If you could remove one survivor from the game, who would it be?

I've asked for opinions on which killers/maps you would like to see removed, now I'm looking for answers on which survivor you'd love to see removed from the game and why.
I would remove Feng, that character seems to have the most toxic reputation next to Claudette. Meg might be by 2nd choice.
Edit: This can include perks too
Id remove nea because she is the entity in disguise.
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Nea... She scares me ;-;
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I wouldn’t remove any survivor as they’re just skins and have no effect on how a match will go.
In all honesty I’m not a fan of this whole ‘X survivor is toxic’ as it’s the player that’s toxic and not the survivor. What would removing any of them achieve? The toxic players wouldn’t just stop playing if you removed Feng for example, they would just start playing as somebody else.
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Claudette because she blends too easily
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Well some survivors I've faced or played as are a lot louder then others the loudest being Jeff but your right survivors are just skins sadly
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None tbh, I like them all. Reworks though, Quentin, they did my boy dirty.
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laurie, then rework ds and make it base kit, because ######### OoO and who uses sole survivor
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As a Nea main, I'm watching this thread carefully...
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How about we remove Nea ?
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I never said Feng was toxic, that's a subtle generalisation, I was saying Feng's have a toxic reputation, implying there are some Feng's that are obviously different.
I was simply asking people which survivor they'd remove.
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I understood what you were asking, I just don’t agree with removing a survivor because toxic people play as those survivors. As like I said, they would just move onto another survivor.
I try to separate the survivor from the person playing.
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Well obviously it will never happen, what I tend to do (as I'm sure you've noticed) is find people's opinions on things they would delete from the game because a lot of the time they interest me with their responses.
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I actually didn’t know that about you. I think this is the first time I’ve actually seen you post lol. There’s nothing wrong with getting different opinions as it can be interesting to see how other people think. 😊
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Yeah, for example not long ago I asked people what killer they would delete, I wrote how I expected most people to say Spirit, but instead I was blown away with how many people said Hag.
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Ohhh wait a minute! I do remember that thread as I commented saying Hag lol. Sorry, didn’t remember who made it! 🙊
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I take back Meg.
She'll always be my little Dorothy Gayle, Wendy's resaraunt mascot queen..lol🌹
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David. He sounds like a pair of gorillas having intercourse.
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Jake. I don't know why but boy do I hate Jake.
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Claudette, no doubts about it.
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Either Feng or Claudette, but I'm moving towards Claudette.
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I'm thorn between Claudette and Meg, but more inclined towards Claudette.
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Leave my Claudette and Feng alone lol.
Nea, she's obviously the entity in disguise
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Nea's looking kinda sus...
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If we're talking about perks, definitely Laurie. If we're ignoring perks, I would say Claudette because they usually DC (at least form my experience).
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Honestly, Zarina. Basically because I know like 0 Zarina users and her perks aren't even used at all. She was just too forgettable. Same for Yui but I actually know a Yui main sooo yeah I'd remove Zarina.
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I'm a Yui main too so it's hard to disagree with this one lmao
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Laurie Strode, because it'd take DS and OoO out of the game with her.
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I would say Adam but i don't know who that is
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Zarina, Adam or Felix. All of them are too forgettable.
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Oh no, Felix mains will come for you. Let's face it though, they only like Felix because somehow they think he's hot.
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I mean, I like Felix because he reminds me of, well... me. Blonde, German heritage, a classy dresser, and a strong interest in architecture. It's a series of incredible coincidences to be sure, but it's probably the closest I'll ever get to literally starring as myself in DbD (or in any game really).
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The real answer is Laurie because she'll take her perks with her
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gonna have to say Bill, because that man has been through enough already.
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Easily Laurie. 1 god awful perk and 2 obnoxiously oppressive perks.
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Remove Quinten then bring him back not looking like Gollum
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Jane, please let it be Jane
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I think they should just replace him with Gollum, I'd prefer that
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I'd remove Kate, she really agitates me
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I had to play Claudette for a daily ritual not too long ago, I specifically have a bright outfit for her so people don't assume I'm playing blendette, and I still got tunneled for playing her, probably because the killer assumed I was toxic
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Here's the thing everyone forgets about Bill. This is the last sentences from his in-game lore.
In the end, Bill sacrificed himself to ensure their safety. His body was never found. Bill was left for dead. No one knows that he still has the only thing he ever wanted: an enemy to fight.
This may not have been what Bill expected (I mean, who would) but Bill actually enjoys being in the Entity's realm apparently. Weird on him, but then again Bill is weird (I love him, but how does he run like the others, both in L4D and DBD, at what seems to be ~80 years old and maybe even older. Plus he enjoys being in battles and hates retirement and peace and calm).
Also, as to who I'd remove I'd say Feng Min.
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True 😂
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Yeah, it's crazy how destroyed her reputation is, if I get a daily ritual as her I just feel dread
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Laurie! Because..I don't know. No personality perhaps.
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I say Claudette because she's my favorite character and I don't want her to suffer. I hope that one day she ascends to Supreme Coalesce and become undetectable to anyone, allowing her to even walk by the Entity without ever being noticed, and slipping out of its realm.
Now, for a Survivor that I can't stand, it used to be Jake, but Ash and Nancy are tied for the position now. Ash is just annoying, and Nancy has a look of disdain that aggravates me.
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Trapper, put him back on the Killers side. He sucks at Gens & breaks all the lockers.
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I wouldn't remove any one survivor, but I'd love to remove specific outfits for a couple of them. To be precise, Blendette and Blendadam.