You are Embarrassing Yourselves (Smurfing Run Rampant)

So I've been introducing a lot of new people to DbD. It is a fun game, and I'm hoping to get a lot of people I know into it. Of late, it has become apparently that a lot of Purple (and even Red Rank) Survivors have no self respect. Instead of fighting the game on their own level, they are going into a SWF with Ranks 16-18 so they can pull a weaker killer. One of my friends is a Rank-14 and pulled a game with (2) Rank-4, an Rank-8 and an Rank-18. So I kept watching his matches and one right after the other was pretty much the same.

These were obviously SWF and clearly put together for a specific purpose. I really have to wonder about people who have no pride. You really have such a low opinion of yourself that you can only get your jollies by rigging the game so you can go after what amounts to children in Kindergarten? Pathetic.

To the DEV, I strongly suggest you hit the switch and make the Killer pulled be based on the most potent Rank in a group, not the weakest. I counted six games of Smurfing in a row. This can't be good for new Players or their retention.


  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    They used to have protection like that but they turned it off for some reason

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It doesn't necessarily need to be the highest ranked player in the swf, after all the low rank player is probably a weak link in the group so the group as a whole probably isn't actually going to be playing at that highest level. But groups with swfs should be higher rated as a whole in general compared to solo groups by matchmaking. That way swfs in general get put against tougher killers than solo groups do which would hopefully generate more even match results in the long run.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited October 2020

    I believe it was increasing wait times for survivors in general and lower ranked killers since a good chunk of survivors were being pulled into red rank killer games. At least that was the theory of why survivor wait times skyrocketed back then after that match making change was implemented. Honestly, I don't think this was true cuz that would mean that a lot more ppl were playing SWF than I thought but ppl complained about it anyway and it got changed.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,465

    Dude, that was an amazing game. Great playing against some very scummy behavior. Way to take them all out.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,317

    I'm confident enough to say that most games likely involve at least a 2 man swf. I honestly would bet 2 man swf groups are more common than 4 man solos. All it takes is one guy playing with a friend who either doesn't play that much or is new to the game and now you have an extra person being matched in red ranks taking away from the lower rank pool.

  • Ellistrae
    Ellistrae Member Posts: 11

    I'm only a rank 12 killer and I'm constantly getting matched up against red rank SWF squads. Honestly I will probably stop playing killer at all if I can get through this tome. It's just not fun anymore. The body blocking, hook swarming, flashlighting and teabagging is just not fun at all. On the rare occasions that I get people who are actually my rank I usually get a 3k with the last one camping the hatch to get out. But the majority of my matches are against people who obviously have been playing a lot longer than me. I really wish DBD had unranked matches because I'd much rather do that than go up against sweaty people who enjoy picking on inexperienced killers for fun. 🤷

  • ReadyASH
    ReadyASH Member Posts: 5

    This Is exactly what I talk about is the main problem with this game, everyone whining about perks and being toxic like they're in the poison swamps of Dark Souls. I don't care if you run DS, OoO, or whatever, if you get to the exit gate and pop it open, which most times if I know I've lost I'll open it myself, just take your W and go, don't sit there and Teabag like a f**king four year old fortnite player.

  • Solomonkane
    Solomonkane Member Posts: 112

    As someone who is usually purple/red ranks and sometimes plays with friends who are rank 20-16, it's not my intention to "smurf" to bully low level killers. I just want to play with friends who are new to the game.

    Matchmaking is the overall problem, it should either find a middle ground for ranking or pull from the highest ranked player in the swf.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I don't begrudge anyone wanting to play with their friends but surely you know that a single Red Rank Player can run a baby Killer into the ground without breaking a sweat, even 1v1. I'm hoping that YOU aren't doing this and are simply hanging with your friends and teaching them the game and not making life miserable for new Players who are trying to learn. Do you see my point?

    I play with my friends all the time. I fluctuate between being a Rank 7-9 Survivor and when I play I do my best to not take advantage of the fact that my friends are much newer. In fact, I often make sure I'm a kill. Because, in essence, I'm taking advantage of a loophole that shouldn't be there. Mostly I'm seeing Smurfing done for Bully Squads, people wanting to Stream (this is really disgusting), and simply to get one's jollies against easier targets.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378
    edited October 2020

    Lets make sure we have a distinction here, people like to play this game with friends, when they got a friend that just bought the game to play it with them you are going to have these rank disparities but there is no ill will associated with it.

