Killers Win Too Much

Please check the win/loss ratio of both sides and balance it accordingly . I find it hard to believe killers are underpowered when every single game I go into as a red/purple rank survivor accompanied by other red and purple rank survivors, the killers just stomp survivors every single game. Constantly I find that people die or get left on the hook still. Not to mention all of the bugs survivors have to deal with that mess up the loop.
Matchmaking doesn't help, I would take your experience with a grain of salt.
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If not: it's a bloody cycle of #########:
there's the idea that you must win at all costs, as fast as possible in the community, regardless the cost, meaning both sides play incredibly toxic, riling each other up.
look how you have BNF that will tell you that getting a killer to DC IS the most fun.
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If the MMR system had worked as intended, you can be sure people would be seriously talking about buffing Spirit, Hag and Nurse.
Killers aren't OP. Bad teammates are. Its just rare to get decent teammates so solo players almost never get the power trip that is winning against good killers with minimal effort. Which kind of makes any functional matchmaking system genuinely scary.
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There are innumerable reasons that balancing solely off of statistics is a bad idea.
For example, a reason for your current complaint may be that Survivor is simply too easy to rank up as. A Red Ranked Killer, generally, cannot be boosted to that Rank and the pip requirements are pretty strict, to the point where a 2K is likely a Safety or De-Pip, depending on how fast gens were done.
As Survivor, you can be boosted by SWF and the pip requirements are not extremely hard. So long as you have one or two decent chases, do a gen or two (or be chased while someone else is doing gens) and rescue a single teammate, odds are, you are going to at least safety. It's pretty easy to get to Red Ranks as Survivor.
This causes a HUGE skill disparity between Survivors and Killers at Red Ranks since the Survivors should be in Purple or Green Ranks, and the Killers generally do not. Then, when Killers encounter Red Rank Survivors who actually have the skill to be there, they get stomped, hence why there are people, such as yourself, that believe Killer to be OP, and other people believe Survivor to be OP. We cannot know for sure until people play against others at their own skill level.
MMR was supposed to fix this and settle the debate, but it came with its own massive problems.
Post edited by Pulsar on18 -
Hm...I must be doing something wrong then. Downing people in under 15 seconds, having a lot of hooks but still only getting 1-2 kills in most of my matches.
I guess I didn't pressured the gens enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, killers OP. Please nerf.
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It’s got nothing to do with killers and everything to do with what the other 3 people on your team are doing.
Everyone knows swf will do anything to get their friend off a hook, therefore if you dont camp or tunnel, chances are you are looking at minimum 10 hook game to win.
solo survivors believe more in self preservation therefore hook saves arnt priority, so a 6 hook game could actually get you a 4k.
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It goes like this:
Solo survivor: Extremely difficult to play until you get decent teammates around green/purple ranks, but even then, you get trolls. If you get to purple then things get easier as your teammates actually have a bit of oxygen flow to the brain. Green ranks - Grey ranks = people that are absolutely terrible at the game, once you go higher then the game becomes easier, though you deal with better killers that camp very hard and/or have an infinite supply of broken add-ons that they use every single game, i.e. infinite T3 or insta-down hatchets.
Killer: Very easy to play up until you get to around purple ranks and then all you get is 2+ man SWF groups that are usually all red ranks, so if you get to red rank as killer you usually belong there, but the game becomes unfun so I stop playing around that rank because you don't have the tools to beat good survivors unless they play very very very badly.
SWF: god-mode the entire time, only way that people lose is if they're completely new and/or trolling (hook-bombing constantly, t-bagging the killer and d/cing on the first hook, etc.). This should not have been in the game, but zoomers cannot play games by themselves apparently. This is what breaks the game as they abuse comms and are able to constantly communicate and tell each other where the killer is, and when it is safe to unhook/get off a gen, etc. The mode that is meant for people that are bad at the game and need a game mode crutch that cannot be countered.
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I wish I could upvote you more bud.
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Killer is underpowered, but there is broken ######### both sides can use. Combine that with bad teammates, and it can get killer sided.
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I main both and I can say that as a solo queue survivor, killers are WAY too underpowered.
