Surge is better than Undying

Surge stacks with Ruin now so the two perks have great synergy on Killers that down with M1 attacks. -8% gen progress with almost every down with Ruin's 200% regression really puts an exclamation point on the sentence when you're interrupting generators. Plus, Surge sticks around all game no matter what so you still have something to work with if you lose Ruin.
Personally, I've noticed that the Undying meta has made Survivors bring stuff like Detectives Hunch more and just be better about knowing totem spawns in general. Undying sometimes just delays the inevitable because at Red Ranks the Survivors often times will often cleanse every totem and the game goes downhill pretty quickly after you super Hex reliant build is deactivated.
So Surge + Ruin + Undying = Profit?
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Surge is soooooo slept on. I've been using it in my Legion build as my only slow-down for the past ~200 games and its done an amazing job. The buff it got recently has definitely made me even more addicted to the perk.
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I've become so attached to Stbfl + Nurses Calling + Tinker + Whispers I couldn't imagine replacing any of them with Surge and Ruin. I'll give it a go but I'm not saying I'll like it lol.
I'll probably replace Stbfl and Nurses as Tinker.
Though I will miss those surprise blink downs on mending survivors lol
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I don't think the problem is surge isn't a good perk it's that we only have 4 slots and there are so many other choices.
Ruin, Undying, PGTW, Corrupt Intervention, STBFL, Whispers, BBQ, NC, Sloppy, Franklins, M&A.
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As a killer main, one of your objectives should be to keep survivor's off of gens! Undying can help Ruin stay up longer and not only that it can encourage survivor's to stay off gens to cleanse the other totems!
I don't see Surge having the same value as Undying can especially the fact that Surge has a unnecessary CD!
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ruin+undying on the right killer like legion or blight is better than surge+ruin. this is especially true if the killer your playing often lands their secondary attack because surge doesn't work if you down someone with one.
tbh i would run surge more often if the regress % was slightly higher at like 15% or if it worked for non basic attacks or even if the cooldown was removed. as it is if your running a killer that often lands a non basic attack i would run pop on them instead of ruin+surge or undying and find a second perk that works well on them.
I feel like the perk just gets outshined by pgtw since its poor regression compared to pop along with its cooldown makes it not desirable unless you want to ignore gens as nurse or something.
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replace it with just ruin and unless the perk gets cleansed right away which is not too rare but uncommon enough to run it then you will get way more early game pressure which can carry you to a win.
my legion runs ruin, spirit fury, enduring, and blood echo and i just go on a killing spree after i get 3 survivors with frenzy. they want their exhaustion perks so they also often heal which takes around 30 seconds which ruin is regressing gens and if they play safe i get them after the first or second loop. during this time gen progress is practically dead until ruin is cleansed. by the time its cleansed i usually have 3 to 5 hooks with 1 or no gens done.
edit: like just making someone mend after using frenzy takes away more progress on that gen then surge can and your doing that constantly compared to how many times you get surge to activate.
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As part of Franklin’s base, Killer’s should be able to stomp on the survivor’s item after it’s been demised or strike it with their weapon (brief animation to the effect of a very short stun) rendering it damaged, cutting the remaining charges in half.
Just an option, could prove effective should a survivor manage to retrieve the dropped item.
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I really want to like Surge more, but I feel that the perk is still way too restrictive for me to get much value out of it. Especially since most of my favorite killers don't tend to down survivors with basic attacks.
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Id much rather stab survivors with their key or beat them over the head with their own toolbox.
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This sounds very interesting
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That's my problem with this perk too
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The range limit is pretty garbage, and if the survivor goes down in an inconvenient spot the perk is utterly useless. There's a reason Pop Goes the Weasel is very popular.
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Well I tried this build . . . I got 3k, downed the 4th and gave them the hatch because it felt really cheap. Does the job I guess but it didn't feel as fun as my usual Stbfl + Nurses Calling + Tinker + Whispers. Having sacrificed Whispers and Nurses Calling I felt quite blind as to where Survivors where and couldnt get my usual jump scares in nearly as often.
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Range is too short. If it was 48m I would use it but too often I down someone and gens are not nearby.
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Not really a fair comparison tbh.. you can’t compare surge to undying because they are for different uses, surge is gen slowdown where as undying just preserves totems. Ruin is where the slowdown comes from when you run undying you just do it to preserve ruin, so why not run surge as well, ruin surge undying then some tracking perk or chase perk.
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"Educational killers" and surge. The biggest waste of perk slot.
Ohh my gen lost 8% within 32 meters. What shall i do now??? I pop the gen without interruption.
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Surge would be a lot better if it didn't have the totally unnecessary punishment of being basic attacks only. What's even the purpose? You still have to down a survivor near a gen. It's not exposed or something, where it might make certain killers super powerful. A down is a down. It almost seems like it's there to keep Bubba from getting multi-regression with his chainsaw on some potatoes all stacked up, because I can't think of any other way the basic attack requirement makes sense. Except even that makes no sense because it can only be triggered once every 40 seconds, so why??
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Pop is far better than Surge will ever be. Its limited range makes it far too unreliable, also most survivors will lead you to areas where gens aren't being worked on. So when they finallly go down it won't make a difference.
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Tbh when you think survivors get 16 perks and most meta perks only need to be used by one person in a squad (BT, Unbreakable, etc) I don't think it's too crazy to ask for a Killer 5th slot.
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I use Surge because Pop is dead and RUin Undying is boring and I can say Surge is bad.
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Can anyone confirm if Surge damages gens while Hex Ruin is active and the gen is regressing/NOT being worked on?
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Yes. It does now. Except it only does it once. So you can't hit the same gen with Surge twice unless someone touches it. Because Ruin by itself doesn't technically count as "damaging a generator"
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Surge would be so good if it didn't have a cooldown.
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Honestly I might actually do this cos 95% of my games undying gets broken first and I’m done with it at this point
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Ditto here. It's rare for me to see Ruin/Undying last for more than 3 minutes, and then I'm down 2 perks. I guess I'm still getting value out of it though since I'm winning so many matches, and since survivor mains haaaaate that combo.
I might give Surge another try. Ijust hate that it only eorks with basic attacks. Surge is weak enough as it is without having so many requirements.
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Surge, Ruin, Undying, Thana = ouchie hurtie no no
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Surge always stacked with ruin
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Surge is not weak. It can regress multiple gens and save you time having to go kick them. The time spent having to not kick gens is what can make it so powerful. It's very strong if you understand how to value your time and split pressure.
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Im a big fan of PGTW and Overcharge its been good to me! :)
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"Surge" is okay. But definitly not on a level with ruin.
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I enjoy the perk that keeps ruin going like the Energizer Bunny. The extended lifespan on it simply is priceless.
Do what you want though. But a lot of us find that undying is absolutely worth taking due to how much time it makes survivors waste. And time being one of the key components in this game shows it's worth and it's entirety.
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Undying + ruin isn't even good to me. There are better more efficient ways than undying. Just cleanse it and the hex totems and you've lost two perks as killer When most killers need all their perks. It might work when survivors don't like going for totems or can't find them but all it takes is two people to cleanse while one is being chased and another doing gens.