What character do you want that you know will never make it it?

NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

Title. Just a silly little discussion, because silly is good sometimes. I'm thinking like characters that aren't strictly horror, but you like anyways.

On the Survivor side (or maybe Killer) I'm talkin' characters like Doomslayer - just characters that would probably decimate the Entity's realm.

For a Killer, I'm gonna let loose the tiny weeb in me - Dio Brando from JoJo would be the memiest killer in existence and I want it.

For a more serious want, I would love The Thing or Jack Torrance from The Shining, with MacReady or Danny Torrance as survs.



  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Chucky would cool, but I cannot think of any way for them to put him in the game. Imagine his lunge.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I don't hate FnaF. I love that franchise.

    I just don't want it in DbD. Mostly, I just have a feeling he wouldn't fit in at all, and so many would play him that he would get stale quick.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I think it's more or less that FNaF is seen as more of a "kids" game, despite being six years old now. Back in the day, it was known for having one of those communities, one where it just had to breach everything even if it wasn't remotely related. Kinda like Undertale - I feel like the communities kinda ruined a lot of peoples viewpoints on the game. Personally, I don't really care if Springtrap made it in - I'm not a huge fan of FNaF, but it's not like I would despise it. I would be more or less indifferent. From everything I've seen, Scott seems like a pretty chill dude though.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    He is a rotting cyborg. Normally people would love the concept! The spirit, Plague, Oni, and Deathslinger are basically undead anyway...

    And if he isn't as strong as Freddy or Spirit, the amount of players would drop off. It is more about the option to have him in the game.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    The problem is, that the people who played it have grown up. I was fifteen when FNaF 3 came out (my first FNaF game), and now here I am at 20. Plenty of people are like me in that regard. I think many who are like you describe may have grown up and out of their zealous nature, idk.

    I was not a part of the FNaF community, but just a fan of the series. So I don't really know how they acted.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 364

    The Grunts/Servants from Amnesia Dark Descent as Killer, with Daniel serving as Survivor.

    The Grunt alone is already an eldritch beast that creates fake doppelgangers and whose very image drives you insane. So the idea of survivors facing fake clones who disappear once they reach you would be an interesting concept, on top of having to avoid seeing the killer due to insanity slippage.

    As for Daniel, he survived an entire castle full of these things and a different entity, which was darkness itself. Clearly the perfect survivor candidate.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I was never a huge fan of the series, but I'm in the same boat - I was 14 when the first game came out, and now I'm 20 myself. Sometimes a game just can't lose it's stereotypes, no matter how old it gets. Minecraft get's called a Kids game a lot too, despite being eleven years old. It's just how it works.

    The community was... Eesh, pretty bad. Well, at least a vocal part of it was. Just... A lot of stuff. FNaF was huge and for a few years, the marker was oversaturated with fangames or just straight up clones - I think people might be tired of it.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Never actually played L4D, but hey I could see it. On the issue of him being smaller, I'm pretty sure something similar happened to Oni. In his reveal trailer, Oni was absolutely massive but in game he's pretty much just a regular buff tall dude. Pyramid Head is bigger, but then again he has a really pointy hat.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Some might be, but I will admit I am looking forward to Security Breach when it is released. It looks great and seems like it will actually start moving the story along again...

  • huntressmain03
    huntressmain03 Member Posts: 120

    Minecraft Steve. If they can add it into smash, why not DbD?

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    I shoulda specified - Some people are tired of it, and are gonna whine if they see it anything. I won't admit that for a while, I was real tired of it too - but I can recognize why people love it. I think when people say Springtrap wouldn't fit is that he's designed really differently compared to everyone. For the most part, a lot of the killers are more "grounded". Compared to Michael Myers and Ghostface, a rotting corpse in a bunny animatronic is out there. Then again, god damn Pyramid Head is in this game, so I think any horror icon could get into this game.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    The New Killer for Dead By Daylight is... The Craftsman.

    A walking visage of terror, Minecraft Steve uses his twisted creativity to torment and torture.

    On a serious note, if Minecraft Steve got into this game it would 100% make this game ten times funnier.

  • Ballooni
    Ballooni Member Posts: 24

    TWD Game with Clementine and Lee with legendary skins to dress up as Kenny, Violet, Louis, etc.

    Killer could be the main villain in the final season (no spoilers here)

    It doesn't feel iconic enough to be in DBD tho

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    That is kind of why the Springtrap hype even happened in the first place. PH opened the floodgates (more so than Bill did) and allowed for any concept to be added as a license. If they can get any killer from any franchise, why not this one?

    I can see why people are worried, but honestly, with the way this game is being handled, BHVR is going to need the players.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    True enough. I really thought Bill was the most we would ever get in terms of video game representation.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I'm probably never going to stop saying it: John Constantine. Especially with the occultism that's been introduced in Felix's backstory.

    But, that's a liscence held by Warner Brothers and currently being leased to CW, so...

    YUNGRR Member Posts: 17

    Jeepers Creepers would be insane if he could fly

  • zladkorov
    zladkorov Member Posts: 1

    The grunt from Amnesia would be insane to have as a killer, I would kill for it.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I want Sidney from Scream and Brenda from Scary Movie!

