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Why are survivors killing themselves on hook a lot lately?
It doesn't happen when I play killer (how convenient) yet when I play survivor my teammates kill themselves on hook a lot and it's kinda annoying
The DC penalty is back in the game. They are "working around it" by killing themselves.
If a game starts and a survivor immediately goes to a hook and starts pointing at it, I'd recommend you just slug them and go for the others. Exact a small amount of judgement for their attempts to abandon their team mates because they got a map or killer they don't like.
If you start searching for a game you have no excuses for instantly leaving one, aside from connection issues.
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There’s many reasons, however the most common ones are:
•Doesn’t like the killer/how the killer “plays”
•Doesn’t like the map
•Doesn’t like their teammates
and the list continues from there.
There is really no way to force someone to play something they do not wish to. Well, no way to do it without harming either side of a match (killer and survivors) in some shape or form. Whether the reason, there is no viable options to fix this that caters to both sides.
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Maybe they're just trying to throwback to the 2018 Halloween event for some nostalgia? Plenty of survivors were self-sacrificing during that event too.
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Just a heads up - FPS issues on certain consoles (mainly PS4) are the worst they've been in a long time. A lot of struggle phase mashes arent being counted. This results in what looks like suicide.
If its first hook suicide then its possibly just people eager to get onto a new challenge, DC penalty is back or people trying to leave fast to enter a streamer code before it is used by 10 other people trying to DC or kill themselves...
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Yep, I can confirm I have died mid-struggle thanks to the FPS drops when someone was close to get me off. They most likely think I did it on purpose, but anyone that sees me die in game randomly during struggle, that's why!
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There is no specific reason, its just a way to "dc" without actually dcing.
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Incorrect, if they would just make it where during the 3rd stage you don't have to spam an input then it would solve two issues at once.
Where sure, the survivor can still get themselves to 3rd hook and then get killed on last hook, but it would stop them from insantly dying and it would be alot more drawn out then just dying allowing for teammates to have more time then what would of been even if it was only 10 seconds.
It would as well solve the annoying issue of having to spam an input on the hook, as I hate doing that, you might hate doing that, and most people I know hate doing that.
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It's how they can leave without getting a ban. Unless your play style is to always slug there is no way around it.
LMAO! That happened to me yesterday, my poor teammates probably thought I did it to screw them over because people genuinely do that out of spite.
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Yeah it has been happening when I play killer a lot, it's kinda sad like man I just want to play the game normally but they just kill themselves every match.
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FPS drops most likely if on console. Its happened to me 3 times now.
However, if its their first hook I can probably guess they’re trying to get a challenge done but can’t so they want to move onto the next game. Maybe may not like the way the Killer or their teammates are playing. Not saying its cool or whatever, I just know how it feels.
Edit: typo
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I will be honest and say I am guilty of this. I have also been struggling a few times for the game to randomly decided that is enough to kill me as if though I missed a button press.
I will say when and if and its a big IF, if I kill myself on first hook it is for one of these reasons. It is either my teammates are sooooo horribly bad that I would rather just die and find another game. Also to clarify I do not mean like oh my teammate popped a gen by accident but more like my one teammate keeps alerting the killer right to me either by running and leaving scratch marks or in another case almost the entire team could not seem to do a gen. I am a very understanding person and honestly enjoy helping new players but when the player seems to not want to learn then I want out of the game before my sanity is tested.
The other reason is if I get a killer who I see camping or one who just makes the game feel way to easy for the killer. I mean most the time when I get a Hag it always ends in death because my team never knows to crawl over the traps and also for a killer that sets traps most Hag Players I encounter like to oddly camp be it face or proximity and you really do not need to. I mean even if you are out of reach to TP to your trap itself normally scares survivors enough to run anyway. The Doctor is another one that kind of urks me because I love the killer but I personally think he takes little to no skill. You zap they scream you slug and game done. I will still try because I like to win and give the killer a fun game but once again it seems most Doc players in my past games camp as well. They hook you then stand around zapping in all directions and it is like why? You can easily find people so just go get another survivor. It is honestly the killers you think would almost need to camp to get a kill that play the least campy like legion or Clown.
I will say there is no real reason to really suicide hook and I know I am a horrible person for the few times I do it and I apologize for it. I do honestly not do it often because as bad as a game can seem to start it can always surprise you at the end. =) Have a Happy Halloween and everyone please be safe and stay healthy. <(^.^)>
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Easy, DC penalty is on, and it's the only way to quickly get out of a game now as Survivor.
(Not that it really matters though- Hook Suicides just do the same thing as DC's did, just gives the killer some extra BP and lets the Survivor complete their challenge without sitting through a full game. And people who genuinely don't care are gonna DC anyway. Kinda don't even know why they added it back tbh...)
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I do hate that spamming. I swear it’s going to give me carpal tunnel and every time I get a cramp or something. Not fun. Anyways, even with such a change it will likely just prolong the game for the suicider and unenjoyable for the others. I’ve played games where saving the person trying to suicide leads to them sand bagging and ruining the fun until they are ultimately sacrificed. It’s not worth it in those cases. However, that change would definitely decrease hook suicides.
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The d/c penalty is back on. Without addressing the things that make people not want to play, this stuff will continue.
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Console players are being killed by fps during struggle, ps4 players more so thanks to the most recent update increasing performance issues.
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Well that was only so they could just harvest the plants and move onto the next match to harvest more, you know when they actually where worth harvesting lol that's not the reason this time as they dont give you anything but a few bps now
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Garbo fps skipping a struggle input
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I think they do it because they feel like they’ve already lost.
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your last statement is hilarious you can not force someone to stay in, so then why the killer is forced to stay there when he is getting bullied and the only way to leave is getting penalized? meanwhile survivors can kill themselves and not getting punished (losing ranks is not a penalization is a rewarding)