we DO need game-health chapters before anything else. This shouldn't be up for debate.

MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
edited October 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

We DO need patches that thoroughly concentrate on game-health. That get rid of bugs and glitches and other issues.

We need patches to go ko-mari the heap of perks that has accumulated.


  1. Fix the currently existing bugs
  2. Look how killers and perks are actually used. Statistics are useless if you don't look at the practice.
  3. Make changes accordingly.
  4. Set up a permanent ptb to let people test new ideas, mechanics, maps etc before combining things into a patch

there have been dozens of good ideas on the forum. sure, it's hard to sieve out which complains make sense and which do not, but it's work that's ought to be done.

I wholeheartedly believe the community is more than up for helping making the game better. So let's do it.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • MrGimmsYouTube
    MrGimmsYouTube Member Posts: 47

    A consistant PTB is a good idea to CONSTANTLY test new things. It wont happen though.... MUNNEEE!

  • BugsGalore
    BugsGalore Member Posts: 57

    A permanent PTB is a fantastic Idea, but It will likely never happen. BHVR pushes out rushed changes that break the balance and the code at the same time, and unfortunately I doubt that it'll ever change.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Dont kid yourself, this is Bathesd..... I mean Behavior you are talking about. They do not care about the quality of their game just if they can sell cosmetics. Any solution you or the Comunity come up with to help prevent all the bugs will be immediately disregarded by Bathesd... Behavior if it doesn’t involve selling something.

    Heres some free BP run along and play.

  • Spider175
    Spider175 Member Posts: 40

    I have no idea how feasible a permanent PTB is but it would be pretty incredible; they literally would just get free feedback from the community or maybe even create one for fogwhisperers would just be cool.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    New content is the lifeblood of this game Idk if you have noticed but people love this games consistently released new content

    they will most likely never take a chapter for game health because thats what they use the midchapter patches for.

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360

    Take for example, idk overwatch has a ptr and a experimental branch, since they did this... the game is the best it has ever been.

    Experimental branches would be great, I think that would be too much work though.

    The fact that progress doesn't transfer, kinda hinders it. it sucks.

  • notlonely
    notlonely Member Posts: 391

    A constant PTB would be great, or maybe even just a gamemode where we can try perk and Killer changes; like Overwatch's. I also think that one thing Devs really need to do is ask feedback from the community about problematic perks; if they did they wouldn't say what they did about OoO and they would buff perks that just need a simple buff that we all know they need. Will they really need 3 months to realize what they need to change about Fixated is remove the being healthy requirement and maybe a tiny numbers buff???

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
    edited October 2020

    what it would do (judging from other games, mostly indie stuff, though) it would create more excitement. It might get a bit backlash when something is ultimately altered, but the hyped thing still comes through.

    Like, lbr, if you could try out a new mode from the get go, would you? would you be more excited for it than if it were just a vague announcement?

    look, we're not having the devs jump off a cliff, ok?

    to clarify: do you mean the character's progress?

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    i'm aware, doesn't change the outcome, though. poor sod

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    he didn't die in rdr2, so as far as rdr2 is concerned mans not dead

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited October 2020

    I've given up, man. The way it's gotten worse and worse on PS4... just, whatever. It's always been pretty bad, but now... I get into a chase, the frames drop so much that the survivor disappears, and then I get distracted by something shiny and go afk while survivors do gens and leave. And it's a win-win situation, I guess, so why mess with it: I play a video game that I can walk away from at any moment and it doesn't make a bit of difference to the match, and survivors get to do gens and escape just like they always want. It's the perfect arrangement.

    Sorry, your ideas are nice, improving game health would be amazing, it just seems like the game is going in the opposite direction. Performance goes downhill. Maps look same-y. Hell, they punished the playerbase for asking for a positive change to Discordance by nerfing it. The combination of the game's increasing bugs and the way they try to retain the playerbase by adding to the grind rather than making it more fun or optimizing it to perform better has left me cynical.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742
  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,822

    I think your core point is probably fair, snark aside. They obviously do care about the quality of their game, but it also obviously will be a time and money-intensive process to substantially improve performance and clean up a lot of the bugs. I'd guess they'd have to rewrite large sections of the game in order to improve performance and maintainability, but that of course risks introducing other bugs as well. There is no point in investing heavily in bug fixes and game health if they believe the game will die without prioritizing new content. They've said they intend to do both simultaneously, but so far we haven't really seen results from that. If they can do both, that would be ideal. I just don't think they have the resources to keep up this rhythm with new content while also rewriting and re-testing large amounts of the game.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Yes, they should enable PTB, with infinity currencies. We can test a lot of things.

  • Spider175
    Spider175 Member Posts: 40

    In regards to my quote, I would. I'm not sure if the regular average player will be but people who play this game regularly I'm sure would. If I saw they were testing a new game mode and I could access it for free why wouldn't I play it (unless of course the matchmaking is completely busted but regardless).

    If the cost of doing this isn't that much and even if not that many people play it, what is the harm in it? Besides, they can always just say "we are unsure of including this in the game but we wish to experiment so go nuts and tell us if you like it or if you think it should be in the game even if it might cause x or y"

    I'd say even if it did just cause hype why not then even though I believe it could do more if it's handled well is the question.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I mean, it really shouldn't be up for debate, but for some reason the devs ignored why the community was asking and essentially told us, "No, thanks" just like we had asked if the devs wanted cream with that coffee. That lack of awareness and appropriate response did nothing to address the community's concerns.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    They only "listen" to the community when there's severe backlash about something. Like everything around this Halloween "event". They sure as ######### didn't plan on having login rewards, skins being sold cheaply, a Free Weekend etc. Its all just reactionary measures to get heat of their backs.