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Now this is just someone just complaining about not escaping too much this is just a stupid complaint
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Survivors lose too much
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Killer only seems overpowered in my opinion when playing as solo survivor. If I'm in a duo though everything seems fine. I don't think killer is too strong but solo is too "weak."
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Duo is nothing. It really depends on the killer you're playing against. Every day, though, I draw closer and closer to using the full meta build that killers hate.
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The win/loss ratio overall is in a good place and is between 50-70 %.
The red rank statistics though are completely misleading. They only take into account the KILLER'S rank which means that there's a lot of lower rank survivors boosting the kill rates. They should not be used make any kind of claims about the balance.
In his latest stream McLean confirmed that the preferred kill rate is somewhere between 50-75 % and he also told that the red rank statistics only considers the killer's rank.
So please, everyone stop with this nonsense. If BHVR released actual red rank stats where 3 out of 4 survivors and the killer were red ranks, we would see more truthful numbers which could actually be used as a talking point.
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I've been playing with a premade, with no communication, for a bit recently and at most 1 of us died in any normal match the vast majority of the time (normal just means no mori, no iri hatches ect.).
It's really just your potato teammates, just having 4 people who know what they're doing is enough to have that survivor edge over most killers in my experience.
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Killer is most definitely not underpowered you just don’t use the killer accordingly. Killers in this game are actually quite overpowered. As a killer you are given way too much to assist you in doing your job. The amount they are given excessively impedes not only on the survivors ability to do their job but also on a level where it’s actually not really fun to do it in the first place. I think it’s way too easy to find survivors and you have to be well organized to have a chance to win. But the killer has the advantage every single time if you’re not well organized. That’s not balanced at all. When you have maps this small that provide obvious hiding spots you don’t waste much of the Killers time therefore not providing your team enough time to do their job. Every game it’s constant gen pressure and even then I think killers are given too many ways of setting survivors back by regressing gens. There are no resets for survivors. You aren’t going to get time added to your sacrifice bar. Once it’s depleted, it’s done. But killers can continuously reset survivor objectives? That makes zero sense in terms of fairness.
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I have played this game on both sides for quite some time. I know what I’m talking about. It’s not the same in terms of fairness on both sides. Killers can crush their opponents every single game if they wanted to. It’s not difficult. And if it is.. then you have got to get yourself more tools to increase awareness in terms of perks, a headset and a quality tv. 3-4K every game. Way too many ways to get caught, not enough survivor perks to cover up your tracks. Not enough survivability.
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Things would look different if the matchmaking worked as intended.
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Nah I don’t think that’s much of an issue. I see purple ranks surv against purple rank killers with the occasional red rank killer. But it’s quite astonishing how often survivors just simply die every game. Yeah it’s dead by daylight, name says it all. But it’s not fun to come in and die every game. 5 gens is actually quite a lot of work to do for 4 weak survivors that have very little survivability and ... at times, very little chances.
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It’s interesting to see people defend killers and state that they are underpowered. But they definitely are the lower role in this game. From a 1v4 perspective not just a 1v1.
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Imagine asking for killer nerds across the board for the simple reason that u suck lol
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Lol. Survivors.
Unable to split up across the map, do a gen each and guarantee 3 gens done within the first few minutes by the time the fourth is caught and hooked.
The problem is you my friend.
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Ok, no, there is not a problem with balance and killers being too strong. You're just new and at low ranks Killer seems incredibly overpowered because you've got survivors that literally don't know how to work on gens or what hatch is, let alone how to evade and escape the killer.
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You won’t find much clarity on here, most of the people on the forums seem to be killer mains. I’m sorry.
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I'm gonna be honest, I feel like this is just a bait.
But if this is serious... Killers don't need nerfed, Solo Q just needs buffed. A large, large portion of the Killer cast are terrible. There is the occasional killer that can feel completely overwhelming, Spirit and Nurse being the main two that come to mind, but again - a good SWF can destroy even a good nurse. Most killers are underpowered, it's something that most people agree on. The only time a killer is "overpowered" is in the case when four bad survivors are in solo q together. Even one good survivor can utterly destroy a bad killer, and keep a good one busy for a while. Survivor's, if they find a good enough loop, hold all the power in a chase, unless against killers like Deathslinger. But against a huge portion of the cast? Most of the time, you should take all stats with a grain of salt, there are way too many variables to decide if they're accurate or not.
