What perks do y'all run on legion?

I'm lost now. Thanataphobia sucks so I don't bother, ruin + undying sucks cause undying gets cleansed first all the time, I don't care much for blood echo like i'm super lost now.

Y'all have any suggestions?


  • Maníaco_da_garrafa
    Maníaco_da_garrafa Member Posts: 144

    Enduring is nice.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,766
    edited October 2020

    I run Thanatophobia, Distressing, A Nurse's Calling, and Infectious Fright.


    1. Thanatophobia: Even though it was nerfed, it's still very effective on Legion. Survivors will try to take advantage of no healing penalty and heal to get rid of the slow down which in turn still slows the game down a lot.
    2. Distressing: I've learned over time that the Killer's Instinct is based off of your terror radius, so just like with Doctor, Legion benefits from having Distressing. It also helps with Infectious Fright.
    3. A Nurse's Calling: Helps with Thanatophobia and to just track down healing survivors in general.
    4. Infectious Fright: Whenever I play Legion there seems to be a lot of altruistic people and flashlights. I use Infectious to figure out who's around especially if someone is under a pallet. Distressing also helps increase the range of Infectious Fright so that helps.

    You can imagine I'm a very unloved Legion lol

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Enduring, Spirit Fury, Discordance/Tinkerer, and PgtW is a good build if you don't want to run Undying Ruin or Thana.

    Play aggressive at pallets and use Spirit Fury/Enduring to get downs while keeping everyone injured. Discordance helps you find grouped up survivors for your power, or Tinkerer for constant generator awareness with stealth. Pop is always good.

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Ruin+undying, as well as updated thana, are actually great.

    Enduring+spirit fury is rather popular but a bit of a one trick pony.

    Tremors > bbq

    Legion is one of the very few killers you can run ruin+pgtw due to longer match length allowing you to make enough use of both. Since undying became a thing, I'm not using ruin+pgtw anymore, though.

    Bamboozle is sometimes worth consideration, particularly against more skilled players that loop M1 legion for 3 minutes through a set of basic tiles.

    Surge and surveillane are both decent if you have experience playing with these perks.

    Some players use blood echo, I strongly dislike it, but you can gice it a shot and see how it fits your playstyle.

    Discordance is an okay perk as well, but you probably want to give it up as you get better - people who consistently co-op gens against legion are not that big of a problem to dedicate a full perk slot to them.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Any perk that gives undetectable or make the survivors oblivious also works pretty well.

    Seing how survivors will be injured a lot of the time being able to sneak up to someone really cuts chase time.

    Just keep in mind that it kind of messes with your power too if you go the undetectable route. So try the ones that you choose to activate aka ToT instead of something survivors activate aka tinkerer

    Surge works pretty well too once you can sneak up on people

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Build- 1

    Legion pin - Filthy Blade

    Thano, Enduring, Sloopy, Surge

    Thano- you can injure extremely easily getting the fully four stacks quickly, frequently and efficiently

    Enduring- Eat a pallets takes that ridiculous 4 second stun down to 1 second bonus if you hit through the pallet.

    Sloopy- Keeps Thano in check so time is wasted whether you heal or not

    Surge- with slower repair speeds and sloopy making it harder to heal you will often one shot by gens.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Same thing I run on all my Killers.

    STBFL + Nurses Calling + Tinker + Whispers <3

    I don't know if it's any kind of 'meta' but it works for me lol

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Yhea something like this, minus distressing.

    Although when and why did Thana get nerfed? :(

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    There's some really fun ones. PWYF/Enduring/Nemesis/Dark Devotion is decent and wierd.

  • JureissicPork
    JureissicPork Member Posts: 22

    I run Thrilling tremors, Pop, Ruin and BBQ. Bbq is the flex spot meaning it can be switched to another. If I see alot of toolboxes or no items I usually swap it to Thanatophobia. If I dont need the extra points I'll switch it to Enduring.

    Thrilling is quite explanatory, its the best gen information perk imo and most survivors dont bother to counter it. Ruin is there for the early game when you push survs away from gens. Pop to seal the deal once ruin gets cleansed

    I've found good success with this build

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I run Ruin, BBQ (point #########), Undying and Discordance. I might change Undying for Pop since I've lost Undying first in a lot of my recent games.

    This build has done extremely well for me. As long as you know when to leave chase you should also do quite well.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 684

    as i've mentioned in another thread, i run anything and everything on killers since i love mixing around my builds and playing with non-meta perks.

    i personally think that legion benefits the most off of perks that allow them to slow down generators and quickly cut through obstacles. so i advise using perks that assist with chase and affect generators.

    one of my most recent builds was brutal strength, spirit fury, thrilling tremors, and play with your food.

    my previous one prior to it was a ninja build i love doing on most killers (aka the "ew, get this terror radius away from me") build. it consists of trail of torment, furtive chase, dark devotion, and any other perk of choice, mixed with add-ons that effect the terror radius.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Thana didn't get nerfed. People just can't do math

    They bassicly shifted the extra time it took to heal to extra slowdown for gens and they added a totem cleansing speed penalty too.

    So survivors heal normally but experience slightly extra slowdown if they don't.

    Practicly it hasen't changed much

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    Just think about how they play or how you (want to) play them, then think what perks work with that.