    Also the matchmaking rarely means that you go against absolute babies anyway

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    I disagree. There is a knowing malice in it. 1) Babies are absolutely being matched with Red Rank Survivors. I just watched it six times in a row last night. And in every case it was one of these SWF put together with that purpose in mind. Statistically, six games in a row is not a fluke. And playing with your friends is fine, but if you are a High School Student playing Dodge Ball with kids in Kindergarten, you aren't REALLY supposed to play. You are teaching, nothing more. If you do more, you are jerk.

  • Jasonsfar
    Jasonsfar Member Posts: 69

    @MandyTalk Can you send this along

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Are you really surprised? This is also why solo q is ######### at red ranks, because a lot of red rank survivors are only there because they got there in swf and are complete potatoes, making solo players have to carry their useless team mates.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    BHVR allow it via the completely broken "matchmaking" system and people are exploiting it for easier games. I am sure all the new players getting stomped by smurfs exploiting the system won't mind it.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    technically you are teaching the killer as well.....

    Also what are babies? because personally from experience (3000 hours so far) I say that everyone up to rank 7 is a complete baby.

  • BabyBubz
    BabyBubz Member Posts: 68

    Well, the best solution imo is to give them a killer that's in between their ranks. For example, we have swf with rank 4, 7 and 18 and they will get the killer with rank 8-11. I believe that with new MMR it will be easier because of the rate system but now i don't see any other ways to make it better. If they get a low rank killer, well, yea... it's not fair because the killer has no chance to win against them, but at the same time with only red/purple rank killers newbie survivor will be destroyed completely. There's no fun for both sides to have this broken mm now. I had and still have the same issue when i switch sides. BHVR did nothing to change it so we need to blame them for making ppl have bad times in this game.

    As for the bully squads... They've been here for so long, idk if there can be any solutions. We got DC penalties but they just killing themselves on hooks to derank or making smurfed accounts. It's hard to ignore them in a match, especially 4 of them, which is very sad.

    I just hope ppl can get over it and find good players that can support you and say some warm words to their opponents in end-game chat :)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited October 2020

    You are kind of making my point. With 3K hours you should only be playing against other Red Ranks, or perhaps a Purple here and there. You know a Baby when you run into one. Why go out of your way to run into MORE of them? There is a difference between "teaching" and simply destroying people with no opportunity to learn, and/or losing the community potential players. I know for a fact if that Bully Squad I dealt with had had their way, my friend would have walked away from the game in disgust. If that had happened to me when I first started, I might have too. I'm sure I would be a "Baby" if I ran into you (without a doubt). And I would hope that if you somehow ended up playing me and mine you would take that into consideration.

    Case in point, the other day I was in a match on Cold Wind and we ran into a Legion Player who was near perfect in movement and application. I've made it to Rank-4 as a Killer and I know this person's real Rank wasn't what we saw at the end of the game. :) This Legion Player worked out on us, practiced, but also (it became apparent to me) let us work Generators and THINK we were doing ok. He didn't farm with us. He was tutoring us. At the end I thanked him and said, "I know you were being nice; thank you." He simply answered. "Yeah, I was." We left it at that. He knew what we were in comparison to him and took it into consideration (or she did... I really don't know the gender).

    Ideally, I don't think those match ups should happen. But when they do, it should be an accident, not by some loser's design. More to the point, when it happens, I think proper consideration should take place. I like it when I get that courtesy and I certainly pass it on to others when I'm involved. We all need to take one for the team now and then and teach rather than just game off some newbie's expense.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    My PC friend came to PS4 to play with me and my friends (we don’t have discord so that’s why), so he was a rank 20. We ran into plenty of smurf killers as well (rank 18-20s with meta builds, bm, were very experienced). It goes both ways, we started getting red ranks again when he hit rank 12. On killer he said he ran into Smurfs probably every other game. It seems to be the new normal.