This isn't me saying survivors need to be nerfed - they don't. Solo queue just needs to have more information given to them.
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The way ranking works now, killers are just better than survivors. Killers only have themselves to rely on to move up in the ranks. Meanwhile, baby survivors can get carried and believe they belong in red ranks, when really, they probably belong in green.
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#BuffNurse She's the weakest killer in the game statistically #115% movement speed, #5 blinks base.
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I definitely agree with this and wanted to add a couple things.
It's way too hard to depip as a survivor -- you have to let go on hook or get face camped to depip. Combined with the fact that with SWF, you can easily pip up or play against worse killers and still pip and you have a lot of survivors ranked higher than they should be.
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Duo at least ensures someone will safely pull me off my first hook. That alone is a huge step above solo.
I do admit though, doing solos has changed me from anti-DS. If there's no obsession then you will be tunneled. So I like to guarantee an obsession.
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They have high kill rate wich isn't the same as winning a fair match with players of equall skill.
You as killer can 3k depip or 4k blackpip which results in matches with players of unquall skill as ranking isn't based of kill rate thus ranking will put survivors who die each game as rank 1 as long as they farm enough emblem points while alive. Current ranking system doesn't evaluate survival as very important, actually it's only like 1/4 or even less important when you look at how emblems work.
This create the scenarios where survivors don't fell pressure enough to survive to increase their rank so most players just farm points and then do dumb plays resulting in them dying, boosting the kill rate. Rank 1 is plagued with horrible surviors who die each game yet they are able to farm each other off so they maintaint the rank 1 even when their survival rate is very low.
If ranking system was 100% based of kill/survival rate these statistics would be impactfull for balancing but since that isn't how ranking works they're almost useless in terms of balancing. Survivors don't need to survive to "win" thus surviving isn't something they strive towards and die far more then they should.
Also it's most likely not getting better as devs don't want to reveal anything about new ranking system that's working in the background. Once that comes out we'll know even less about what is considered winning and which statistics are actually important.
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Second thread with the same subject. Really?
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Killers only win against bad teams. When you play solo as I do well it's hard to play very good as a team, but still I escape a lot so killers are in no way winning too much.
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Thread make me chuckle. killers are the victims in this game
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Hardest eyeroll ever
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Nah, I lost all 4 games this evening.
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Nah, I play duos pretty much all of the time, but if my partner is the one getting chased... lol.
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Solo queue is awful for survivors. The only teams that win are SWF griefers
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You probably shouldn't necro a 2 year old thread. Feel free to start a new topic if you'd like to talk about this.
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Wait your still playing with the rank system? You should update your game we've been using mmr for awhile now. Good survivors have everything they need in game without even equipping perks. Most maps have plenty if not to many safe loops that the killer has to break the down pallet or lose the game getting a hit. Most the killers in game are still very underpowered. Go ahead and play a decent team as an m1 killer on Mos farm maps or the game. Bad map design and gen spread still hurts killers more then anything else in game.
I just had a match yesterday day were I started leveling Felix and got in game and realized I had no perks equipped. We 4 man outed with 3 hooks total.
P.s. just to be clear I was playing solo.
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No its a 2 year old thread necro, courtesy of @Fac_attack.
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I didn't notice that makes so much more sense lol. Why do people bring these dead threads back?
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if we should base balance around statistics then nurse should be buffed and pig nerfed...
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No resets for survivors? Self Care, medkits, being healed by another survivor, Dead Hard, Off the Record, Soul Guard, Boon Totems, Unbreakable, flashlight saves, pallet saves, body blocking, built in Borrowed Time, extra Borrowed Time, Deliverance, Reassurance, and I'm sure I'm missing a few.
Survivors can reset anything and everything other than hook states. You think that regressing a generator at a small fraction of repair speed is even CLOSE to that level of reset? You're either trolling or have never played killer and seen how fast those injured icons turn to healed while a flashlight save drops your downed survivor and starts a brand new chase.
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nah dude this is bait. no way you really posted this saying "red and purple rank survivors" as if that somehow matters
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If you would lose literally every match, you would never arrive irisdiscent ranks. You would stick to gold in best case. That's being said, so what is the truth?
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Its not bait its from 2 years ago courtesy of @Fac_attack