forums and people complain. now they put it to where people are most likely to be (there are more people that watch dbd than play it so they give it to the fog whisperers to distribute to their communities (same item not special to the streamer) and as always people complain. I mean what do you want? something free for no work on your part? wow.... you got that... all those exclusives that ps4/xbox never had as they were steam codes? they are everyone's that logs in at all! come on put forth a modicum of effort.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    but what's the point? it doesn't make sense to willingly drag people out of your own game. This is not a marketing strategy, especially considering that codes were given even to non-fog whispers...

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957
  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    As things are now, it's just a game of 'who has the fastest pc/internet/typing skills'. If it were random, like some kind of lottery system for people in the stream who typed a certain keyword, everyone would have an equal chance. Right now, console players, people with bad connections, people with dyslexia/dyscalcula etc., are at a disadvantage.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I won't disagree with you, but you also have not taken into account the streamers have tried to take into account ALL of these aspects and some have acknowledged that. for instance TVC put the code up with the last THREE letters covered up for a short while, giving people time to type the code in, she also used a font she believes (and I won't discount the claim) that is one of the best to fight dislexia, and then gives people ample warning the code will be revealed and then does so people only have to rush to type in 3 characters and hit enter. not as hard as typing the whole code in one shot. plus you can't just copy and paste it as it's in an image overlay in her stream not in her chat so it doesn't disapear in the spam of the chat. even with all this I still got my code after a few shots of missing it while I was running a duty in final fantasy 14! so it's possible and even with other things happening i was able to get one which was lucky I know but still not unobtainable. thing is how would you stop people from entering in for a second lottery to get another code, since only 10 people have the code what's from stopping people from selling that since only 9 others got the code and it's guarenteed to be available till behavior deactivates it. there are a great deal of problems that come with each and every aspect which i do not deny.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    They give the codes to streamers they like (driving traffic that can bring with it subs/donations) who in turn don’t talk critically (most of the fog whisperers seem like paid actors most of the time with how much they shill) about the sorry ass state the game is in.

    bhvr had to of known the Crap they were going to introduce for this event and were desperate to to get traffic to streamers who won’t call a spade a spade. It’s why they went back on the “no exclusives.”

    I don’t blame the streamers for shutting up (it’s in their best interest to give out the codes. Getting subs/donations is their living) I blame bhvr for being a cheap, duplicitous, talent void of a company.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    It's not a matter of effort.

    If a company makes a stand about no more exclusives then does more exclusives (deathgarden masks) it leaves a bad taste in people's mouths

    Then later down the line the reinforce their past statement by giving the code cosmetic to everyone ( also stop the third party scammers in their tracks) as well as the event cosmetics. regardless of your position on that action it proved that they were keeping up with statement as they were now making sure people were included.

    Now we have another exclusive being distributed where two quarters of the community are already at a disadvantage because console typing and despite addressing concerns about this statement haven't really been made.

    Whether you consider it whining or not is irrelevant. People have the right to be irritated and annoyed at this they went back on their statement twice despite the fact they showed that they were willing to be committed to it.

    Even now things like the death garden masks are still exclusives.

    I'm fine if they want to do exclusives but if that's the case they need to stop saying they're done done with it

    If they are truly done with exclusives then they can't just pick and choose. Just like you did with the event cosmetics and the code cosmetics things like the death garden stuff and Dwight charm shouldn't be locked behind exclusives..

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    again if you consider the dwight killer charm an exclusive then the rift is an exclusive. even though they are planning to make rift items available. the difference in all of this is the FACT that people know how long they will have to wait to buy it well a minimum time. this is not true exclusivity when the intent is to put it out later. (differing from previous code exclusives, they did not intend to do that at all and worked to get it fixed up) now I had forgotten about death garden mask as well as the payday masks.... can't get them for various reasons. now that you'd have to ask the devs about directly. also i never said people should or should not be irritated what I was saying was people should stop calling things exclusives when they are not exclusives in that the intent is to bring them to the market. also the devs never said they wanted to stop exclusives they just wanted to remove unlimited time exclusives (golden feng, etc) with exception of a few things like Legacy skins which are not available any more and can't be gotten.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    They have all been given a high number of codes.

