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What's Wrong with Hag?

Recently, I've picked up Hag once again to play her instead of Nurse (Because Nurse is extremely broken and becoming stale). However, almost every match now I'm getting DC's, people complaining that Hag should be reworked, and people accusing me of using the scroll wheel to get easy downs (I use E). What's so wrong with Hag that I get MORE hate from playing her than I do on Nurse?

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  • Member Posts: 985

    Hag got a bad rep due to her being extremely effective at camping, thanks to her being a "defensive" killer.

  • Member Posts: 436

    Hag rewards unfun playstyles for survivors. Essentially not getting into chases and camping hooks.

  • Member Posts: 121

    Hag can make survivors feel very helpless. Often times you will get downed due to two well placed traps very quickly, and it may make you feel as if it is unfair because you had no real counter. In that moment this is partially true, you can't really predict where traps are very accurately as there are just too many potential trap spots. However, hag's main counter play comes early game, and that is having someone harass her while she attempts to set up her web. I think that this is the underlying issue people have with hag, because this counter is not something that is easy to do, especially in a solo q team. She isn't actually op, or realistically even in need of a change, but I can certainly see where the frustration comes from. What I'd say is play who you want to play and how you wish to, don't worry about people giving hate or dc'ing.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    She is a very difficult killer to play against in the right hands, my only tips against her would be to use your flashlights to burn away her traps and constantly have one or two people harass her web of traps. If a hag has at least 8 traps set down, you are probably going to die.

  • Member Posts: 554

    I'll never really care if there isn't a basis other than people not learning how to play against Hag, but I've been confused on why I get hate for playing effectively.

    If 3 people are harassing, only one is doing gens. I've had multiple harassment squads (as well as streamers spamming flashlights), but they usually just spam the shack and think they can outplay the trap.

    It's funny to see people try to do that to me

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Lol, you get hate because you figured out how to not have survivors have a "gg EZ PZ baby killer" kind of game. But I will admit, playing hag is easy to me, but if I go against a hag I can get somewhat frustrated and probably will die if my team is less than average.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    Because a good Hag can’t be looped for 5 gens. Anything that stops Survivors from being able to loop or toy with the Killer is deemed unfun for them. It is why they hate camping so much.

    In order to be considered fun, you have to conform to their arbitrary rules and let them all escape.

  • Member Posts: 399
    edited October 2020

    For me, it's less Hag herself and more how some Hag players play combined with how dumb solo q'rs are against her. Played a game against her yesterday where she set up her traps around me on my first hook but proceeded to stay in the area despite people not being directly there, which meant no one came and got me, which meant I stayed on that hook for 2 minutes before I died on first hook. And this isn't exactly an anomaly situation.

    I've played against a VERY GOOD Hag before and it was one of the most fun games my friends and I had. Her traps were so well-placed and she was so good at constantly spreading damage and wasting our time, and the whole game was just exciting moment after exciting moment. Unfortunately, this is not how most Hag players play.

    So TL;DR - I think you're just getting flack from how a good number of Hag players play (especially lower-rank Hag players), and people just not wanting to go against that. Because I don't think there's anything wrong with Hag as a killer because she's counterable but still very strong with the right player.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    She's built for camping and tunnelling injured survivors off hook, she doesn't care about what survivors do at all, she doesn't commit to a chase so the best part of the game for most people is literally not a thing and a survivor's skill is now determined by how well they can hold M1 on a gen while their friend is getting proxy camped on hook, and when nobody's on a hook your skill as a survivor is determined by how well you can run into a trap, get hit, run out and heal up and repeat this process until the gens are done. Honestly what isn't wrong with Hag...that being said if you enjoy playing her don't let other people's opinions dissuade you from playing a killer you enjoy. Because ultimately we're just moaning about things we don't find fun the same way killers are moaning about DS and the like. She's hardly an overpowered killer. She's not fun to play against in the slightest but at the end of the day all the complaints from survivors and killers about things are aimed towards the game itself, and not the player (at least I'm speaking for myself and a few others on the forums anyway, a lot of them don't seem to follow this mindset though)

