Killers are too weak.

Buff every killer except Nurse, Hag and Billy.
Too Frustrating to vs 4 pussies with meta perks that just gen rush
I am extremely much for reworking maps to make looping less powerful. It'd be an indirect buff for all killers except Nurse.
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Not all killers are meant to be viable .... sadly
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
Not all killers are meant to be viable .... sadlyYeah. Only three of them are.
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Spirit is good0
I'd like to see changes that aid in map control and pressure. killers need a dominating presence; I see more survivors run in for a hug than fleeing in fear. Tr should be a tool for killers not an early warning that keeps survivors outside an effective chase range.1
I'm excited to see how the mid chapter patch comes out
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The problem is all the broken add ons and perks.
The toolboxes are OP as hell. This 80 seconds per gen is BS at high rank when they bring in good toolboxes and hit great skill checks. I went past a gen it wasnt even started, chased someone downthere like 30 seconds later and it was 80-90% done. How the hell do you compete with that?
Or I just had a game where I was chasing a Laurie. She was pretty good, hard to catch. Caught her eventually - d-strike. Oh great, now I have to catch her again. *Last gen pops* oh wow, Adrenaline, so now shes back to full health.
The developers either don't play killer or don't care. This game is stupid sometimes, absolutely stupid. These are meta perks too so multiply that across 4 survivors and I question why I even bother playing the game sometimes.
What solution do they come up with? Add 4 seconds to healing. Oh wow 4 seconds. At the same time they move hooks further apart which now means all of the time can hit the 35% required for D-strike. They think we're fools.2 -
@The_Crusader said:
The problem is all the broken add ons and perks.The toolboxes are OP as hell. This 80 seconds per gen is BS at high rank when they bring in good toolboxes and hit great skill checks. I went past a gen it wasnt even started, chased someone downthere like 30 seconds later and it was 80-90% done. How the hell do you compete with that?
Or I just had a game where I was chasing a Laurie. She was pretty good, hard to catch. Caught her eventually - d-strike. Oh great, now I have to catch her again. Last gen pops oh wow, Adrenaline, so now shes back to full health.
The developers either don't play killer or don't care. This game is stupid sometimes, absolutely stupid. These are meta perks too so multiply that across 4 survivors and I question why I even bother playing the game sometimes.
What solution do they come up with? Add 4 seconds to healing. Oh wow 4 seconds. At the same time they move hooks further apart which now means all of the time can hit the 35% required for D-strike. They think we're fools.
I have to agree. I saw this issue while researching DBD and looking at all the Perks and Add-Ons at the Wiki and correlating possible combinations. They have so many goddamned moving parts at this point, and keep adding more every few months, that I don't believe they have the manpower nor expertise to actually get a basic semblance of balance into the deal.
They have more moving parts between the Perks and Add-ons, and all the possible combinations, that more experienced, bigger studios would never go this far. And for a reason.
On top of that, they make it such a bloodpoint grind for all the Teachables and meta-perks, that an Asian gamer would walk away from it at this point. Then on top of it, make everything bloodweb RNG reliant along with the grind.
Then they put the game on constant sale, but outside of double BP weekends (or double BP combined with free weekends like recently), their Steam Chart numbers remain fairly level month to month.
It's almost like the new people who bought it on sale and saw that they're not only 2+ years behind in the BP grind, but also the RNGesus worship, and will get owned by most players as of Rank 15 thanks to depiping Vets, put the game down and didn't stay. And gee, I wonder why.
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@DeadByFlashlight said:
Not all killers are meant to be viable .... sadlyAnd this is a problem by itself. Exposes some very weird design choices from the developers.
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@se05239 said:
@DeadByFlashlight said:
Not all killers are meant to be viable .... sadlyAnd this is a problem by itself. Exposes some very weird design choices from the developers.
Yeah. It's really piss-poor. In a game like Overwatch or Heroes of the Storm, some characters being niche picks for certain types of maps with certain objectives (like in Overwatch between Payload, 2CP, or KoTH), is normal.
But doing that with killers in a 1v4 game like DBD just seems asinine. It also makes me hesitate to buy future DLCs. I mean, I'm paying more money for a new killer, but how do I trust that they are viable, and I'm not just throwing good money after bad?
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Just really hard to balance in this kind of game. They can't just buff all killers and nerf survivors. Otherwise you'll end up having new players join the game and never have a chance against a decent killer. They already get 4 killed every game. So if you made the killer stronger it would only make new players quit before they got anywhere. On the otherside. At high ranks and against decent players, killers have no chance. At least not the way I enjoy playing. Which is hooking and chasing and not camping/tunneling. I feel like being a bit campy and tunneling at times is going to be something I have to bring into my gameplay.
Another reason there should be a casual and ranked mode. New players learn in casual and ranked is for the sweaty people.
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Kilmeran said:
@se05239 said:
@DeadByFlashlight said:
Not all killers are meant to be viable .... sadlyAnd this is a problem by itself. Exposes some very weird design choices from the developers.
Yeah. It's really piss-poor. In a game like Overwatch or Heroes of the Storm, some characters being niche picks for certain types of maps with certain objectives (like in Overwatch between Payload, 2CP, or KoTH), is normal.
But doing that with killers in a 1v4 game like DBD just seems asinine. It also makes me hesitate to buy future DLCs. I mean, I'm paying more money for a new killer, but how do I trust that they are viable, and I'm not just throwing good money after bad?
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Dead by OoOoOoflight