Can we get a end game chat for consoles as well?

It's annoying not being able to talk to any of your teammates at the end of the game just because they're on a different system.
I’d hope it would stop people from messaging me through my profile. I’ve had to turn friend requests and messages off because of toxic killers and survivors. This is the only game I’ve ever had people go so out of their way to message me.
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It would be funny to see someone tell a PS4 or PC player (I play xbox) something offensive at the speed of a slug ngl and vice versa
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Yeah i want an in game messaging system to talk to others and be friendly to. They could do this by having an in game messaging system that you could check in the lobby while your waiting to go into a game.
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Tbh I am glad we don't have it.
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I feel like the only thing that this would bring to the game is more toxicity
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I agree, i love meme builds and in general having fun, so when i lift a pallet in a kills face. deadhard. drop the pallet, and throw a pebble all while having sprint burst the first half of the game. I wanna see them say ######### is wrong with you.
Because of how i play both sides i rarely ever get any toxicity in endgame chat so i dont really fear it.
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They already said yeah they want to add it but its not a priority
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As a PC player, I often wish there wasn't a post game chat.