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Well...anything that is completely uninteractive like Hag isn't gonna be considered fun by almost anyone. It's a justified complaint, why are you and so many others so hell-bent on insulting these people with valid complaints and opinions about a killer they don't like, and are ultimately not having fun? It's not illegal to complain about something you don't like is it? Unless this is a new rule on the forums that I'm not aware of. And that 2nd point about survivors making killers conform to rules and the killer letting them all escape is literally not true in the slightest.

  • Member Posts: 554

    I can agree with your former post, but not the latter. Hag's power can be interacted heavily by the survivors to be worthless (flashlights), and they can be triggered to distract a bad Hag from a chase.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    It's weird. I love teh 3 gen setup as trapper but hate is as hag. I just find her kinda dull to play and not particularly enjoyable to verse. That said I almost never play against her.

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited October 2020

    Hag main here. She's probably one of the hardest killers to balance, simply because if 1 player doesn't understand how to play around her, it can basically screw up an entire team. Think about one player not understanding you have to crouch-walk over traps to rescue people, or be rescued. It screws both players and this is why you get so many easy wins with Hag from time to time.

    She's not like Billy where if you don't understand how his chainsaw works, but have the fundamentals down, you can still do OK. If you do not understand how to play vs. Hag, you have literally zero chance. And the game is not transparent *at all* in how to play against Hag.

    At the same time, Hag is also an unpopular killer. I have never run into her once as a Survivor and I do about 20/80... so you don't see her much. You don't see her much, you don't learn how to play against her. Or you may even forget.

    I don't think she's OP if Survivors know how to play around her. I think they need to address her from a knowledge point of view.

  • Member Posts: 2,396
    edited October 2020

    There is no Killer in the game that is not interactive. The Killers that the majority of Survivors complain about are Killers that have anti-looping abilities. Take Hag for instance, Survivors complain about her because they’re forced to crouch and change their play style.

    I never said you can’t complain about Killers you don’t like. I just stated a fact, Survivors hate it when the Killers don’t conform to their idea of fun. That is why Spirit, Camping Bubbas, Freddy, Hill Billy, and Pyramid Head are constantly complained about. Heck, Nurse was absolutely gutted by the devs just so she wouldn’t be common enough for Survivors to complain about.

    As far as Hag goes, you can disarm her traps with a flashlight, or wait until she’s in a chase or carrying someone and just run over all her traps. It’s not difficult in the slightest, it just requires patience. The problem is Survivors don’t like to think about anything other than rushing Gens and rushing Hooks.

    The game isn’t all about having fun for Survivors. The devs have to make unique Killers in order to attract players or Survivors would have no one to play against. If the Devs listen to all of your complaints, all Killers would be M1 Killers like Wraith and you’d be waiting 30 minutes or more for a match.

  • Member Posts: 1,164
    edited October 2020

    Hag is hilarious because almost everyone sucks at playing against her. When I get the occasional one who reacts quickly to my traps they become quite troublesome to catch. It's usually a matter of how well you react because I immediately swing out of a teleport. If you find a quick flashlight in a chest, my trap's hook pressure is basically non-existent.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited October 2020

    The only hags I have problems with are the ones who only use traps when they hook someone and place nearly all of them on that person. Any other hag is fine.

  • Member Posts: 2,803

    I think one problem is that you learn how to play against Hag by playing as her, and very very few people play as her so they don’t understand how to play against her. She’s also very good at snowballing and punishing mistakes, so if you have even one or two guys on your team that don’t know what they’re doing against her you’re all pretty much dead. She’s very good at destroying pub teams if the person playing her is good.

    Most Hags are really bad though in my experience and easy to win against even for people who aren’t too familiar with her power. Unfortunately, bad Hags usually all play in the same anti-fun way (camping hooks) so people never enjoy those matches, even if they escape.

