So... is there any reason to use Pustula Petals over a cake/pudding/bps?

I’m too lazy to do the numbers.
But it’s seems like there isn’t really a lot of good reason to use the petals over most other BP offerings.
Just some pumpkins and thats all.
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0 reasons to use the pustula petals.
The maximum amount of event gens/hooks that can spawn is 6 so you could get up to 18.000 points (which is really pathetic for a event offering).
You're better of using the cakes/pudding/bps
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Because you can only use them during the event lol
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This is what I thought.
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Hooray 😕
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BP in general is so ephemeral, yet they treat it like it's this super valuable currency. Putting you on a stupid event hook should be like 15k minimum. Who cares? It's BP. You can't even get over a million at once, and how many hundreds of millions does it take to P3 cap all 54,000 characters with all perks?
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You get more from each hook/gen if you actually use the offering, so there's that I guess. You can easily break even but not too much gain overall.
0 petals: 1 gen/hook, 1000 BP from each
1+ petals: X gens/hooks, 3000 BP from each
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Survivors can't sabo event hooks if you're worried about that.
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Nope. Their BP boost is too small. You’re better off going with puddings/streamers/cakes.
So I should purposefully lower my total BPs because there’s an event going on? Lol
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4000 bp for a 3000 bp offering that is relativly common and only has a limited use. If you plan on playing after the halloween event you'd probably be better with using the limited petals instead of the offerings you have all year round.
There is a argument to be made to save them untill next year when they might be more gains but I for one am not that patient
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One small difference is that the Blight Event offerings actually let you get more than 32k points in the endgame scores. So if you're trying to win on score it actually does help you get the highest score (unlike normal bloodpoint offerings which only add the points to your account and not the scores.)
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to get rid of them while you can since they are timed
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Also a good point. I wonder how that works with BBQ and WGLF
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Most perks that give a bloodpoint bonus add to your endgame score but are limited by the 32k cap. For instance, Thrill of the Hunt increases your Devious score events and it does add to your endgame score but it's limited by the 8k max for Devious events in the match. BBQ and We're Gonna Live Forever are exceptions, in their descriptions they say the bonuses are only "post-trial" which means they work like bloodpoint offerings, they aren't added in the endgame score screen but you do get extra bloodpoints in your account and that bonus isn't limited by a cap.
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I'm saying that the only reason to use them is that they are limited time. I agree that they suck
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Yes, but how does that work with the petal offerings.
Is the cap of 320000 bp stilp there or do you get more bang out of bbq if you are able to go above the 32k cap with petals
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I'm pretty sure the petal bonus is counted before the doubling from BBQ since BBQ is doubling your endgame score.
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I would use them all up if you can because after Halloween you won't be able to offer them until next Halloween at least.
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since they are only available and usable during the event, i would prefere using pustula offerings for now.
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You get more out of the Pudding/Cake/BPS than the Pustula. Even more so if you're using BBQ or WGLF.
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Simply to get them out of your view in the offering inventory. And before they have an even worse effect next Halloween.
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When there's no event going on, offerings are rare. No one even puts up a brown, so it's something.
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literally no reason unless you weren't planning on burning any offerings and then decide to just slap one on just because you can.