Matchmaking still broken

I'm not sure what feedback I can give. Go back to whatever happened at the first 20 matches of setting up the new matchmaking because it's broken and terrible. As a rank 4 survivor I can only get rank 1 killers. It's pretty much never ever escape, I'm lucky to see a couple gens pop on but no I'm not swf.

Killer I'm rank 10 and only get smashed against rank 1s with the occasional rank 13 they're swf with. So no matter what I'm losing on killer or having to camp the hook and ruin everyone's fun. Games just starting to suck all around. Had tons of hope when they had some system to setup new matchmaking I got killers and survivors my rank and I had a chance. Now I either have to cheat the broken system and lose an insane amount of games to get to have a couple fun games or play around in this broken mess and get my ass handed to me constantly on either side.


  • Ellistrae
    Ellistrae Member Posts: 11

    Yeah, the matchmaking is utter garbage. I'm so tired of getting matched up against SWF groups that are literally 12 ranks above me. It's just not fun. I try to play fairly and not tunnel people, but guess what, if I don't, I don't get any sacrifices. So I'd rather not play at all than have to play like a jerk. Generator repair speed needs to be slowed down. When most killers are running ruin and undying just to try to slow down the game a bit, that should be an indication that generator repair is too quick. But overall, I have to say killer is not fun anymore at all because of the cruddy matchmaking. And despite people saying that solo survivor is impossible, I find that I usually escape more often than not, and I rarely have anyone to play with in a SWF. But SWF, especially 12 ranks higher than me, is just not fun and I'm tired of hearing that matchmaking will be fixed "soon". I've been playing for several years off and on at this point, and I don't believe the devs anymore.

  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34

    I just picked up the game the other day. The game seems fun, competitive, and strategically deep. I have put in about 12 hours into the game and have mostly been playing killer to speed up my understanding of the maps and not have to worry about all the random stuff different killers do. I haven't much time in but the matchmaking in conjunction with the amount of knowledge required to even functionally play the game, is already making me lose interest in continuing to grind the game. It's a shame too, because I want to enjoy this game.

    Matchmaking problems that I have experienced -

    I have been queued no less than 10 times in my short amount of play time with at least rank 2 players (I'm currently rank 15 and climbing).

    I wouldn't mind playing against higher rated people if I knew before the match even started that I was going against a stronger group of players. This way I could use necessary items or not waste items should I so choose.

    Winning against a higher rated group of survivors doesn't appear to have rewarded me anymore than when I won against lower rated people.

    I'm rank 15 and climbing with relative ease when I'm not getting put against a fully kitted group of survivors of a much higher rank. I don't know if this is an issue necessarily but it seems that my rank applies across all killers and I don't even know what they all do let alone know that I can play them as well as my main killer.

    I have no idea what being a certain rank even means, I would assume that rank 10 is where the average killer is considering its a 20 rank system but again I have no idea.

    Ranking up seems to be more of a product of playtime vice skill.

    I have had people disconnect from my games many times many of which seemed like rage quits. Seems like more often than not its the higher ranked people too which I thought was weird.

    Perks available at lower levels seems too limited considering that being put against higher ranked survivors/killers is already a huge disadvantage and you seem to be expected to do so without access to the same utility.

    I will continue to grind and learn, and for the most part continue to have fun with this game. I just hope I can make it through some of these games which, I'm not going to sugarcoat it, are not just dissatisfying but downright infuriating. I am concerned, not only that I have to make it through this but that the rest of the player base does as well. Frankly, I don't think that enough people will put up with this only making queue times worse and ultimately matchmaking worse. If I had an option to wait longer for a more balanced games I would take it.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited October 2020

    You seem to have a general knack for the game. However, you're often going to be playing against people who have 10 times or 100 times the experience you have, in addition to that, until you've learned the meta teachables you're at a significant disadvantage. And most of the meta killer perks are behind paywalls.

    I would recommend using the in game currency that is being handed out right now to purchase one of the original DBD characters. In addition to that I'd recommend purchasing Leatherface to get BBQ which will get you double blood points, it's worth the 5 dollars in the time you'll save leveling up. Keep an eye open for the following killer perks in the shrine. Hex: Ruin, Hex: Undying, Corrupt Intervention, Pop goes the Weasel. Generator slow-down is needed with the current meta and these are the best perks for slowing down the game.

  • dmhughes86
    dmhughes86 Member Posts: 34

    I appreciate the advice, I was worried that it was going to be paywalled. I don't mind personally because I have the money but there are players without the funds. It also seems that, at least at the higher ranks, that the metabuilds are required unless you significantly outclass your opponents or they just make mistakes. I also feel like I'm cheating when I have to purchase abilities with my actual money. I would be fine with it if it gave equal power to already available perks but just gave you more ways to play the game or play with style. Unlucky, I guess I'll cough up the coin but I hope the devs understand that it feels terrible and makes me more unlikely to buy cosmetics as now I have to purchase perks just to make my game not suck. That aside, I am glad to see a relatively active community.