    Idk, I think Hag is mostly balanced but I understand why people don’t like her. I don’t think she should be reworked though.

  • Member Posts: 9,713

    Not just with flashlights but also they can be mitigated by crouching and can be intentionally triggered while the Hag is carrying someone.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Love that Hag! Both to play and play against because it's very different from the other looping games. You have to think and mindgame a lot.

    Haglovers unite!

  • Member Posts: 906

    can you teach us how to play against her efficiently? a video would be appreciated. ty

  • Member Posts: 554
    edited October 2020

    The effective way to counter her is to know how to play her, as said previously:

    It's not that different from Nurse, which is why I enjoy her a lot. Predict where the survivors will go, and zone them to a place that you have an advantage at. Do this by placing traps in areas survivors need to pass, like the route to the shack, and at loops.

    If you don't have a loop covered that they go to, cover it. They'll either be ballsy and try to play around your husk, which you can mind game, or they'll run to another loop you can trap (increasing your pressure by putting traps in important spots). If they're able to play around it or waste enough time? You lose the chase.

    That's really the basics. If you wanna know more, SpaceCoconut's Hag guide is very helpful. Just ignore the fact he's banned from the forums :)

  • Member Posts: 750

    unfortunately, i wouldn't be able to do so, as i don't play survivor often enough to play efficiently against her myself and i'm not confident in teaching others like that! x(

    even i'm still trying to figure out ways to counter her aside from faking out traps and avoiding certain areas, using flashlights to my ability, and perks that i feel could be useful so i could take that experience to my own hag killer games. i do, however, know that people don't take the time to learn like i do, so it's part of the problem as to why people think she's so busted. it's kind of similar to how people act when a new killer comes out, because people don't really know..

    hag is relatively tricky to go against because of her spider-like gameplay, but i'm sure there's ways to get around that!

  • Member Posts: 794
    edited October 2020

    If Hag lays more than 10 traps it causes her oldest trap to despawn. Even if you had gotten the save out of the basement she could have just continued laying new traps.

    I had a console Hag do this a few months ago: she put 19 traps in the basement. We all saw it with Kindred. I ran in, took a lap to set off all her traps, took a hit, and ran out. Poor Lisa chased me out of the basement, and my teammates ran in for the save. All 4 escaped.

    Otzdarva posted a vid some time back in which he placed all 10 traps in the basement of Badham's main building. He was using the addon that greatly increased the trap's range, so when he tricked a hapless Blendette into jumping down the hole into the room she set off all 10 traps at once. Now that is some quality content.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    it's the same as @animalmak said... players have developed bad habits that affect other players

  • Member Posts: 906

    Are you telling me to learn something from a guy who can't pass rank 20 survivor? You better be kidding. It's not because he is a Hag main that he has something to teach to anybody. His "play style" is exactly why people hate Hag:

    1. get bamboozled 32 times
    2. miss 75 hits
    3. get 360ed 49 times
    4. lose 4 gens
    5. finally down your first survivor
    6. camp the poor soul
  • Member Posts: 554
    edited October 2020

    Yes, yes I am.

    No matter if you hate his play style or the fact he hardly plays survivor, his Hag guide is very solid and can help you with understanding what her weaknesses are. Besides, he's explained numerous times why aiming his attacks is hard for him (eye problems, which is relatable) and I've hardly seen him during his streams camping or losing due to having a horrible play style.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    I mostly mean like actual interaction where both sides have an equal opportunity to outskill each other. The only real way this kind of interaction really happens is in a chase, and Hag doesn't want do that or she's wasting a lot of time committing to one down that will probably cost her the game.

  • Member Posts: 906

    I die from suffering every youtube video I watch in his channel. I doubt he chooses the worst ones.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    I play PS4 so I don’t know PC controls, but I’m curious. How is it that using the mouse scroll wheel could supposedly help you get easy downs, as the OP was accused of doing?

