Is that it?

Is the only change we're getting for this "event" iridescent shards? As nice as they are they can still only be used on this years Halloween skins, and only exchanged for one. Or you can get an original character, which is cool and all but this shouldn't replace an actual engaging event.
But seriously, is that all they're going to do?
Double Blood points October 29 - November 2
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That's also cool, but why can't we get the secondary objectives back? Like harvesting the visceral canker for the event currency.
A blood hunt is nice, but isn't it happening purely because BHVR is attempting damage control?
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I mean, I’ve actually been enjoying getting shards and BP for just logging in. I’m also looking forward to the upcoming double BP.
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I don’t think we’re supposed to admit things like this. But yeah me too lol.
I’m going to try to squeeze out three full outfits from this event and unlock all perks on a few more killers next weekend.
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Yep, and the sad thing is that I saw this coming from a mile away. Something just felt off about the way BHVR was hyping up the event.
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I think it’s because for me, I’m at a stage where I have my survivor and killer mains and I’m just getting every single perk on them now. So I appreciate getting extra BP and I normally use my shards to buy a perk from the SOS I already have for 200,000.
I suppose we all have different expectations. But I’ve even enjoyed just seeing pumpkins on generators. 😂
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Like I said the shards are nice, but it isn't engaging in any way. You don't have to do anything to earn them, you're given them just by logging in.
Plus I'm pretty sure if no one ever complained about the lack of event then these shards wouldn't be happening.
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That was probably the most loved and are the same time the most hated event.
The issue with that event was those that just wanted to play normal games had a harder time as people could get the serum and then die on hook.
I preferred the token events via gens or hooks myself as they just needed tweaking to work well.
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A lot could've been done to make the original hallowed blight better. Like giving incentive to stay in the matches instead of letting people kill themselves on hook.
Or they could have just made actual blighted generators that you get serum for doing. Instead of just putting pumpkins on top of them and calling it a day
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They could've just made it so each pip you earned counted towards 1 serum. So you collect the serum, but to keep it, you need to pip. You collect 2 serums and want to keep both, you need to double pip. Works better than tying it to escapes so people aren't trying to be ######### about hatches and taking a million keys, and you still get to keep your rewards even if you die.
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Then again that would take away the engagement that the original hallowed blight had. It felt awesome collecting the putrid serum from the cankers, and it changed up the same gameplay they'd had for about 2 years at that point.
To me it's just disappointing the path they've gone with the blight events. Especially the fact that the generators, which are stated to be "pustula blighted" just have pumpkins on them. And on a slightly lesser note the fact that the blighted hooks look really dull compared to how they looked in the original event.
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Honestly if they had just put the putrid serum in the rift like last time, they could've avoided the majority of lashback that they received.
Still wouldn't be much of an event even then.
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In essense that would have been the same as the token system on the past events if it was done by doing a gen.
The issue why some hated it was players doing the pustuals over all else were not progressing the game and giving them an incentive wouldn't change that.
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Yup..thats it