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How long did it take for new killers to reach Rank 1

Just curious to how long it took new players to reach rank 1 of in game time. Mainly interested in killers but survivor mains feel free to post your times aswell.

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  • Member Posts: 871

    When I first played it took me 2 weeks to get Rank 1 Killer. Then I started to play Survivor, and it took me 2 days to get rank 1 for Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5,605

    I only started to care after PH came out it took me about 3 weeks (like a couple hours a day)... I literally reached R1 right before Cross-Play came out (PTB)

    But soon fell out and now in the green ranks with Cross-Play on

    Survivor I wont be trying so...

  • Member Posts: 51

    So you're a console player? What console do you play on?

  • Member Posts: 222

    130 hours. Did it like a year ago

  • Member Posts: 51

    Nice what do you do now that you have already reached rank 1? You do drop ranks just to use fun builds or something similar?

  • Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    Well, I can't claim to be an savant like the "TheButcher" in this thread, but I've managed to get my Myers to Rank-4 on the cusp of Rank-3 in one and 2/3's of a month. I'm driving to reach Rank-1 by Halloween. I probably won't make it, and if I do it will be by the skin of my teeth. I play fairly often and I'm a pretty determined guy. There are easier Killers to Rank with, however, so I might not be the best one to judge the timing by.

    Post edited by Moundshroud on
  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I hit R1 just before the emblem system came out. I had the game for longer but I usually stopped playing when I got to purple ranks because it was more frustrating than fun. No idea how many game hours I had under my belt when I did that.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Nice Myers is a favorite of mine but at Rank 1 I'm just not viable with him as I can't get 4k's as often as I like with him. What about his play style draws you to him?

    I agree purple is more casual and let's you use more fun builds which is probably where I'll be trying to stay once reset hits. It's not worth it being rank 1 more than once as there is no real reward for being rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I started the game in November of 2018 and I think I hit Rank 1 for the first time in May of 2019 on Killer. I hit Rank 1 Survivor in July of 2019.

    Realistically, I am a Rank 1 Killer but my Survivor Rank is probably closer to Rank 7 than to Rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Took about a year, I played very relaxed and tried nearly every killer in the game at that point never maining anyone, If you get a killer or two with the perks you want and grind at it about you could probably reach rank 1 in 3-4 months after starting but I think relaxed is the best way to do it.

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    I was drawn to him because he is the Godfather of the entire slasher genre, and thus the patron saint of this game. I'm a huge fan of the original movie, and so when I decided to play DbD, I knew I was going to stick with him until I got him to Rank-1. I also picked him because he is listed as "Hard" because he does have a learning curve. It isn't as steep at the Nurse, but it ain't easy. I figure if I can get to Rank-1 with him, then the Killers I learn next should come easier. In regards to his playstyle:

    1. I love Spooky Myers (Scratched Mirror+Boyfriend's Memo). I like mind games and working the jump scares. Naturally it is more effective on the smaller, indoor maps, but I've played him so much in this build now I've been able to get consistent wins on larger maps.
    2. I enjoy Maniac Myers (Any Build which can hit Tier-3) because of the options. Right now, I'm experimenting with the Dead Rabbit+Hair Bow along with the Perks Undying, Ruin, Monitor & Abuse, & Iron Maiden. Most people start jumping in Lockers to let a Maniac Myers run out the Insta-Down clock. Thus, when they come out I get a notification and some more Insta-down as a nasty surprise. The Dead Rabbit and Monitor & Abuse give me a zero terror radius even in Tier-2 when not in a chase. *Sometimes I throw in a Fragrant Tuft of Hair but when I do I don't bother with the Iron Maiden and replace it with Thrill of the Hunt.

    I guess what I like most about him is that you can drastically alter how he plays. His add-on(s) don't just make him better at what he does, they completely rework him. That interests me.

  • Member Posts: 222

    Im just playing however i want. Sometimes i do fun builds, yes. I dont care about rank, but i still stick around 1-2 automatically

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    When I first started playing I'd say in between rank resets 2 months I reached rank 1 then I decided I didn't like being in the red ranks because it wasn't as fun for,I usually stayed in the purple ranks after,not by choice only because that's where my skill cap was apparently.Now that I have a killer that I truly know who's close to me ,I strive to be in the red ranks ,which took me about a month in a half .It's a bit of a learning curve to get there in my experience.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I semi miss the days when spinechill didn't work on stealth myers.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Aha similar to me, only reason I got into this game so much was because of the killers I love. Myers was my first prestige killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    It really shouldn't work on tier 1 Myers, MAA,Pig's Crouch,GF Shadow Shroud are when you're undetectable.

    People who complain about the game not being scary but run spine chill.

  • Member Posts: 1,811

    It took me about a month to get to rank 1 Killer the first time 2018. Haven´t reached Survivor rank 1 yet, I recently tried but had like 15 safety pips in a row at rank 4. Feelsbadman.

  • Member Posts: 58

    I don't think people like being that sweaty all the time.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Nope I don't, I really like immersive builds that just aren't viable at rank 1

  • Member Posts: 636

    I’m not a new player but I hit Rank 1 Killer when Plague came out, took about a month I would say, mind you I was working majority of the time so never really put the hours into this game. I mostly played as Billy, sometimes LF. Since then I haven’t really played Killer that much, only dabble here and there.

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    I was Green ranks when I got nothing but Red rank survivor death squads so fairly early?