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Sh j.g sh my tub nf d

    I HAD THE SAME THING HAPPEN TO ME! I played 3 matches as hag and had 7 total rage quits.

  • Member Posts: 2,559
    edited November 2020

    yeah; often safe gameplay for The Hag is unfun for survivors. Gameplay where a Hag can go out on a limb and risk her neck while still being effective is the most fun way to play her and to play against her imo, but if survivors are too threatening or if generator placement and survivor pathing just don't work out, then it can lead to a lot of Hag hate.

  • Member Posts: 464

    Be me, a survivor after a long day of work wanting some relaxing time in DBD.

    Lobbies are 10 minutes minimum since crossplay in my region so a lot of waiting and NOT playing the game.

    Finally, a lobby filled with Solo's, including a Blendette and a baby Steve. Readying and loading takes 4 minutes because we have a console player here.

    Game starts, first gen is pretty easy, and then the killer can be heard, time for a chase!

    JUMPSCARE! This horrifying, skinny monstrosity emerges from the mud and gives me a heart attack and a stroke at the same time. The killer gets a free hit.

    Darn, better run and use some of my survivor skills to at least gain a little bit of time for my tea- JUMPSCARE, because you can't even really see the traps on the floor, and she hits you again. Dead Hard? More like Exhausted on the floor.

    Hooked. Doing nothing, with no thrilling chase. Oh well, we'll do better next time, right? One attempt is made, trap is triggered or Hag never strayed too far anyway, survivor is intercepted. Hit stage 2. It'll be un uphill battle, but we'll make it. Nope. Hag is the queen of camping, and because it's solo, no flashlights.

    In summary: Almost 20 minutes of my time was spent barely playing any DBD when I don't have /that/ much time to spare. At this point I'm better off eating a 5 minute DC penalty than facing the inevitable camping hell of a Hag to which I'll likely have subpar chases with anyway. Many people are limited on time and want to at least have some dopamine fix before they return to their daily grind.

    Feel free to use Hag, I find her fun to scare people sometimes, but don't act like survivors are just being entitled because they don't want to face her, because what I've just described is the majority of Hag trials in soloQ.

  • Member Posts: 843
    edited November 2020

    I hate her because her traps everywhere are annoying af. Crouch and go ultra slow (and be unable to quickly leave wherever you crouch into) or get jumpscared every 2 seconds, which is worse? And you can forget getting a hook save without her breathing down your neck in a matter of seconds. Just really really annoying. I'd much rather play against Nurse or Huntress or Billy or Spirit or anyone else pretty much

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    She's boring to verse, the instant teleportation has way too little counterplay, and every hag camps.

  • Member Posts: 273

    Hag is probably my least favorite killer to face for a multitude of reasons.

    1. I have a lot of anxiety, and she is the only killer that can consistently jump scare me. Thus i'm almost always tense and anxious which just leads to me not being able to enjoy playing against her as much. This is my own problem and should in no way be a reason to nerf her.
    2. Her kit encourages camping which too many hag's tend to do. Either they place all their traps around the hook, or they place a few but never leave teleport range.
    3. Not fond of some of her counters. Crouching everywhere is a pain in the ass and not very engaging. I don't like that flashlights are a direct counter to her traps, yes I know this would buff her if removed but I don't believe any killer should be directly countered by an item.
    4. A really good hag is very oppressive as a solo, and often feels like there is no chance at escaping.

    I recently played against an amazing hag that had silent traps and had teleport rebound to mouse wheel or something. The millisecond you set a trap off you would already be getting hit it was insane. It was on swamp too so I could never manage to see her traps. That game felt completely hopeless, but at least I din't have to worry about being jumped scared.

  • Member Posts: 188

    The traps near hook are a bummer. If something was done about that then hag can be buffed for all I care. But if you get a basement hook its like GG

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