Do BHVR need more devs or more competent devs?

I’m not sure if they are incredibly short staffed, have inexperienced / incompetent devs, employees that don’t care or a mixture of some / all of the above.
I’ve only been playing for around 9 months so I’m unfamiliar with the history / background of the game, it’s player base and the creators behind it.
What I have seen is a little worrying though, they accidentally wiped clean 7500 auric cells, 15,000 iridescent shards and 1,000,000 blood points due to the cross progression fiasco.
I’ve sent a ticket to support over a week ago which was ignored, I tried to reach the powers that be on this forum but that’s also proved very difficult.
Is this lack of customer support standard around here?
I don’t know but a lot of people have a problem with one of the developers I’m not going to mention there name. But there is a sign they need more workers to work on the game health like fixing bugs coding new characters and fixing the game. That’s my opinion.
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i completely agree, for me seeing survivors getting stuck on the hill for weeks on end set alarm bells ringing!
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They need devs that actually understand ps4/consoles. With the ps4 issues they suggested players update their firmware to fix it BUT on ps4 you can't play an online game if your system isn't up to date. Not knowing something that basic about atleast ps4 I think says alot about their lack of knowledge when it comes to consoles.
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You’re on point there! I’m surprised they allow things to go live without proper testing beforehand. I think they mean well, it just seems that they consistently bite off more than they can chew.
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IDK, monetization is going up but the quality of the game seems to be the same, the new graphics look pixely, bugs are still too abundant for this live service game and optimization is not a priority still.
We have 1 game mode and they can't seem to make it bug free or nondetrimental for players like encountering something like the hillbug, fps issues on console or a random killer bug that makes them annoying to play/unplayable until the next patch somtimes the next major patch that is month away while other games have better versions of what they are doing or compensating for time the players have to invest in there live services.
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Quality > Quantity for sure. They need better code, not more code.
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All very valid points, the lack of competition seems to make them very complacent too! It’s like a house that’s hundreds of years old, rather than use the money they have to build a new functioning one, they spend time and money doing cheap little repairs here and there whilst the rest of it continues to fall into a state of disrepair.
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Nah, nothing wrong with the code!!!
Our games are prototyped and fully playable before they even reached the pre-production phase.
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I would say they need people who actually play the game.
It's just completely obvious at this point that they don't play their own game enough to make good decision and they barerly listen to the community at all.
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looks like they are on a massive recruitment drive
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I think it is a massive amount of restrictions on creative freedom. I mean, there is no way any company who has such an excellent art team can be so... careless and ignorant with balance and all the monetization that has been added... it screams of upper management meddling, tbh.
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Definitely. BHVR needs to make an investment to start squashing bugs and improving the foundation of their game. They cannot keep increasing the macrotransactions while the quality is getting worse. And no, I don't think the Graphics Update is a quality improvement since the game is even less optimized now thanks to it.
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If you think the responsabilty is on the devs, you know nothing about software project.
If things are not going well on this game, BHVR is the only responsible.
If they need more devs, it is on BHVR.
If the devs are bad, still BHVR fault.
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Well, you're all free to make an asymmetrical horror game yourselves. No one is stopping you.
You all make it sound SO easy to code everything in C++.
If you think you can have an easy time acquiring licences and coding an entire asymmetrical horror game in C++ then be my guest.
BHVR may not be perfect, but they DID create a game we are all playing ( and most of us are enjoying it) so I stand by them.