    The fog whisperers would benefit console players greatly by instead of typing out ONE single, solitary code (minus the last 2 characters), they pre-type out 10 or 20 codes then enter them all onto the screen simultaneously... then enter the last 2 characters for each simultaneously.

    Everyone would be aiming for whichever code they prefer. The possibility of PC players going for the same codes as other PC players would then be greater, providing more opportunity for console gamers to get their Dwight Crow.

    Seems like a better option to try an give more console players success. least worth the try.

    One code at a time isn’t primarily benefiting any other than the PC players.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    Vinc3ntvega does 5 codes at a time every hour and then at the end of his stream does a whole bunch, like 15 I think.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Haven’t heard of any others doing that.

    Possibly they are “cashing in” on their increased attention they’re all getting by milking the codes out one at a time.

    Console players cannot beat the PCers keyboard quickness.

    10-15, even 20 partial codes (giving console players the opportunity to enter the code of their choice) simultaneously... then the last 2 of every code’s characters simultaneously for each would be their best chance to get one.

    Hope more whisperers pick up on what Vinc3ntvega is doing and up that a few notches. Most players have their own fav streamers to watch regularly, are jus there solely for the codes anyway, and have no desire to return to or support the whispers streams after the event concludes.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,768

    To add to this, BoxGhost puts up 10 codes at a time, on the hour, every hour, so even though she averages about 500 viewers that's still 1/5 of her viewers who get codes (not to mention those who already have them), and she leaves the final 2-4 characters hidden for like, 2-3 minutes. It's pretty nice of her, and that's how I finally got my one.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415
    edited October 2020

    Completely agree! She is being extremely smart and thoughtful of her console audience. Hope they’re all giving her some good love in return for her kindness 🥰

    Edit: Also bravo on securing your Dwight crow 🥳

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Watch BoxGhost, she displays 10 codes each hour, and she cuts out the end so console players have time to start typing them in - before revealing the rest of the code. She also only get's around 200-300 viewers, so you are basically guarenteed a code in 1-2 hours.

  • Mr_Jerangkung
    Mr_Jerangkung Member Posts: 5

    Problem is the codes can only be used for a very limited number of people. At least they should make it available for more. Watched a live stream, entered a code and its invalid. This is the main problem

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229
    edited October 2020

    I won this in console is not than very difficult to win conecting a control of course

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    My xbox,,, is the issue. Typing on a keyboard is easy, but I play on xbox and my controller was CRYING lol

  • Mr_Jerangkung
    Mr_Jerangkung Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2020

    Yes, I got mine too. But as it stands its too punishing, they should just do twitch drops. View selected streamers for 30mins get 1 cosmetic item and a guarantee to get all cosmetic after viewing for 3 hours for example.

    PROBLEM WITH THE CODE people will only enter the code and if they are fast enough, they'll get the cosmetic item and leave the stream.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Too bad...I hope they will do something for the console players. It´s so unfair currently. Good luck next time!

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    First the comments about no more exclusives had come before releasing the event and code cosmetics to everybody in fact it was even before the death garden masks.

    So yes they did in fact they say they wanted to stop exclusives in fact the point came up when somebody asked if consoles were going to get an exclusive character like PC had bill.

    In fact the statement of not wanting to do exclusives was given again when they gave the event cosmetics away.

    Well yes the third-party abuses was a reason they wanted to help with the code abuse but that was not the reason only reason they offered it to everybody

    Secondly they have stated no intention of giving the limited DwightCrow cosmetic out again so no it is an exclusive.

    Your false equivalency to the Rift doesn't work Rift items were stated from the beginning even before the Rift fully came out to be coming to the store after a while once the specific Rift closed.

    DwightCrow had no such statement so yes it is an exclusive.