    Survivor I just had to not be a selfish moron and I was rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    edited October 2020

    it took me around a month from constantly playing back in 2017 when pallet vacuums and other broken stuff was still around. I got the ropes of this game pretty fast and im good at applying what i see in videos to my game play to a reasonable degree.

    for survivor it took me over a year and a half because i never bothered to play past rank 5 since i mainly played killer.

    good times especially when I didn't have meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 443

    I was goingrinding for the rank 1 killer archivement recently. To be fair, I have 1.400 hours on this game, but didn't played killer much by that time and didn't have much experience. The highest rank that I got before was rank 11.

    When I started to try to reach rank 1, I started at rank 17. It took me about 25 days (even with rank reset inbetween) to reach rank 1.

    And I think that is one of the problems that DbD has. Once I was in red ranks, it was hard to leave them again, even after I stopped sweating and just played for fun. I still stayed in red ranks, even though I clearly didn't belong there. I stopped playing killer actively again for three months, just to derank. Now I'm in green ranks again, how it should be imo. Maybe purple. But I should have never reached rank 1 this fast with my skill. It is too easy to rank up and too easy to stay there, because of the new reset system. This s also the reason why there are red rank survivors crouching scared around with urban, making solo queue almost impossible.

  • Member Posts: 248
    edited October 2020

    it took me forever to reach rank one survivor, when the game was hard of course (basically two years ago). Nowadays I can be rank 20 and go to red ranks in a less than a week

  • Member Posts: 341

    I have no idea, I feel like rank 1 is just a title to say you play a lot. I can't count how many times I've climbed up and down the rank charts.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    70 hrs for survivor, 40-50 for killer (I had quite a bit of survivor hours by the time I started playing killer)

  • Member Posts: 331

    Closest I got is rank 5 and my struggle is I only do well on my main so I am forced to play my main a ton if I wanna hit red.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    It took me 1000 hours to get survivor to rank 1, and about the time that I got to rank 1 with survivor I started playing killer quite a bit more. It took me about 250 hours to get killer to rank 1. When learning a new killer it's currently taking about 100 hours for me to get good enough with them that I can play at rank 1.

    I'm not the fastest at picking up the ropes, so I'm sure most people could get to both killer and survivor rank 1 with less time. I should also say that it's much easier for me at least to play killer at rank 1 vs survivor at rank 1. But I think that comes down to the fact that I rarely play in a SWF.

  • Member Posts: 395

    About a week after I started playing, while playing normally, I hit red rank killer, then I mained camping Bubba (thought and still think the meme is hilarious, I found this game by watching a friend basement camp) so dropped and hovered around purple, went for rank 1 at some point because I thought camping Bubba at rank 1 sounds funny, took like 3 days, mostly played Doctor/Hag - turns up camping Bubba still works at rank 1 and you can avoid depipping 90% of matches too, never dropped since because the matches are so easy you virtually have to throw - even some of my friends who are pretty bad hit rank 1 when they went for it, all you need to do is pick Freddy & have Pop Goes The Weasel unlocked (Ruin+Undying will work now as a substitute too) - very minute actual skill required. Play both sides and have also went vs some truly horrible red rank killers (as in 0-2 hits all game and no idea what they're doing) - those ones seemed to usually have anywhere between 85-300 hours.

  • Member Posts: 1,060
    edited October 2020

    4 months, got to rank 5 with billy then switched to Nurse and abused omegablink/3 blink addons (before rework). Got to rank 1 less then a few days with her after some pratice with her

  • Member Posts: 236

    I think the highest rank I got to was 10, then I took a few weeks off playing to focus on other games. I've been playing since December last year, but I admit that I suck bad at the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,295

    highest i got was rank 3 but i only played myers with no other dlcs so that may be the reason

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Just roughly speaking, assuming you gain 1 pip every 3 games on average (i.e. you sort of win 1/3 of the time, draw 1/3 of the time and lose 1/3 of the time) and play constantly until you reach rank 1 it takes about 85 games to get there. However, because of rank reset you lose about 25 games worth of progress every month. So if you for instance play 10 games a week for 4 weeks, then have a rank reset, you’ll only have effectively played 15 out of those 85 games and will have to play around 5 or 6 total months to get to Rank 1. If you play 5 games a week you’ll only get about 5 games progress per month and it will take over a year and a half of playing. And that’s all assuming you are even good enough to maintain a 1/3 pip per game rate.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    First of all, I play Myers and I played him with the old Emblem system, the one which benefited inmensely if you didnt lose gens, especially if you didnt lose them early, they system made it very hard for low mobility Killers to reach rank1.

    It took me 1 month to reach rank 3 once I started playing Killer more for I used to play only one match for the extra Iridiscents, then the system made it very time consuming to reach 1 so I didnt care, after the system was changed to dont punish low mobility Killers that much I reached rank1 in a matter of days.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    a little bit off topic, as im not exactly a new killer, but back when i first started (September 2016) it took me a little over a year (October 2017) to unlock the "Legendary Killer" achievement. i have no idea how many ingame hours i had, guess a couple of hundred? maybe 200 to 300 or sthg like that?

    in my defense, the game was a lot less balanced, i was a lot worse at it and i didnt play it nearly as much as i do today xD

  • Member Posts: 416

    It took me a couple of months. I was struggling until I started playing Spirit, but as I branched out to other characters after getting to red ranks I actually got a lot better and started winning a lot more

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    A couple weeks back when I mained Pig.

    It's been a while since I've played enough to hit rank 1 again.

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