We can do it - let's change OoO!

We used the wrong tactic as a community guys. We removed the OoO users as fast as possible from our matches to teach them not to use the perk.
From now on we need to let every OoO user escape. Every single one.
The devs mentioned they decided to not nerf OoO, because the escape rates are low and they also considered the fun factor.
So if we all bump up the escape numbers, they may nerf it? Is that the way?
No, that’ll just get Corrupt nerfed somehow
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Or the devs could just
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True lol.
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How often do you actually see OoO? I rarely see it any of my games. I’ve probably gone against it 5 times and each time the survivor using it has been absolute garbage. I just don’t see why it’s being talked about so much...
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They also stated not changing it because it is used so infrequently. Which has been my experience in my 3 years of playing. I don't understand why people are putting so much effort into a perk they see so little.
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I see it about once per day, mostly used by SWF players, most times the OoO user is a god looper.
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swf and midwich
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How often do you get a 4 man swf in midwich given that 4 man swfs are less than 1% of the playerbase?
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I’d rather just bring a mori in every time I suspect a SWF death squad. It’s easier with crossplay now because I’m on PC and can tell if they’re all PC users, and odds are they’re all friends.
I will also ignore the OoO user because they’re usually the strongest loopers, and just tunnel the weakest link out of the game. They obviously don’t care about me having fun so I’m not going to care about theirs.
If they’re all good loopers, I’m just gonna go stand in the basement and not let them get any points from me. I kinda wish I owned bubba just so I can camp them if they’re foolish enough to come down there, since they normally do and try to taunt me.
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I asked how often you see it. I’ve never had anybody using it on that map. I’ve gone against SWF all using Saboteur, Breakout, Soul Guard and Dead Hard, but it’s such a rare occurrence that I don’t think it warrants those perks being changed.
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If they are a god looper, you're not getting them with or without OoO
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EVERY DAY? Either you’re exaggerating because you dislike this perk so much or you’re extremely unlucky, as I rarely see it when I’m survivor or killer. I can play for hours a day, so I don’t get why I can go months without seeing it. 🤔
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I was going to say if I see it once a month that is being generous. That person is extremely unlucky to be seeing it every day.
The thing I don't understand is according to some swf are ruining the game and are very common. OoO completely breaks the game and makes swf so much better and unbeatable. Why in the hell is OoO used so little then if it is so game breaking? I would think everyone would run it. Something just doesn't add up.
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I just find it hard to believe that people are finding OoO in their matches so often. It sounds to me like they got beaten by somebody using it and think the perk needs to go immediately. I don’t know, maybe I’m just lucky like I said, but whenever it’s found it’s way into one of my games the player has tried to be a ‘God looper’ and have failed miserably. All the perk did was make it easier for me to find them.
A 4-man SWF can be annoying to face regardless of their perks. Are you telling me that a 4-man all using Quick & Quiet and Head On is fun to go against? Or an entire squad using Saboteur and Breakout? It just is what it is.
I have gone against 4-man squads before but I also get plenty of lobbies full of solo survivors, so I definitely think people like to exaggerate how much they go against SWF for dramatic effect.
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I see it about once a week. How often it appears is 100% irrelevant though. Its a broken ass perk and the bhvr response to it is 100% unacceptable.
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Works for me. After the latest round of killer nerfs, kind of inclined to just go AFK in any game where a survivor uses OoO and I'm playing an M1 killer. They can spend 5 minutes watching gen bars fill up, run around me to give me chase BPs and then leave at their convenience while I'm alt-tabbed watching Twitch.
I don't think the Devs are happy until every Survivor escapes 100% of the time.
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It isn’t irrelevant though. A Doctor using Ruin + Undying + Distressing on Hawkins is ‘broken’ but it’s a rarity for me to go against that build, so that doesn’t warrant it being changed.
If OoO was being used constantly I could understand the frustration, but from my experience it isn’t.
I’ve been playing for 3 years and almost never encounter it. So how exactly are you seeing it once a week and I’m not?
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It doesn’t have to specifically be a 4 man swf on midwich with object.
It can be just a 4 man swf with object
3 man swf with object
2 man with object on a bad map
3 man with object on a bad map
midwich in general
Either way it’s not super rare to find games like that and when it happens it ruins your mood. Sure it isn’t every game but you will get matches like that and it’s unfun and boring.