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Godzilla: I’m a huge Godzilla fan, but he’s way too big.

    Major spoilers for the remake of Resident Evil 3 below:

    Stage 2 Nemesis: He’s got the highest chance of getting in because he’s big, but not gigantic, so he could be shrunk down. However, he’s quadrupedal. He looked really fun to play as. I wouldn’t mind an open world game where the story is pretty much “You’re a Resident Evil boss monster. Go kill people!”. I know we have Resistance, but that’s online only and you don’t get access to the other forms. Maybe it could even have alternate “bad” endings to the games (like having Nemesis succeed in his mission of killing all STARS members)

    Stage 3 Nemesis: This was the best part of the remake. We had a new version of Final Metamorphosis playing to fight a Nemesis that had gone much farther than he did in the original. You couldn’t just run in circles like every other boss fight. You had to face him head-on. It was really satisfying to hold the railgun and shove it in his mouth at the end (if only Jill had said a certain line during it). However, he’s way too big for this game (dude towers over Jill) and he’s immobile. The only way I could see him working is if the devs introduce environmental hazards.

  • CheeseAnton
    CheeseAnton Member Posts: 882

    So this is an original character concept I want. I want a dead-inside mascot costume employee. Would be like Ash in that he doesn't follow the standard "head," "torso," and "bottom" customization format. He would have "arms and legs," "outfit itself," and "face and arms" (it's face and arms in the cases that the outfit covers the face, so picking a certain piece of clothing would still be somewhat important).

    Hotdog would be default, but other outfits could be Cheese Boy; Hamburger; Corn Dog; Shark; French Fry; Milkshake; the boring rift outfit of him in actual human clothing for once; Brown-Rarity recolors of different sauce for hotdog (Ketchup, Mayo, Chillidog, Fourth Option, Fifth Option); Yellow-Rarity hotdogs (Ketchup, Mustard, and Mayo at once; Relish, Onions, and Tomatoes; and a Chillidog with Cheese and Onions); Chinese Box of Rice; and a fortune cookie. And those outfit ideas were just the top of my head.

    An idea I had for a perk where he gets a survivor to "cover for him" giving the survivor a speed boost in objectives until they die or somehow Hotdog dude takes back over his shift. Another could maybe be about him making money (think WGLF but with less money gain, but actually have an effect that you can use the match and not a mediocre 100% only for dying survivors). Can't think of a last perk though.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,933

    Darth Vader

  • Lunairtic
    Lunairtic Member Posts: 78

    Slenderman, he would be such a cool concept as a killer.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    A haunted house and the shark from Jaws

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Tazmanian Devil from Looney Tunes

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    Jeepers creepers.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    • Final Destination - It could be really interesting to have the "killer" actually be the environment trying to kill the survivors. So basically the killer player is constantly invisibly moving around putting down environmental hazards and traps and such, trying to set up possible chain reactions. No hooks involved, the objective is to down the survivors three times each essentially, but the ability is less direct since you are changing things in the environment or maybe letting loose AI bots that can attack survivors, that sort of thing. It'll never happen, of course, but it would be cool if it ever got pulled off well. (Sort of like that Resident Evil spinoff game where a mastermind is putting out NPCs and traps that attack a squad.)
    • Chucky would be cool but probably won't happen because his height would cause some problems. They'd have to essentially redo how he hooks people (e.g. make the hooks really low to the ground with winches. Rather than carry a survivor he drags them by their arm or leg, and when he hooks it's at ground level and then the hook automatically winches the survivor into the air at the usual height.) And being that short would make it really, really hard to chase people without some sort of aura ability, just imagine Chucky trying to keep track of survivors in the grass in Yamaoka for instance or when they run behind a car, it would be a nightmare for him! It's certainly not impossible, I'm sure there are clever things they could do to get around these issues, but it seems like it would be a ton of work.
    • The Creeper from Jeepers Creepers (or any other winged killer). Licensing issues and behind the scenes drama with Jeepers Creepers aside, the devs said a while back that they actually did experiment with winged killers at some point and there were just too many balance problems and technical issues with them. On outdoor maps for instance being able to fly up even a little bit so you can see over everything is a massive advantage. But then on indoor maps like Hawkins or The Game flight would be pretty worthless. Thematically it would be awesome to have a flying killer but I'm not holding any hope for it.
    • Any non-humanoid killer. A giant spider for instance would be really thematic in this game, or a huge wolf. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure the devs commented a while back that they need to stick to humanoid killers because of technical limitations.
  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Jeepers Creepers :(

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Zombie Pirate Captain Le Chuck:

    I mean he even has a dead raven on his hat for decoration come on!

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    John McClaine.

  • Zucker_Schock
    Zucker_Schock Member Posts: 565
    edited October 2020

    @NomiNomad @Spirez

    Well there are many ways but BHVR is pretty unimaginative, killers all follow the same pattern.

