Devs, can you listen to community this time and do something with OoO?

Like, should I even explain why?
Nobody likes this perk.
It is universally agreed that those who run it deserve death.
It breaks the game for trapper and hag.
Usage of this perk by SWF is broken because 1 person suffers the negatives of the perk and 4 people gain its advantages which are mapwide WH on the killer.
OoO + Midwich against low mobility killer = no way to catch that survivor as long as they remain on the second floor.
Statistics can't display how unfun it is to play against this perk. LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY HAVE TO DEAL WITH THAT BULLSHIT.
Please delete it, rework, I don't care, make it go and never return.
Yes, please focus your attention on a perk that is barely ever used. And screw your stats. This perk is insanely OP. Please ignore how odd it is that the perk is so strong and broken but yet such a small number of people use it.
Also, great job with undying. Ruin/undying has made the game healthy again.
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It is rarely used because only SWF can capitalize on that. Taking this perk in solo is basically sentencing yourself to death because killer has no idea whether you are another bunch of sweaty abusers, craving for even slightest advantage or an oblivious solo player.
In any case, whether this perk is taken, nobody is really having fair fun. Killer is either pressing DC button because he already knows what circus this match will be or they make killing this survivor their only goal (and believe me, they will accomplish that goal) or they simply give up on interacting with that survivor. In any case matches against OoO are filled with spite and hate. This is dumb
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Never going to happen. Can you imagine the outrage of all survivors if a strong SWF perk was nerfed? They cannot risk upsetting the majority because angry customers don't buy anything.
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Not so sure about that. During the recent Dev Stream, MCote brought up the very important aspect that Object is horrible to play against. There is a chance they will realise that looking at espace rates and nothing else that brings context is incredibly dumb. See dying light, this is a popular example of a perk that wasn´t used much and wasn´t that strong yet promoted toxic and unfun gameplay, hence it got changed.
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Small number? I see it about every other game at rank 1, sometimes multiple in 1 game. It's used more now than ever.
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I'd not hold my breath about that since its a Survivor perk we're talking about this time.
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There are examples of that, too. The most significant one I can think of rn would be Mettle of Man. Nowhere near as strong as Object but it was changed pretty fast too due to the backlash.
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Just because it's not commonly used doesn't mean it's not incredibly powerful. Having constant info on the killer's location is incredibly powerful with a team. It's also rarely used by solo players, which likely influences the stats. Try getting a 4k against a coordinated team that constantly knows your location and THEN tell me it's "in a good spot".
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Don't forget playing without OP addons and using a killer which is not spirit or nurse.
Oh, and if it's a hag or trapper then it's even better
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That´s a significant issue. If Object rises in use the high rank meta will narrow down even more. There are only a select few Killers that either benefit directly from Object or are less affected by it. Those Killers that are already considered weaker by the experienced players will get driven out even more. No one can tell me with a straight face that an Object team is balanced vs Trapper.
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Can you explain why? If it is so incredibly powerful, do most survivors just not use it out of the kindness of their hearts?
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every other game? wow, i've been rank 1 for years and if i see it once every other week that is a lot.
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It´s for several reasons. First, to use Objects full potential you have to be in a team of at least 3. With a duo it´s very strong, but to abuse it to it´s full extend that´s not enough.
Second, it requires good skills and coordination to do so, feats the vast majority of the playerbase do not possess. Hence the high death rate, most potatos that try bullying the Killer get themselves killed in the process.
Third, yes, I think many people refrain from using it because they realise how overpowered and unfun it actually is. Given they are experienced players, though.
Edit: I envy you. It´s not like every other game but a couple times per day I get Objects.
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Okay, I understand your points. But not to get on a what about thing here...but, what about nurse? If you watch tournaments or even play the game a lot you tend to come across a good nurse. I don't mean just a good nurse but a freaking good nurse. There isn't much you can do. Almost every tournament is nurse with hex: retribution, hex: ruin, hex: haunted ground, hex: noed. It's a blood bath. Yet this seems to be universally accepted because nurse requires a great deal of skill to be really, really good at her. The majority of nurses you face are just not that good. Is it the same for object? Can a survivor not have something that if they are really good it benefits them greatly?
Also, I agree with most of what you said except people not using it because it's unfun and overpowered. If that is the way survivors thought we wouldn't be facing teams full of DS UB every single match.
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- Object doesn't really benefit solo players, so it's mainly used in SWFs.
- A lot of players don't really know how to use object to it's fullest potential.
- There are actually a decent amount of SWF squads who stray away from meta perks to make matches more enjoyable for both sides.
If you wanna talk balance, I could go on about the many uses for object and why having info on the killer's location is devastating for killers.
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Well it´s about Object here, but to address your point: Nurses do get rekt in tournaments, it´s far from an auto-win. I understand though that a tourney level Nurse versing 4 solos is just as unfair as facing a good SWF with Object as Trapper.
If you´re unhappy about that, give feedback. Maybe you´re more lucky or elaborate than me and you´ll get listened to, GL, and I mean it. I think DBD would be in a better place if all the crazy broken stuff would get addressed faster than 1 good thing and 3 pig nerfs every 2 years.
This is kinda an unpopular opinion, but I´ve changed my stance on DS+UB a bit. It´s crazy strong for sure, but well, over the years playing Killer I picked up the habit to always play around these automatically anyway. I very rarely get hit by DS, for example.
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Even if object was only useful against hag and trapper, why would you want to keep that in the game? Slippery meat was (and still is) awful, but they still got rid of the increased trap escapes because it allowed people to get out of traps way too quickly. Object is the same way in my eyes. It's not going to hard-counter every killer, but when it works it makes setup killers and killers with smaller terror radiuses very difficult to play.
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Appreciate the civil discussion. Good points sir. Thank you.