Perk ideas that kinda suck :))

I had some random perk ideas but i have no idea if they’re good so like i’ll just put them here.
Ok so i thought of these perks for a survivor who could be an actor or something.
Ok so re do cause yeah you guys have good points 😎
“Exit stage left”
When in 10/15/20 metres of an open exit gate you gain the endurance status effect.
Only useable once per trial.
(I don’t know how big of an area that is so it might be op or i dunno)
When doing an action on your own you get a 3%/6%/9% bonus speed and get 50%/75%100% more bloodpoints. (Fell like the blood points aren’t needed tbh)
”Fake tears”
When you or a survivor within 8 metres of you had been injured for 50/40/30 seconds Fake Tears activates.
When fully healed you may press the active ability button to appear to be injured to the killer. If attacked you gain 3/4/5% haste for 10 seconds.
Fake tears has a cooldown of 120/100/80 seconds.
(Again i don’t know if the haste is needed but it’s an added incentive.)
Well i’ve just spent about 20 minutes balancing perks that don’t exist :)
But then fake tears has the problem of will the killer notice that suddenly you are injured. Perhaps you need to be injured I dunno.
Thanks tho dudes 😎
"Exit Stage Left"
No. Just no. It doesn't really make sense from game mechanic perspective, and it's pretty strong in a stupid way.
I suppose it's fine, but it should deactivate during a chase or when the killer is in a fixed amount of distance from you.
"Fake Tears"
I feel like this perk needs a certain condition that needs to be met before it can be used, because otherwise it's way too strong of a effect to get for free.
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These are fun.
Love the names. =]
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Honestly fake tears is pretty cool, not sure how much I like the stun thing but interesting idea to bait killers.
The other two no thanks though. Stage left too rng, and monologue is broken as hell.
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Ok so re do cause yeah you guys have good points 😎
“Exit stage left”
When in 10/15/20 metres of an open exit gate you gain the endurance status effect.
Only useable once per trial.
(I don’t know how big of an area that is so it might be op or i dunno)
When doing an action on your own you get a 3%/6%/9% bonus speed and get 50%/75%100% more bloodpoints. (Fell like the blood points aren’t needed tbh)
”Fake tears”
When you or a survivor within 8 metres of you had been injured for 50/40/30 seconds Fake Tears activates.
When fully healed you may press the active ability button to appear to be injured to the killer. If attacked you gain 3/4/5% haste for 10 seconds.
Fake tears has a cooldown of 120/100/80 seconds.
(Again i don’t know if the haste is needed but it’s an added incentive.)
Well i’ve just spent about 20 minutes balancing perks that don’t exist :)
But then fake tears has the problem of will the killer notice that suddenly you are injured. Perhaps you need to be injured I dunno.
Thanks tho dudes 😎
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Cool ideas, those aren't bad at all
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I'll take monolog
On killer
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Heres one and only one.
Whenever you are stunned or blinded. you will gain a token to a max of 3 tokens. each token will have a random effect the first token will be low tier and the second will be better and the last token will be the best effect. when getting the third token, the survivors must destroy 2 totems to get rid of all three tokens and the killer will get a 3 second stun. (this stun does not give a new token)
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I'd argue that Monologue would be broken, just because it would make you so much stronger in chases and break certain loops that are supposed to be balanced.
Not sure about the other two honestly.
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Maybe for fake tears you need to be fully healed from the injured state.
Can you just imagine if that was paired with probably lose my ######### hinestly 😂
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Monologue is just flat op. The most optimsl way to do gens is all survivors split up, this perk would break the game as it would encourage that even more.
I like fake tears, id do it so it activates when fully healed from the injured state, basically your icon just never changes from injured to healed. It would synergize with mettle of man really well without being to OP since it would be REALLY hard to get both active at the same time.
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Here's my ideas for amusing, but maybe not practical perks
Selfish Bastard - Steal a health state from one of your fellow survivors for 25% / 30% / 35% bonus blood points awarded at the end of the trial. Can be used once in the trial and blood point bonus stacks.
Better Them than Me - After performing a rushed action, auras of all survivors within 32m are revealed to the killer for 3 seconds. 140 / 120 / 100 second cool down.
Wasn't Me - Failing a skill check will trigger a loud noise from a generator not being repaired. Normal regression penalties apply to the failed skill check. 180 / 160 / 140 second cool down.
(Don't have a good name) - Grants the ability to break through the entity blocking off a window or gate once at the cost of the entity blocking off the window or gate for all survivors for the rest of the trial.
Hex: Prankster - A extra hex totem spawns on the map. When a survivor cleanses it, they will emit a laugh track that can be hear within 32 meters for 30 seconds.
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heres another one i guess (lol)
Blood Suckle
Whenever a survivor is in the killers terror radius, the survivor will gain the blindness effect only if they are in the injured state.
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cause in acting monologue is a scene performed alone. 😎
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Just informing you that you need to change your profile picture, nancy is mine
Jk its just rare seeing other people with nancy profile pics
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Perk:Hex Slasher
You don't care about keeping your blade clean, you enjoy the smell of blood so much, that youll go into a bloody rage if you have enough.
If you have hit all four survivors once, then you will have a -85% cooldown from missing a swing or hitting someone for 50 seconds.
Meant this to be purple.
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nancy is best girl 🥺😎😌
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Blood collector
Whenever the killer picks you up you can collect a blood sample (token) up to three samples each one gives a special effect in use. the first perk gives a sprintburst effect, the second token gives a boost by 25% in the wiggle action and the third gives a 30% boost in generator progress. the sample use can be activated by pressing the X button ps4 the A on xbox and E for pc.
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Hex: cold blood+ (killer)
Your terror radius is reduced by 16 meters
Craving+ (killer)
When you gain bloodlust tier 2, you gain a 10% basic attack cooldown and 10% haste effect
Midas+ (survivor)
When looting a chest, there's a 50% chance that an offering will come with it (purple is 10%/20%/30%, green is 30%/25%/20% yellow is 10%/5%/0%)
Conservatory+ (survivor)
Decrease item efficiency by 10%
Increase charge amount by 10%/20%/30%
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I really like the concept of Exit Stage Left.
If you’re the last remaining survivor in the trial, that means the killer already got themself a 3K (barring a DC, of course).
If need be, to make things slightly more fair, what the perk could do is spawn 2 hatches, both closable, and make one of them completely fake. This way, there’s still only one hatch. If you wanna make it OP then add the feature where only the survivor knows which hatch is real.
Although, this actually sounds like something that would fair better as an offering. Burning it creates the 2nd hatch to spawn. If the killer tries to close the false hatch, or if the survivor tries to escape through the wrong hatch then the aura of the real hatch becomes visible to the other one who didn’t make the attempt for a short time (5sec?).
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1st one is strong but overall awful. I don't think anyone would want to use it.
2nd perk is really strong. Borderline op. It reminds me of rubber banding in racing games for ai.
The 3rd perk is a free stun against a killer for being hit. Ppl aren't going to use it for the pretend to be injured part of the perk. They'll just activate it for a free stun. I think it might be too strong when paired with other perks and on multiple survivors.
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I like exit stage left, but level 3 should be 100%. Otherwise you would most likely be wasting the slot. First you have to be the last..then you may have hatch appear. Also, there should be an icon on survivors screen that shows the hatch did appear, otherwise they'd be searching for something that may not be therer.
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Here we go. Most balanced Perk in the Game.
Combined with Decisive hard breakable Time this combo becomes very healthy for the game.