    Nobody wants anything to be handed to them for free or without any effort in fact the community has never had a problem with time-limited exclusives that were earnable by everybody for example the pro-pain hammer.

    It was limited to the specific event but anybody who was playing turn it and have a fair chance. A PC player didn't have a massive advantage of getting it over a console player and vice versa.

    This charm however is extremely in balanced and console players are at a disadvantage. It's not earnable in a fun and unique way in fact for you to increase your chances of getting it you usually have to just not play the game and sit in the store screen waiting.

    Fog whisperers are having to go up above and beyond to try to get the code out in the fairest way possible and even with that console players are still at a disadvantage.

    Going around making statements like people don't want to put a modicum of effort into it is completely misreading the situation.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    "First the comments about no more exclusives had come before releasing the event and code cosmetics to everybody in fact it was even before the death garden masks."

    Your reading comprehension sucks here was my quote about death garden masks "now I had forgotten about death garden mask" which did not say it was not an exclusive.... i had totally forgotten there WAS a damn mask. so READ don't see one or two words and think you know what was intended.

    "Secondly they have stated no intention of giving the limited DwightCrow cosmetic out again so no it is an exclusive." PROOF PLEASE,lack of proof is not proof of your assertion.

    "Nobody wants anything to be handed to them for free or without any effort in fact the community has never had a problem with time-limited exclusives that were earnable by everybody for example the pro-pain hammer." Actually when they pulled the "we are giving these to everyone" there WAS backlash about it, because those pushed to get those out during the event. Guess you didn't want to go that far back in time on forums to see that.

    "This charm however is extremely in balanced and console players are at a disadvantage. It's not earnable in a fun and unique way in fact for you to increase your chances of getting it you usually have to just not play the game and sit in the store screen waiting." 1) they are, 2) there have been codes that were found in easter eggs that put people like me at a disadvantage because i don't always read the forums or twitter etc, yet I do not complain.

    "Fog whisperers are having to go up above and beyond to try to get the code out in the fairest way possible and even with that console players are still at a disadvantage." I'm so sorry that people tried to help and people still complained even about them! but you know what? in the stream I was in I saw many console people getting their dwightcrows! maybe the streamer didn't do it right for them I don't know I only have the experience of one. this does not equate to exclusivity, it is known that consoles are not equal to pcs yet people play on it and want to every few years shell out 400-800 bucks for a new console and all the games that they used to play once again at full price when a PC does not have to always be updated every few years and still plays the games that were on it before.

    "Going around making statements like people don't want to put a modicum of effort into it is completely misreading the situation. " Statements people have made in posts "I don't want to enter these numbers! JUST give it to us when we log in!" and many more like it, I guess if the post doesn't fit your narrative you don't continue to read.

    Don't worry I won't disprove you again because i don't want to deal with the headache.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2020

    Honestly I don’t care about the exclusivity part.

    I just think the way they are being given out is flawed. Some streamers aren’t very specific about how/when they give them out. I went to watch someone for the very first time and asked about it and their answer was simply “when I feel like it”. Not only did I not follow, but just made me annoyed because I only have so much time ( I have a busy schedule) but I was just so put off by that.

    I’m not trying to name and shame anyone but I think the way this was implemented was very unorganized. I just want it because I am a Dweet main :/ it’s not like I’m hounding them for it.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    This is a cat and mouse game atm. They eventually give a code for everybody.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    You haven't disproved me to begin with you complain that my reading comprehension sucks but you completely forget what that statement was directed towards.

    "also the devs never said they wanted to stop exclusives they just wanted to remove unlimited time exclusives (golden feng, etc)"

    This was the statement I was contesting when I mentioned and the comment about exclusives had appeared appeared long before they gave away things like a golden feng. The statement about death garden was me giving you a relevant time frame I even gave you an even better one by saying another time it popped up was when people were asking for a platform exclusive character because PC had an exclusive character and consoles didn't.

    You say you won't disprove me again yet you haven't disproved me to begin with you've made a lot of a false statement and false equivalent that's not disproving anybody