    If you are someone who frenzy hits a lot, then perks that require a basic attack would be silly, so for example SloppyB or Franklins is out.

    Just open the wiki, check killer perks and see what you think would work well.

    Personally I am giving all killers (not possible due to not enough perks in the game so for me its no Freddy or Nurse) their own set.

    For my Legion im running Spies of the Shadows, Unnerving Presence, Caulrophobia and Overcharge.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,766

    That's just what killers are calling it because healing is no longer affected (effected? idk those confuse me). I don't think it was nerfed.

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096
    edited October 2020

    I use "Bloodhound, KnockOut, Nurses Calling(or I'm all ears), Deathbound (or BBQ)" build at times and here is why:

    • Bloodhound: For the sheer reason that most of the time people stay injured and with the blood being bright I can basically find them fairly easily if they are trying to hide from me.
    • KnockOut: Having people on the floor will give some time for me to check nearby generators and to injure/down or chase survivors if the right opportunity is there. People will start looking for the downed person at some point so after dealing with whatever it is that I decided to do when I downed that person. Go back to the knocked out person to maybe find more people there to injured and/or down. Knockout could snowball you into some kills if done right.
    • Nurses Calling: So I can see people heal if they heal. Which has a good synergy with Bloodhound. Heal and Ill see you, Dont heal and Ill see your blood.(or Im all ears if you want more auras during a chase)
    • Deathbound: Deathbound if you want more focus on the healing part where people cant hear you coming. (or BBQ if you are looking for more aura and bloodpoints.)

    Playing around with this build can be quite fun and see what you prefer. It could be that this build doesnt fit your playstyle and other builds might be more appropriate.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Personally, I love Surge because it was reworked to hit generators that are already regressing from Ruin. My favorite Legion combo is Ruin/Undying/Surge.

    But some other fun perks are Mindbreaker because it means Survivors working on gens can't Sprint Burst away and it messes with Survivors using exhaustion of any kind. I also like Blood Echo for similar reasons because it messes with Exhaustion Perks.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I've played a whole lot of different builds on Legion. Most end up working out fairly well. I'm fairly certain that Thanatophobia is still decent on Legion. However several of these builds could swap Thana for Pop or Surge. Also, one could swap Whispers for BBQ on just about any of them depending on when you want your tracking.

    The Basic: Thana, Whispers, Enduring, Brutal Strength

    I am Speed: Thana, Whispers, Play With Your Food, Make Your Choice

    Hidden Blade: Thana, Whispers, Tinkerer, Trail of Torment

    Skillcheck City: This is a new one I'm workshopping. BBQ, Monitor and Abuse, Unnerving Presence, Huntress Lullaby.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    my current build is:

    • Discordance
    • Thanatophobia
    • Pop Goes The Weasel
    • Brutal Strength

    its designed to reveal the location of multiple targets to apply Feral Frenzy to, highlight the gen where pop can deal the most damage and slow them down while speeding me up in chases.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Thana, Corrupt, Pop and Discordance. Played a lot with this build and it's the best thing for legion in my opinion

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Interesting in idea, bad on paper.

    Bloodhound is a wasted perk slot, because survivors are well enough easy to find, and if they understand how to hide their trails correctly, chances are you would not want to chase that survivor with a low rank killer such as Legion in the first place. Not to mention if someone really is having that much trouble finding survivors, BBQ would be much better.

    Nurses Calling is much better then I'm All Ears with Legion as NC has no cooldown and within your terror radius of which is tied to your power.

    Deathbound is just a meh perk all the round, so this is a wasted perk slot as well, it does not even have synergy with the perks you have mentioned, as if someone is broken you nullify NC being able to be used.

    Knockout on Legion is likely the worse rec I have ever heard, Legion is not a killer that is good with slugging.

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    I mean sure. This was just my build that I like to use on Legion based on the question in the title. Just for fun. Thought maybe it will benefit others with a similar playstyle like mine.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I love running Legion pin with thana! Ensures at least a minute of slowdown. I think Filthy or Nasty Blade would be overkill with it, but certainly not bad lol

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    I have a funny build based of


    •Devour Hope


    •Discordance (or an info perk)

    Also recently found out a funny build that would go like

    •remember me

    •dying light

    •pop goes the weasel

    •mind breaker

    Get them to suffer on these gens >:)

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    I think Third Seal works on Feral Frenzy, which can make it good due to the nature of applying it quickly.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    enduring + spirit fury (your power are useless in loops it only make survivors screen darker and thats about i). Tphobia (I dont really think I need to explain this one), ruin.

    Another build is brutal strenght, ruin, undying, tphobia

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    All I really keep on 28 Stab Wounds: The Gang is BBQ and Thanataphobia.

    BBQ should be obvious.

    Thanataphobia should also be obvious.

    The other two slots is really whatever you want.

  • EvilClimax
    EvilClimax Member Posts: 41

    enduring surge pop thrilling is amazingly good: try it.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Deathbound, STBFL, Bamboozle, and Blood Echo was what I used last time i used him. Have a new setup but y'know......PS4.

    Just FF the Obsession to keep STBFL stacks then stab everyone else normally after injuring. Bamboozle cuts off loops quickly and synergizes with FF. Blood Echo and Deathbound to throw off their rhythm.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    SF+Enduring, BBQ, PGTW/Ruin/Bamboozle/Thana