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Nah it won’t the stats was an excuse because by that logic nurse would be buffed/reworked cuz according to stats she is weak af. They just don’t want to admit they won’t change it cuz of money. 99% of people own Laurie but only 1% or less play her as a main. Only reason so many buy her is ds and object. So they want to keep the cash cow going.
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How often do you actually see Moris? I rarely see one in any of my games. I’ve probably gone up agaisnt them 5 times each and time the killer is garbage and we just genrush him. I just don’t see why they’re being talked about so much...
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Have you seen me personally bring up Moris? Didn’t think so. Direct this comment elsewhere. Thanks. 😇
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Funny thing is i also almost never saw it as a killer.. But now i almost see it every single match but ONLY if i play nurse.. Idk whats gping on.. Its really ONLY if i play Nurse.. Almost always.. And i am still learning her!
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Are you on PC? As I read that some people were able to see what killers people were playing as before the match starts, so maybe that’s happening with you? I’m not sure why you’d want to use OoO against a Nurse though. Maybe it’s a really weird coincidence? It’s like with me, I can go days even weeks without facing a Plague, but as soon as I bring in a healing build, it’s her. 🤯
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I play on PS4 but with crossplay
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I’m not sure if it still works. But I’ve had people randomly leave a lobby I’ve loaded into as Deathslinger, almost as if they knew who I was and didn’t want to face me. Could just be a coincidence but it sometimes looks extremely shady...
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But with OoO i got an actually reason to davor the chase with them.
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Its not about usage rate or escape rates,its about the so called fun factor.Game feels like shait when you run in OoO swf.
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How about... no. Why don't we pull together and deal with the disease, not the symptom. Let's work on getting Solo and Team Ques separated. The problem isn't OoO. The perk has been around forever. The problem is SWF. Broken into separate ques, different balancing triggers could kick in, like say perhaps a cool down on the power.
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Are you telling me you have fun going against an entire team using Saboteur, Breakout, Dead Hard and Soul Guard? As that’s happened to me before, but I don’t think those perks need changing. You just have to grit your teeth and get through the match, as it’s not often I face teams like that.
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because people want this game to be balanced, how often do you see an ebony mori in your lobby? How often do you see someone burn an ormond offering? Iri head? Spirit with double pink addons? Keys? 4 brand new parts?
Just cause its rare dosent mean it should stay the way they are. People want a fun and balanced games but numerous tools can be used to create a frustrating experience for the other side
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Dev said literally few day ago object stays as is.
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But how exactly can you balance around SWF? Most of the issues people have are with certain perks being used by a 4-man squad. As long as people can play whilst using comms, there will be something for people to complain about. They will never be able to get this game to a place where everybody is happy. It just is what it is.
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I can only speak anecdotally, but on my main killer, I'm sitting on dozens of Moris... they give them out like candy and I can safely say I really don't like using them. They result in short, low blood point games ontop of just feeling mean spirited. I still remember using one once and quickly finding the weak link in a fairly low rated game. Hooked her within a minute, someone did an unsafe unhook right in front of me like 5 seconds later w/o BT, I downed her again...
Mori, I guess? I slotted it, right?
Dead newbie, less than 2 minutes into the game. She got like 600 bps.
Really left a bad taste in my mouth. I just don't like to run them.
These event offerings, however, that give everyone a little bonus. I like these.
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Yeah, Same.
Seems as though OoO, Borrowed time and DS give some players a challenge they haven’t come to grips with handling, yet... but they will, eventually. They’ll have to adapt, because OoO, BT and DS will never be nerfed... everrr, imo.
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I don't know why, but in my head I read this with a serious tone and man was it funny
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Object of Obsession:
- After getting unhooked you will see the Killers Aura for the next 30/35/40 seconds.
- If the Survivor who unhooked you is within a 16 metre radius from your location he will see the Killers Aura as well for that duration.
- During that time, the Killer will see your Aura intermittently.
- Increases the chances of becoming the Killers Obsession.
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Good idea m8!
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They said it doesn't need a nerf because of the low escape rate. So just let all OoO users escape from now on.