    I remember asymmetrical games that even had playable monster choices the size of a human head or a little smaller. It was a tick that could latch onto humans. It could also move on walls and the ceiling. Of course there were more monsters to choose from. The way they did it was humans had ego perspective and killers had 3rd person perspective.

    BHVR could do the same for Chucky, make him playable in 3rd person perspective. The lunge shouldn't be much of a problem either its just very small, he needs to get closer to the survivors to attack. If they wanted to they even could remove the lunge completely and replace it with a quicktime event where Chucky climbs the survivor and attacks them, if the survivor fails the qte he is downed immediately. If no other survivor helps the attacked survivor the survivor gets into the downed state after the animation / qte ends (a certain time).

    Since he would probably be a lot slower than other killers aswell he would need such pretty strong skills to balance out the missing tempo.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I would say Chucky but he'll obviously make it into the game at some point. People with their logic reasons of why he can't are just afraid of him

  • bangbison
    bangbison Member Posts: 104

    I’ve seen someone say that chucky could work and a voodoo doll being carried by someone relevant. I haven’t seen but it’s gotta do with voodoo, right?? So they’d be normal mostly and then the doll could be the power. I’m not really looking forward to fnaf, but I would love it if the killer was like, the system or the location. Like, playing the killer would be like the FNAF games and you are sitting somewhere looking at cameras and trying to keep survs off stuff and set off traps to injure and down. It would be complicated to implement but I think it would be fun to try and survive some kinda all seeing eye/eye in the sky kind of being.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340


    But unfortunately, the wind blew the whole circus away :|

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    From the Zombie mode universe of Call of Duty Treyarch.

    Doctor Edward Richtoften (Ultimis) as survivor and Samantha as Killer.


    Primis Richtoften as survivor with the Shadowman as Killer.

    Would love ot see that since I am a old time zombie fan since black ops 1. I even think that would also fit, maybe including npc zombies in the power of Samantha somehow since she can control them.

  • CaptainRaider
    CaptainRaider Member Posts: 151

    Bro amnesia monsters would be so cool with red slime and hallucinations with survivors powering generators to keep their sanity up! It would be so cool!!! 😳

  • CaptainRaider
    CaptainRaider Member Posts: 151

    I would want scooby doo and friends as survivors. The killer would be mastermind from 100 frights where he just spins around and transforms into a random killer from a set of 3, the killer set list would change depending on addons :)

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Hannibal Lecter

    i know that many people don’t want him because he is more of an intelligent and manipulative murderer. But I do think there is a side of Hannibal that is just a beast that likes to hunt, and I am pretty sure there are passages in the book and scenes in the series that show him like a typical slasher.. and he is a horror icon after all IMO. I tried to make a killer concept in this forum (Creations) using his strong sense of smell and making him a knowledge killer similar to old Freddy..

    The Blair Witch

    i think she has never been seen in the movies at all (don’t know about That 2016 movie..) but the original is such an iconic horror movie that I do kinda want her. I also have a killer concept for her in this forum.

    Jeepers Creepers

    only killer afaik that has been confirmed to never come. And rightfully so!!! It’s a shame because the killer and the characters don’t deserve that, but I don’t want him if it means supporting that scum in any way.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    Ma, I love that movie it's brilliant. Although people disagree with me because she apparently wouldn't fit which I get, but damn I'd love that.

    Chucky, but we know his FOV would be awful and hard to manage but he's a classic as long as they did the original and not that remake.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Barney the Dinosaur.

    The Master from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Xander and Willow as Survivors. I feel like it’ll never happen since it’s so old and lots of youth have never seen it.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Well Oni's original, so they could do whatever they want to it.

    I'm not a Silent Hill follower, but i don't think being huge is his main thing: He has a massive cleaver and wears a big, pyramid-shaped, metal helmet.

    Tank with his knuckles on the ground like a gorilla is like 3 people wide.

    They could reduce his size to make it work, but it'd be such a massive reduction that, to me, it'll just seem so silly.

    Being huge is his thing.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Yeah Pyramid Head really did open up the possibilities, Springtrap is someone I really want to come into the game, I hope that the new game Security Breach lives up to the horror aspects, because I think that is what the franchise needs. The community has since changed, and became something better and are more chill nowadays, I personally want him in the game because I want to play as a character from a franchise that made me fall in love with the Horror genre, and allowed me to explore more of that.

  • Ellistrae
    Ellistrae Member Posts: 11

    Rose the Hat and Danny Torrence from Doctor Sleep.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    That would be cool. Like I mentioned in my post, if we went the Stephen King route, I would much have Jack Torrance. He's by no means anything like Rose The Hat in terms of actual power, but man do I find him scarier. If they did do a Shining Chapter though, it'd probably include Wendy rather than Danny.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I don't think we'll ever get Chucky or Jason.

    Chucky because they would have to change a lot of base mechanics including hooking survivors. The POV would be awful because of how short he is.

    Jason because he's already in Friday the 13th and because of all the licensing issues.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Hannibal :(

  • Midori_21
    Midori_21 Member Posts: 723

    Shaun from Shaun of the Dead and Burt Gummer from Tremors.